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SONG= idfc- tarro remix- blackbear, tarro


( this chapter contains anorexia talk and dieting pills so if you get triggered by anything like this please do not read. I am writing about it because it is an important topic. I am not trying to offend anyone at all, read at your own risk)

**1 week later**

I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the door.

"Bye Ethan" I called out

"Where are you going now?" He asked fixing his five guys cap.

"Gym" I replied taking a sip of my cucumber water.

He rolled his eyes "Okay well I want to talk to you later about something" He didn't smile.

I instantly got worried. Ethan has been really off recently and doesn't like hugging me. He doesn't even wrap his arms around me at night anymore. It makes me really upset the way he is acting.

I need to know what's up so I will ask him tonight.

I walked out the door and pulled my nike cap down slightly, pursing my lips together. I found out it is something I do when I am mad. I walked to the gym whilst listening to music.

I had been going to the gym almost everyday now and I want to make sure I go everyday. I need to get into the habit of it. Me and Ethan have become a little distant because of this. I think it is because in my free time I am always at the gym but it's where I want to be.

I need to loose weight.

I've been thinking about taking some diet pills and I have kind of been putting it off because I have heard bad things about them.

I walked into the door and saw Liam again. He has been odd with me too. What is up with everyone?

"hey" I smiled.

"Hi" He typed away on the laptop. "Don't you think you are over doing it?" He asked me.

"No, why?" I questioned.

"You're always here" He frowned "You're too skinny!" He raised his voice.

"I'm not" I folded my arms and pursed my lips together.

"Whatever I say you are not going to listen to me. Just please take it easy" He said.

"Don't tell me what to do" I squinted my eyes and walked away.

Everyone was just driving me crazy. Isn't a girl allowed to go to the gym. I worked out angry.

I did my usual routine and a few times Liam would come check on me and roll his eyes before walking away.

What's his problem? Oh wait it's probably because I said I had a boyfriend.

**skip to after the gym**

I prepared me and Ethan a meal because I haven't made us anything in awhile and he said he wanted to talk so we can talk whilst eating.

Whilst cooking our tea I had this really worried feeling that Ethan was going to break up with me. I really love Ethan and I don't know what I would do without him.

I gulped and took a sip of my water, that's what it is. He doesn't love me anymore. I walked over to the sofa and plopped myself down. I sat and scrolled through my phone thinking.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the front door opening.

I jumped up and shot into the kitchen. I pulled out our food and placed it onto two plates. In came Ethan and he plopped himself down on the chair. I faced my back to him grabbing a bottle of red wine.

I bit my lip knowing what he was going to say. I had to fight back the tears.

I turned back around and Ethan gulped the colour draining from his face. I put on a brave smile and sat down in front of him. I poured myself a glass of wine. I then moved the bottle over to Ethan's cup but he grabbed ahold of my hand and stopped me.

He stared right into my eyes. His dark brown eyes burning through me. I gulped.

"We need to talk" He spoke husky.

"God ahead" I stared down at my food.

He moved his hand towards me and lifted my chin "I need you to look at me"

I looked up and he took a deep sigh "Em-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry I know I'm not good girlfriend and I have put you through so m-" he cut me off.


I shut up.

"I'm not breaking up with you" My heart rate calmed down and I relaxed in my chair slightly.

"I'm worried about you" He spoke his voice cracking from sadness at the end.

"You don't need to" I grabbed his hand.

"It's not the Jacob thing" He said.

"Then what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows together.

He looked down at my body and then back to my eyes.

"You have always been petite but recently you have lost so much weight" I could feel the colour draining from my face.

"You go to the gym almost everyday. You push yourself to hard. You eat nothing. The only thing you do eat is basically rabbit food. You're never with me. All you care about is your weight" He shut his eyes.

"I hate waking up and seeing you in the bathroom standing on the scales frustrated at yourself. What is your goal weight?" He asked.

I said nothing.

" Do you just want to end up invisible. This needs to stop. You can't be like this Emily I care too much about you" A single tear slipped from his eye as thousand slipped from mine.

"I want to be able to hug you, wrap my arms around you. I don't want to feel your bones" He sighed.

I was in shock. What had I done to myself. I hate myself for what I had done to my own body and I had only just realised it.

"I'm s-sorry" I cried.

"Don't say sorry because I know you can't help it but I can help and I will. I will get you back to your old self" He cried but still smiled at me.

"I will look after you" He said.

I smiled "Thanks for knocking some sense into me".

"First you need to eat all that on your plate" He stared at my small amount of food.

"Ok" I wasn't going to fight. I knew I needed to. It was going to be hard but from now on I would change.

**1 week later**

I had gained back a healthy amount of weight thanks to Ethan. It was hard but I knew it was the best thing for me. Our relationship has been so much better recently too.

I go to the gym only once a week now to keep myself healthy. I'm not going back to who I use to be.

I chucked my pills in the bin and walked to do some jobs around the house. I felt like I was strong. I was strong.

Remember you are all beautiful and don't ever do anything you will regret in the future. I love you and lots of other people do to, remember that

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