Chapter 29

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"Don't worry, Dr. Klingengerg is here." Meg said, finishing up with Christen's head wound. I never knew she was our on sight medic.

"Thank you." I said to her as she left the room. I closed the door and took a deep breath. I put my back to it and leaned against it.

I looked at Christen on the bed from afar. She was on her stomach still asleep. She had a nasty scrape on her shoulder blade that was deep. Her thin cotton shirt was ruined so I took it off her.

Meghan treated it with something, I can't remember the name, but I have to reapply it to make sure she doesn't scar up too bad. Hopefully, when she wakes, up she won't have any brain damage.

I've taken responsibility on keeping an eye on her, she is my roommate after all. I decided to take this time to relax and get down from my high that's still present.

I stepped out to get a pillow and a blanket so I could just lay next to Christen. I grabbed the ones I used on the downstairs couch last night and went back up.

I got in to see Christen as she was when I left. I pulled the couch that was in front of a tv over and next to the bed. I laid down and watched Christen as her breaths were nice and even.

From her long eyelashes to her slightly parted lips, her features were beautiful while was sleeping. I put my hand on her back and felt her cool skin against my hand. I pulled the blanket up as far as I could without it touching the treatment on her shoulder blade.

She was so peaceful, I found my eyelids getting heavy as I wandered off into sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, but peaceful. I woke up to the sound of movement.

Me eyes shot open, revealing Christen looking at me. I was supposed to be watching her but I fell asleep. Good job me.

I sat up and moved as close to her as I could while still sitting on the couch. I put my hand to her forehead to see if she was warm. Definitely not, she was the exact opposite.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, going to check her back. I had to reapply the treatment, it was drying up.

"I'm okay... what happened?" she said. She started getting up but I put my hand on the small of her back and held her in place.

"You need to stay still, I have to treat your shoulder blade." I said quickly, earning her to relax into the bed again. "I'm not exactly sure what happened. Do you remember anything?"

"Well I was on the rocks with you and I got out off the cavern and started to go after you when someone grabbed me, making me slip. Then I ended up here." she said slowly, trying to concentrate on remembering. I nodded and started lightly putting the application on.

She tensed up and her breath hitched. She balled the bed sheet in her hands and let out a wince. I stopped and after a few seconds she relaxed again.

"What the hell is that." she said through gritted teeth. I looked at the label. It was all peeled off, I honestly couldn't tell.

"I'm not sure but Meghan told me to apply it so you wouldn't scar up so bad." I said to her apologetically. I didn't mean to hurt her.

"Just get it over quick, okay?" she said, burying her face in the pillow and gripping it on the sides. I put more on the rest of the wound.

She let out a scream that was drowned out significantly by the pillow. I felt so bad. What the hell was in this stuff?

"Okay, okay, I'm done. It's done, I won't do this anymore." I said to her, not able to continue. She was breathing very quickly. I started rubbing her back where she wasn't injured. Slowly, I felt her relax against my touch, her breathing slowing also.

Eventually she fell back asleep. I decided not to wake her even though you shouldn't sleep with a head injury, but she woke up fine so I guess I'm taking a chance. Even when she was sleeping I continued massaging her. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said quietly, trying to make sure Christen stayed asleep. I looked at the door as it opened. Meghan stepped in to the room.

"I just came to check on her, how is she?" she asked while walking over to us. I looked back down to her, her tan skin glowing from the natural light.

"She's okay, but whatever this is, it has to go." I said, handing her the tube with one hand and continuing to rub her back with the other. Meghan looked at me with a strange expression. "It hurts her. A lot. Is there anything else you can get."

"I don't know, it's so deep, we need to make sure it doesn't get infected Tobs." she said to me. It wasn't going to cut it, I didn't want her in a lot of pain.

"There has to be something, anything. Just not this." I said, letting out a sigh. I looked at Meghan and she returned the sigh.

"I'll try." she said flatly. I mouthed a 'Thank you' to her as she left. I stopped massaging Christen and pulled the blanket up again since she was so cold.

I took the one I was using and put it over her, creating an extra layer to hopefully warm her up. I watched as she completely relaxed while finally warming up. I had my hands placed intertwined on the bed.

I looked out the window while listening to the wind. I felt her hand on mine, causing me to look down. She seemed to be still asleep. I let go of my own hand and held on to hers.

I felt a gentle squeeze and then it relaxed right after. I looked at her and saw a slight smile on her face. God she looked so good. I again found myself getting sleepy.

I rested my head on the bed next to my arm to relax, but I have in again and fell asleep.

Also, yes, this is Talex, but it will have Preath in it as well
ur welc.

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