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SONG= Bonbon - Post Malone Remix by Era istrefi, Post Malone

Ethan's POV

I got in from work at 11:00pm because it was a busy shift. I parked in the driveway. I could see all the lights off and wondered whether Emily was here or not.

I hoped that she hadn't gone back to Jacob. I walked in and put my keys on the side. The house was so quiet.

I walked up stairs and opened the bedroom door. The lamp was on and lit up the room slightly. I could see Emily scrunched into a ball in bed fast asleep.

I walked into the closet and got some bed shorts. I changed into them quietly and then walked back into the bedroom.

I lifted up the covers revealing Emily's body. Her top had risen up and I could see her back. On her back was a big purple bruise.

Oh god not again.

M heart dropped and I was overwhelmed with guilt. I couldn't stop staring and thinking about what wouldn't of happened if I was there to protect her.

My eyes started to sting but I shook off the tears. I climbed in next to her and brushed her hair off her face.

Tears stained her cheeks.

I should of come home earlier.

I watched her as she peacefully slept. I moved my body next to hers and kissed the size of her head.

I rolled over and turned off the light before rolling back to her and holding onto her tightly.

I would speak to her about what happened in the morning. I didn't want to disturb her.


Emily's POV

I woke up and again Ethan wasn't there. I looked across at the clock and it was 6:45am. Ethan wakes up really early. I sat up in bed and felt the pain in my back. I scrunched my face up trying to control the pain.

I reached across to grab my phone and Jacob had blown up my notifications. What was the point in having his number if I never wanted to talk to him again. I deleted him from my contacts and placed my phone back on the side.

I swung my legs off the bed and put on some knee high socks because I was cold. I walked out of the room whilst tying my hair into a messy bun. My arm hurt so much.

I walked down the huge stairs and into the kitchen. I was finally starting to know where my way around the house.

I walked in and Ethan was sat with his back to me. I walked up to him holding my back from pain. Before I got to him I let go so it didn't look suspicious.

I sat down next to him and he turned to face me. He smiled at me.

"Morning Emily" He said making small talk.

"Morning" I said yawning.

"Are you okay?" that was random.

"Yeh I'm fine" I gave him a fake smile.

"Em I know your not" He put his arm on my leg and stared seriously into my eyes

I sighed and rested my elbows on the table and placing my head in my hands. "I know".

Ethan lifted up my top.

I looked at him "What are you doing?" I asked him confused.

He didn't answer and continued to lift my top. He was going to see my bruise.

He Helped Me|| Sequel to 'Help me'|| E.DWhere stories live. Discover now