Chapter 9: I'll lie, You Spy

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**Adeline Above**


"Yeah," Caddie agreed with a tight smile on her face. "Tell everyone. This will be an interesting story."

Her lack of faith in me was amusing. I was just doing what was best for all of us. Caddie was horrible liar. If by some chance I did come up with a spectacular lie that put all the rumors to rest, she'd never be able to keep up with it. If confronted, she'd probably avoid answering any questions- leaving the backdoor open for all kinds of gossip. I couldn't have that.

Roberto, or Prince Roberto, as he so humbly stated, stared at me with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. His coal black eyes were crinkled with amusement. It was all an act, though. Roberto was not amused by my declaration. He wasn't angered either. The guy was numb, void of all emotions. The world was a colorless prison, nothing ever seemed important or worth care to him. I idly wondered what that be like, to not care. No matter how hard I tried, every stupid, insignificant detail in the world affected me. It was annoying but perhaps not as annoying as never being able to feel annoyed. Empathy has it's downfalls but being understand how everyone felt was extremely helpful in some situations.

"We're distant cousins, twice removed I believe," I said matter of factly, "My friends and I were orphans. Only recently when the HeadMinister stumbled upon us and did some research did I learn about my royal relatives."

The royals swallowed the truth easily. Some of them, had reservations it was clear on their faces. Adeline was one of the few who found my impeccable lie difficult to believe. She was a natural lie detector. I had anticipated her skepticism; so I kept my charming smile in place and turned my attention to her.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I wish I could have spoken to you in a more intimate setting though," I said.

She stared at my eyes, slightly shocked at the uncanny similarity. After an unsettling moment of silence Adeline let out an unflattering squeal of delight and flitted over to my side. Grabbing her waiting hand, I placed a chaste kiss over her gloved knuckles. The Royal sitting in the chair beside me, scrambled out of his seat and offered it to Adeline. The guy nearly fainted when Adeline turned her dimpled smile upon him.

So weak, I held back a chuckle.

"You must tell me everything about you. I've always wanted a brother, I am an only sibling," Adeline solemnly informed me.

A burning hunger to have a familial connection raged within Adeline. Being raised in a family where duty and honor always outrank warm hugs and kisses, left an everlasting impression on a child. I would know. Looking at Adeline, I could see myself in her sparkling blue eyes and soft brown hair. A young lady, like her, was raised to be the epitome of sophistication and elegance. She didn't have time to play with dolls or draw pretty pictures to show to her parents. I can't imagine she made many friends while memorizing every spell and Latin word to ever be created.

"There isn't much to tell. I'm an orphan, my parents are gone. I had a twin but he died. As a child, I studied a lot, which did not lead to me having many friends. Caddie here," I gestured to my glowering girlfriend, "Was one of my first and only true friends."

Caddie's anger spiked. Her hands gripped the sides of her chair, tightly. I tried numbing her anger but her rage knew no bounds. I didn't even know why she was so bent out of shape. Our secret wasn't revealed. Nobody was suspicious, we could still slide under the radar and gather the information needed to stop Roberto.

"Are you alright?" Adeline asked, concerned.

"Oh, she's fine," I laughed awkwardly before Caddie could open her mouth.

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