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SONG= shameless- The weeknd

I walked in and nobody was home. I took the opportunity to get some jobs done. I walked over to the phone and called the window repairing people. They were available to come so I did other jobs until they came.

Whilst cleaning the kitchen I heard the door bell ring. I pulled off my gloves and went to answer the door. I opened it and a young man stood there.

"Oh can I help you?" I asked

"No, can I help you?" He replied.

"Umm.." I pulled my eyebrows together.

"I'm here to fix your window" He smiled awkwardly.

"Oh-Oh right" I mentally face palmed myself.

"Why are you shocked. You did call us didn't you?" He stepped inside.

"Yes I was just expecting an old man" I laughed.

"Oh right" He awkwardly smiled again. "Sorry you didn't get what you wanted"

"Oh no It's just a..ugh" It was so awkward "Never mind"

I showed him the room and he got straight to work. I carried on cleaning. I heard the door open and went to greet Ethan.

He had loads of bags in his muscular arms. I helped him with them and nearly collapsed on the floor.

"What are in these?" I asked.

"Cameras" He smiled.

"Oh yeah" I placed them down on the table and looked through the bags.

"Close your eyes" Ethan told me.

I did what he said. He kissed me "Wow thanks" I said sarcastically.

"That's not it" He said He placed something in my hands and I opened my eyes.

In my hand was a bottle of something I had no idea what it was.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Look you put this around your neck" He placed it around my neck "And if you need help you press this. "This will make a loud noise, and hopefully scare whoever it may be away and also let me know you need help" He waved another neck alarm at me.

"Thank you" I smiled

"And this is pepper spray" He smirked.

"Wow, I've always wanted this!" I smiled happily.

"This will protect you when I'm not around" He smiled and kissed me.

There was a bang from upstairs and Ethan looked worried. He started to walk away.

"Wait Ethan" I called after him "It's just the man upstairs fixing the window" I reassured him.

"Oh okay" he smiled still uneasy.

I grabbed onto his arm and gave him a reassuring smile. I walked up the stairs and Ethan followed behind.

I knocked on my bedroom door and slowly creeped in not wanting to scare the worker. I took a look at the window and it was nearly done.

"Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?" I asked being polite.

"No I'm okay thanks love. I will be getting off, got to get home to the dog" he smiled.

I smiled back and walked out the room leaving him to finish. I walked back down the stairs.

I started to pull out some food from the fridge when Ethan started to talk making me look up.

He Helped Me|| Sequel to 'Help me'|| E.DWhere stories live. Discover now