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SONG= Let me be by Harleighblu

*Ethan's POV*

I must of fell asleep eventually because I woke up confused in the dark. I reached across to the table on the side and checked my phone. It was 5:47. It was time.

I got up and opened the curtains. I looked at the broken window with the bag still taped to the window. I remembered the fear it caused but Emily was still brave and strong. I feel sick that she has to go through these things.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom to get washed. The whole time I was in the shower I felt nervous. I couldn't explain the feeling but I just felt uneasy.

I got out the shower and wiped away the steam off the mirror. I looked tired, I was tired.

I walked into the bedroom and got changed into black sweatpants and a grey top. I shoved on a jumper and grabbed my beanie from the side pulling it over my head.

I grabbed my skateboard and skated over to Grayson's been as it wasn't far. I knocked on the door. A sleepy topless Grayson appeared rubbing his eyes.

"What?" He said kind of mad.

"I need you to come with me, I will tell you about it on the way but pack plenty of clothes, torches, something to protect yourself, food. Just everything" I said quickly.

"What the hell Ethan, Where are we going?" He asked confused.

"Gray please! I need you to do it now, I'll tell you on the way. It's really important" I snapped.

"Fine okay. How long do I have?" He asked.

"Meet me at my place at 11:00" I said.

I skated back to my house trying to process my thoughts and what I was going to do. I chucked my things in the back of the jeep. I Placed my phone in it's holder on the dash and pulled up the map.

I locked the car and went back inside to get some food.


"Chuck your things in the back" I shouted from the front of the jeep to Grayson.

I jumped in the front and waited for Grayson to get in. I went through my mental checklist and made sure I was ready.

Grayson jumped in and he looked mad.

I started to drive and we pulled up to get gas and food. Gray filled up the jeep with gas and I went in and got food. It was cold outside because it was winter so I grabbed some blankets and a small portable heater and grill for food.

I walked back outside and chucked the things in the back. I got in rubbing my hands to keep warm. Grayson stared forward ignoring me.

I looked at him and shook my head.

"What the hell are we doing Eth?" He said staring me cold in the eyes.

"Emily has been kidnapped.."

**Emily's POV**

I sat in the barn slowly going crazy. I was constantly listening to my thoughts and it was driving me insane.

I had to escape. I started to push some straw to the side and started to push against the wood. I hoped it would crack but it didn't. The ground was made of soil so I started to dig. It killed my fingers and it would take days to dig a hole. It was worth a try though I had nothing better to do.

I carried on digging until I heard movement. I shoved the hay back on top covering it. I then lay down on the hay pretending to be asleep.

The barn opened and in came Jack. I guess it was that time of day again. He picked me up and dragged me to the house.

I didn't even try and fight it. I had no energy.


**Ethan's POV**

"Oh Ethan. I'm sorry! We will find her" He said patting my shoulder.

"I know. I won't give up" I said.

Graysone lightly smiled "Let's put some music on and try and have a bit of fun if it's possible"

I wasn't in the mood but I agreed. We played some good tunes and for awhile I forgot about everything. It was nice to relax even though I knew what we had to deal with when we got there.

It was getting late and dark and we hadn't eaten all day so I pulled over at some diner. We sat in the window and talked through our plan. Well we didn't really have a good one but we had a rough idea of what to do.

Our pancakes came and Grayson shoved them down in minutes. I picked at them, I usually had a huge appetite but not now. I didn't fancy eating.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Grayson asked.

"No" I said bluntly.

Grayson smiled and ate mine too. Once we had done we payed and walked out of there driving again. I wanted to drive through the night even if it meant not sleeping. I couldn't stand the thought of imagining her scared.

I tried to block thoughts like that out but it was hard. Grayson went in the back and slept for a bit. I kept the radio on low for some background noise so I wasn't trapped with my thoughts. I don't think Grayson quite realised yet how much danger we were in.

My eyelids became heavy but I refused to close them or pullover. I managed to stay up until morning. When the sun came up Grayson got up and drove. I sat in the passenger seat trying to sleep but it was useless.

Even though I was tired and my body needed sleep my mind wouldn't let me.


**Emily's POV**

With the little amount of energy I had I kept digging the hole. The hole was getting bigger but not big enough.

I was starving all they gave me was the occasional bit of bread and water. I was dying for a McDonald's.


**Ethan's POV**

I could tell we were getting nearer because the busy city roads were turning into quiet paths in the countryside. I was starting to get nervous and I could tell Grayson was too.

In the distance I saw a lake and a huge building which was the farm. I picked up the speed.


GUYS you are gonna kill me for doing this but just wait till the next chapter. It's gonna have a lot of suspense. The book is coming to end soon btw :( Leave your comments on how you feel about the book ending below!

ily xx


He Helped Me|| Sequel to 'Help me'|| E.DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora