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SONG= Weston road flows by Drake

It was weird having to sleep by myself but I was still in a mood with Jacob so it was better than sleeping with him.

I had to get ready because Ethan was picking my up at 11am.

I wanted to wear something cute so I wore my white and green leaf pattern romper with some brown sandals with a slight heel. I put on my jewellery and then grabbed my Ray-bans from the side and walked out of my room.

Jacobs door was wide open and I could see him peacefully sleeping still. I guess he left it open hoping that I would come back in bed with him.

I walked down the stairs picking up my bag on the way and then sitting it down on a breakfast stall. I grabbed some granola, yogurt and mixed berries. I made my breakfast and then sat down to eat it.

Just as I finished it I heard someone knock on the door. I opened it up and it was Ethan. I greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll just get my bag" I said as I rushed out of the kitchen.

As I turned the corner to get my bag I was confronted with Jacob.

"Where are you going?" Jacob said seriously.

"Out" I said as I grabbed my bag and walked away.

Jacob grabbed my arm and pulled me back "Who with?"

"Ethan" I couldn't be bothered to lie.

"Where?" he was getting quite worked up.

"I don't know yet" I said and released from his grip.

"Have fun with that girl" I called as I walked out the door slamming it behind me.

We walked down the hall and out of the apartment.

I heard him open the car and I looked up and I was stood in front of a black Mercedes Benz, my dream car.

A little sequel come out.

"You okay?" Ethan asked laughing a little.

"Yeh it's just this is my dream car" I said

"It was mine too" He said opening the door for me.

What a gentleman.

"How did you manage to get this car, you work in five guys?" I said not trying to be rude.

"I only work there on saturday's" He said getting into the drivers side of the car "My dad has a lot of money because he owns five guys" He shuffled to get comfortably into his seat "Plus I got a lot of inheritance"

"Wow, you're lucky" I said a little shocked about what he had said about his dad.

"I bet you have a nice house" I said trying not to sound like a gold digger.

"Yeh It's big. Little lonely because it's just me" He said starting the car

"Don't you have a girlfriend or wife?" I said curiously

"No, no girlfriend and wife, calm down I'm only 23 too soon for marriage"

I blushed a little because I was married at the age of 21.

"Why you blushing. Did I say something wrong?" He said worried.

"No,no It's just. I got married when I was 21" I said blushing more.

"Wow that's quite young, you are still young you should be enjoying life" He said

"Yeh I guess. I'm starting to regret it because I was rushed into it" I said looking down at my legs.

He Helped Me|| Sequel to 'Help me'|| E.DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt