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SONG= Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding

As we were driving there it was starting to get dark. I was quite nervous because I wouldn't know anyone there except Ethan.

Ethan was really good at making conversation on the way there. He talked about himself and his life but he also took time to ask me things about myself.

"Oh yeah and I left out quite an important part" He said.

"What?" I looked at him but he kept his eyes on the road.

"I have a twin brother" He said biting the inside of his cheek.

"AHA" I laughed "That is a important part. Are you identical?" I asked curiously.

"ugh sort of but you can tell us apart, which is a good thing"

"Yeh" I agreed.

"I would't want you kissing the wrong twin" He winked at me.

"And why would I be kissing you anyway? I am married" I pointed to the ring on my finger.

"I know" He said cheerily.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

When we got there the party was at a huge house. I have no idea who's it is. I'm not use to all these big expensive houses. They seem like a maze to me.

As we walked to the front door there was already people being sick in the hedges. I guess it's one of those parties.

I sighed "How are they ever going to clean that up" I said looking back.

"Don't stare too much" He chuckled "And I don't know" He grabbed onto my hand again. What is up with him with the hand holding thing. Doesn't he get that I'm married.

I didn't let go because I didn't want to offend him. So I just went with it.

We walked into the massive house and there was people everywhere I looked. People drinking, dancing, being sick, kissing and the occasional person who was just sat chilling.

"I'll get you a drink" Ethan said releasing his grip from my hand.

"Thank you" I said. He left me standing in the middle of people. I started to feel really dizzy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeh I'm okay, I just felt a bit dizzy. Can we go in a more quiet room Ethan?" I said putting my hand on my head.

"Oh I'm not Ethan" The person said.

"What?" I said shocked because it looked just like Ethan

"I'm his twin Grayson" He said giving me a white teeth smile.

"Oh yes of course he did say that he had a twin! I forgot" I said laughing at myself.

"Haha, so are you with him?" He asked changing the subject.

"Yeh he invited me to join him" I said

"So you must be Emily?" He said lifting his one eyebrow up.

"Yes that's m- wait how do you know who I am?" I said confused.

"Ethan was talking about this girl he met at work and he described her and everything so I just presumed it was you" He said

"He talks about me to you?"

"Oh hey Grayson. I guess you two already met then" Ethan butted in.

He handed me my drink and I smiled at him. He was sweet.

"How many people are here?" I said looking around,

"God knows, everyone is here" Grayson chuckled.

I looked around until I saw someone familiar I couldnt tell who it was because they were really far away from me. He started to walk away. I guess I won't find out who it was now.

"hey let's go dance" Ethan grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor. Grayson followed and soon started to dance with a girl.

Me and Ethan were close and were dancing together. Thoughts of Jacob started to pop into my head changing my mood. My smile changed to a dull face. He's probably having fun without me so stuff Jacob. I started to let loose and have more fun, dancing with complete strangers.

After what seemed like days of dancing I decided to have a sit down on one of the couches in a different room. I sat sipping my drink slowly. I didn't want to get drunk.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and scrolled through my social medias. I went on snapchat and looked at my story, I watched and smiled at the fun I was having.

I saw that Jacob had posted too I clicked on it. He was also at a party and was dancing. I clicked on the next one.

He posted a picture of a chandelier. It looked really familiar. I looked up and saw the exact one

"He's here" I whispered to myself. I probably looked like a maniac.

The next one was the stairs and next to him was a girl with a red dress on. It was posted 30 seconds ago.

I looked for those stairs and then walked up them.

Jacob posted a photo of a door and it had a sign on it that said bedroom 5. Geezs how many rooms are there? I run around looking for the room fearing for the worst.

I got to the room and stopped. I thought about opening it and then bit my lip and went in. When I looked Jacob and this girl were on the bed kissing.

I stood there with my mouth gaping open. They both turned around to look at me. The girl looked at me in disgust and Jacob shocked.

I run out with the tears rolling down my cheeks freely. I caught my husband cheating on me. I heard footsteps behind me and then Jacob shout "Emily" His voice faded away as I run down the stairs.

I looked for Ethan desperately. "What's wrong?" Ethan said worried.

"Can we leave please" I  said through the tears.

He didn't question anymore and grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled his keys out of his pockets. He held me the whole time until we got to his car.

He opened the door for me and helped me in. The tears continued to stain my cheeks.

I wrested my head on the door and carried on crying. He drove away calmly without talking. We arrived at his place. On the journey there I had fallen asleep. He gently woke me up. I opened up my eyes and he was stood in the doorway.

He picked me up and carried me to the door. I was in such a state. I was a little drunk too. He placed me down on his bed and I went straight to sleep.

I woke up in the night and started to cry again. I felt him move over and face me. He turned on the light and sat up.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He said wiping the tears off my face.

I bet my mascara was everywhere.

Sorry I had to end this chapter randomly I didn't want to make it to long. It will carry on in the next chapter :) Also I'm uploading Tuesday's and Friday's! 

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Public Snapchat: Jayedolan

Twitter: Jayejallison4 

Instagram: Jaye444

Fan Acc Instagram: Cuddlingxcamd

Vine and musically: Jaye allison

Youtube: Jaye allison

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