Chapter 30

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     "Would you look at them! They're adorable." a female voice.

    "Yea, I guess." another female voice.

     "They're disgusting." a male voice.

     "Cute they're no." definitely Leo.

     I opened my eyes to see the gang looking down at me. Three with grins and one looking like they want me dead. You can probably guess who that is.

     "What's going on." I groaned, turning my face away from the flash of Meghan's phone. I felt someone shift next to me.

     I looked to see Christen looking at me from her pillow. The right side of my face was down on the bed from me turning away. I moved my hand a bit, feeling one on her back and one in her hand.

     We both realized what we were doing and released each other. I sat up and leaned back on the couch, taking my hand away from her back as well. I looked at the four staring at us again.

     "I'm going to ask again... what's going on?" I said groggily. Ash walked over to me with my phone in her hand. She held it out for me and I took it.

     "You left it downstairs and it's been going off like crazy. I told Meghan to bring it up to you but when she got here she ran right back down the stairs, almost dropping your phone in the process." Ash said causing Leo to laugh. I checked it and saw three missed calls from Kelley, one from Hope and one from Alex.

     "I need to return these." I said simply, getting up and going to the balcony. I got on to the railing and latched on to the roof, pulling myself up.

     I dialed Kelley first, speaking that she was one one that seemed the most urgent. She picked up on the second ring.

Kelley: Tobin I swear to god, you have no idea how worried I was. What the hell were you doing?

Me: I was sleeping.

Kelley: Are you sure? Because Alex got a very interesting call from Servando. Care to stop lying now?

Me: Oh come on Kel, I wasn't lying, I just didn't tell you everything. Why did Alex tell you about it?

Kelley: Because she's right here. We were hanging out when she got the call. Really Tobin? You pushed him into a cavern?

Me: Are you joking right now? Come on Kel, you know he likes to make up stories, that's not how it went.

Kelley: I guess you're right. How about I put you on speaker so you can tell this to Alex as well. Tell us everything. Don't leave a single thing out and tell the truth.

Me: Fine. I drove to the park across from the police station, where there's large rocks forming s type of hill. I was parkouring along and–

Alex: Really? Parkouring? At least make it a bit believable.

Me: You know what, fine. Think whatever you want to, I don't need this right now.

Kelley: Tobin wait, continue.

Me: How about we save our angry comments after I'm done talking. Anyway, I was minding my own business when a friend came and started talking to me. We then went for a little free run on the rocks and I fell in the cavern. I then got out and started to leave when someone dragged her down, causing her to hit her head and injure her back.

Kelley: Oh my god, is she okay?

Me: Yea, she's fine, thanks for asking. I saw the person running away but I decided I needed to help her out. I went to my car to get my jumper cables to lift her out when Carrasshole

Alex: Carrasco.

Me: Yea whatever, same thing. He came over and took my cable that I needed. After asking for it back I punched him and took it back.

Alex: What the hell Tobin.

Tobin: What did I say about the anger? Now by that time I took off to help her and he chased after me. We came to the cavern and I jumped over while he didn't. He fell in and the only way I was going to help him is if he helped me.

Kelley: Is that all?

Me: Well, the prick didn't thank me after and he told me not to say this but he was drooling over my friend, told me he'd leave Alex in second if he could get to her.

Alex: He didn't.

Me: Hey, Kelley told me to tell the truth and I did.

Kelley: Okay well, here's the deal. I might just believe you if I see this girl and if you could possibly show us your skills.

Me: Yea sure, fine, whatever.

Kelley: Alright. Well Alex wanted to talk to you separately so I'll leave the room and you two can talk.

Alex: Did he actually say that. About me.

Me: As mad as I am, I was telling the truth. He didn't do anything with her, I made sure of that, but hey, it's not like you're going to break up with him anyway.

Alex: What's that supposed to mean?

Me: It means you're completely oblivious to the fact that he's a complete ass and yet you're still with him.

Alex: And to think I was going to be apologetic with you. You're such a hypocrite.

Me: I prefer the word asshat over anything and how dare you say that? I'm nothing like him. I'm nice and not self centered, or sex centered speaking that he leads with his dick, not his brain.

Alex: Shut up.

Me: No. I won't shut up. I'm not going to let you manipulate me anymore Alex, I'm not your toy to mess with emotions. I can't take much more of any emotion or I might must explode. So if you could please either just be nice to me or leave me alone, I'd appreciate it.

Alex: You're giving us proof. Tonight. After then, I'll do one of those.

     The line went dead. She hung up on me. Dramatic are we? I got a text right after that.

Kelley: Park, 7pm. Be there.

A few updates since I owe it for not doing it since almost a month ago. oops.

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