Chapter 4

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"So you mean to tell me that you want new clothes but your parents won't buy you any?" I ask the girls.
"Yes." They said at the same time, "she wants a dress. And she wants to trade her clothes for the dress." Maya explained.
"Well good luck to you both." I said walking out the room.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Riley asked quickly
"It's the last day of Uni. Of course I'm going to go. I am finishing up on my lawyer doctorate. I finally can work together next to my sister." I said
"But you already have two PhDs and already have a job!" Maya said rushed.
"Yes, but just because I am already working, doesn't mean I have to stop studying." I told her and shut the door.
Later that day I got a call. I was back at the apartment when Pangers called saying that I needed to get to a store across the street from the bakery. I got up from bed and put on my pair of combat boots. I walked out the house and got prepared for whatever came.
When I got there, everyone was surrounding them. I see a crazy hat and looked around to find the girls standing behind her.
"I'll buy this place off you for this much" she said while writing on a piece of paper.
"I'm sorry, the place isn't for sale. It's going to be mine someday." The redhead said
"Woah. That's a lot of zeroes." The man said.
"Wait. What? Are you kidding me? You just sold me out!" The worker said.
"It's a lot of money. Are you willing to buy it for that much?"
"No! I don't want this ratty old place!" Evelyn said and she turned when she saw me from a reflection with the girls.
"Aw! If it isn't my favorite little smarty pants!" She yelled and came over to hug me, "you know. You should've came with your sister. It was a big deal but we all know that Stella Lawrence is in school." She continued, "this would've been all over sooner if you had just brought your sister Topanga." She said turning around, "I mean after all you're both ridiculously smart, and she's also got the muscle." Evelyn stopped her rambling and turned to the young girl.
"You know, if I didn't know any better you haven't got a good role model in your life...I suggest you start doing good now..because later in life it'll come back to bite you." Evelyn said and with that she left.
"You know, you seem oddly familiar." I told her.
"Yeah, I kinda went to NYU and dropped out because my parents told me that I'd get the place but now I'm just kinda hurt." She said with a bitter laugh
"Well maybe you should go back to school. Finish what you started." Topanga joined
"Why did she call you her favorite smarty pants?" The girl asked me.
"Well, I've got 3 PhDs now, and I graduated with honors. I can kinda see why.." I said, "maybe you can be me someday, but it'd be better if you pushed yourself and be yourself for once." I told her while putting my arms around the girls, I continued,"all you gotta do is find someone who encourages you to do good." After I said that we walked out. I looked down and told Riley," is that an astronaut on a horse?" She just smiled really big.


Later that night, everyone was in the living room. Cory and Auggie were sitting in the kitchen. Riley,Topanga, Maya, and Stella were sitting in the living room folding Riley's clothes.
"You know, next time. Just tell me and don't got selling all your clothes." Topanga told her daughter, "Or tell Stella and she'll defend you till her last drop of blood." Stella laughed,
"They did tell me, I just couldn't tag along."
"Auggie, did that look work for me?" Cory asked his son
"Sure thing, dad, sure thing." He said and Cory smiled confidently.
"What look?" Stella asked curiously.
Topanga took her phone out and showed her the picture.
"Oh..honey no. That was not your look." Stella said teasingly and started laughing. And soon everyone  else joined into the laughter.

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