Chapter 17

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Stella POV~

Summer time!!! Yes! Finally! It has been months of drama after drama, the gang is moving up to high school. So as of right now Topanga and I are planning a graduation party for the gang and setting up everything on the rooftop. We are inviting everyone who can come, including the newlyweds who have already confirmed they were coming, Minkus and his wife, obviously the hosts, and if possible every family member known to man.

"Cups?" I read off the list,

"Check." I heard Topanga reply from the aisle next to me.




"Check. Check, Check." The girls said and Topanga continued while I grabbed the drinks and chips. I turned to go back to Topanga but accidentally drop the chips. I reached down to grab them but another hand beat me to it. I peered up at the person and grabbed the chips.

"Thank you, I can be a klutz sometimes." I say nervously.

"I can be too, but a pretty face makes up for it." He said, his voice rasping as he chuckled. I soon joined in, 'contagious' I thought.

"I can relate." I say after grabbing a basket for the stuff.

"My name is Jake," His hand extended,

"Stella, Stella Lawrence." I say shaking his hand.

"Stella!" Topanga yelled from two aisles down.

"Yes?" I inquired still looking at the stranger, into his honey colored eyes.

"Don't forget the candy, Aunt Stella!" Riley yelled from the end of the aisle.

"I won't!" I say loud enough for them to hear. I turned and grabbed a few bags of candy and saw that Lucas' favorite candy was way up top. I do a small hop to reach, end up stretching my entire body to reach the candy and realize it was useless since I was nowhere near them. Jake, to my surprise was still there,

"Here, let me." He said as he reached over me to grab them, handed them to me with a slip of paper. I took both and turned to walk away.

"I hope to see your pretty face around soon." He yelled as I reached the girls.

"Likewise!" I yell without turning around and pull the girls along, still gaping at the stranger who talked to their aunt.

"Aunt Stella! Who was that?" Riley asked excitedly,

"I've got no idea Riles, come on let's go meet your mom."

"Stella! You go auntie!" Maya laughed loudly. All of a sudden, she stops and gasps. Riley blocked my path and Maya holds me in place when she turns me in the opposite direction.

"Auntie do you trust us?" Maya asked, and I vaguely remember Riley asking her the same question.

"Of course I do, what is going on?" I asked, "I'm the adult here, shouldn't I be the one protecting the both of you?"

"Aunt-" I stopped Riley short as I turned around. I saw Josh with a girl, on his arm. I took a deep breath before deciding to just walk by like nothing. It's not like he belongs to me, we are friends, who haven't talked in a while, after all he is Riley's uncle. I grabbed both girls,

"We are going to walk past them, and it's okay with me. Just keep walking unless he sees you, then you stop and say hello." I ordered them as they nodded and walked ahead of them and they continued to whisper and you would hear a small giggle once in a few seconds. As we neared the girls got quieter and tightened their grip on me, as if they were going to pounce, or vice-versa. I smiled lightly, the smile that drove him crazy and continued walking as I felt his stare on us,

Stella Lawrence~ GMWWhere stories live. Discover now