Chapter 2: The Broken Necklace

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"How did I not see this?" She whispered.

"What does it say?" I asked.

Alix gladly handed the scroll over to me, as if she couldn't stand to hold it for another second. Jaxon stood behind and rubbed her shoulders. He looked just as disturbed as she was. Looking down at the scroll, I skimmed over each word, my hands began to shake uncontrollably as I reached the end.

Two hundred years of Darkness shall be brung by the one male heir and his army of Dark Ones. In that time the magical world will slowly fall apart. No white witch or warlock will be able to match their powers. Only one girl- a child of the male heir, half-human half-witch will be able to put an end to the madness. She will put an end of all black magic by taking it out at the source.

I looked up, my frightened stare matched Alix's and Jaxon's. I couldn't see Aleksander's face but I could feel his fear and worry for me. We all shared the same question, what could this possibly mean?


I could still feel the heat from the ruby, even though it was no longer in my hand. Caddie held onto the pulsing gem for dear life, her eyes continuously flickered to me through the conversation to make sure I didn't try to grab it. Grabbing the ruby was the furthest thing on my mind, I wanted to throw it up in the air and have Caddie disintegrate it. There was something about that jewel that screamed danger. It made my skin crawl, and sent tremors of fear down my back. Funny how I had spent months locked away in a dungeon, being torchered and a little gem frightened me. After everything that life has thrown at me, I should have grown thicker skin.

Wrapping my arm securely around Caddie, I seeked an ounce of comfort. People thought she was dangerous, a liability to our safety, but I disagreed. She was my knight and shining armor. I hated to admit it, but she had always been the hero. I shook my head, knowing how pitiful that sounded. My man card was going to be revoked it I didn't even the playing field soon.

"We don't know that this prophecy is meant for me," Caddie was the first to recover from shock, "There could be another half-mortal, half-witch who is associated with the Dark Ones."

We all gave her skeptical look. Maybe her excuse would have worked if half-witches, half-mortals were a common occurrence- but they weren't. Before I heard of Caddie, I didn't even think that mortals and witches were sexually compatible. Our species might look alike but we were so different.

"Caddie," Alix began, "Normally when freaky coincidences happen in our lives, they aren't coincidences!"

Caddie bit her thumb nail and mumbled, "I know."

"So what do we do now?" Jaxon, Alix's older brother, asked.

I didn't like him. He seemed to care about Caddie, in a brotherly fashion, but he was so arrogant. And entitled! The jerk acted like a king because he was rich and apparently 'hot'. He needed to know that he wasn't royalty. I was! So if anyone is going to act arrogant and entitled it was going to be me.

"Don't worry about it," I snapped, "We'll figure this out. You should go, before you miss the opening speech."

"Alek!" Caddie hissed.

I ignored her, and kept my eyes trained on Jaxon Slade. He had the nerve to stare back, instead of backing away. His jaw tightened, as he tried to get a grip on his anger. Lashing out on an heir wouldn't look to good for his reputation. Especially since his fan club was made of my left overs.

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