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Valley girls- Blackbear (SC)

*Ethan's POV*

I knocked on the door as hard as I could and there was no answer.

I looked up at the windows but saw no movement. I stepped back and turned around to walk away when I heard the door creak open. My head shot round to see Jacob.

I ran towards him but he shut the door leaving a tiny gap.

"Open this door!" I yelled.

"Oh hello Ethan nice weather today isn't it" He mocked.

"If you don't open this door right now I will knock you and the door down!" I threatened again.

"Okay no need for violence" He said whilst opening the door wider.

I stormed in and searched from room to room. It was only a small house so it wasn't like I had missed any places.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Who?" He looked confused.

"Don't be an idiot I know you've taken Emily" I yelled.

"Oh Ethan, You've looked around everywhere she's not here" He looked down.

I sighed "I know you have her"

"-But she was here last night" He looked up smirking.

I launched forward and pushed him against the wall punching him.

"Where is she!" I screamed in his face.

"I told you haven't seen her since last night when she staggered out of my room" He smirked again.

He is sick

I threw several more punches to his stomach and face. I could see him getting weak.

"Okay chill, she wasn't here. I haven't seen her in days, maybe weeks" He looked to the side.

I released him from my grip and pushed him away. I wiped my mouth and tried to think of where she could be.

I walked out the door and Jacob just stood in the doorway. I was about to get in my car when Jacob yelled.

"Don't be upset that she's with another boy, it won't be the first time someones gotten bored of you"

I put my middle finger up at him and he shut the door. I sped out of the driveway and down the street. I didn't know where I was going but I wasn't going to stop looking. Never.

*Emily's POV*

I sat on the hay holding my legs rocking back and forth. I was slowly going insane. The lack of sunlight was getting to me.

I heard the barn door creak open and I got a glimpse of sun. It hurt my eyes to look at it. In came Liam and I looked to the side.

I still couldn't believe that Liam was working for Jacob.

"Morning sweet cheeks. You have a busy day today" He smirked.

I closed my eyes releasing one tear from eye. I had to suck it up and deal with it, I didn't want to show I was weak.

Liam picked me up and walked me out of the barn. This was the first time I had been out in weeks.

I stumbled out of the barn and Liam walked me towards a house. He took me inside and shoved me up the stairs. I had no idea where I was going but I knew it would be bad. Liam shoved me into a room which had very little furniture.

It had a double bed but no sheets, a table and a few lamps. I was confused but Liam said "I'll be back in a bit" before slamming the door shut and I heard the sound of him turning the key and locking it.

I frantically looked around for an escape route. There was no windows explaining the lamps and there was no where I could hide. I flopped down on the bed which was surprisingly not too uncomfortable. It was heaven compared to the solid ground in the barn.

I wondered where Liam had gone and what I was doing in this room.

I sat there for awhile before hearing three people coming up the stairs which was unusual.

The door unlocked and I prepared myself for whatever was going to happen.

In came Liam followed by Jacob and then a boy around 26 which I had never seen before. They all just stared.

Liam walked out and whispered something to Jacob which I didn't hear. I stared at the boy wondering who he was and what he was doing her.

Suddenly I remembered something.


"Just do it Jacob, she's worthless" the boy yelled.

I crawled on the floor trying to escape from them but I backed up into the toilets, they followed me. The boy lifted me up pushing me against the side. He rubbed his hand up my leg, lifiting my skirt up.

I tried to push him away but the other boys held me down. I looked at Jacob for help but he simply helped them by pushing me against the side.

"Jack, I'm going back to class I don't want to be involved in this" said a smallish boy at the back.

Jack that was his name.

I yelled for help but my mouth was covered.


It was Jack, the boy from my dream, or what I thought was a dream. It made me sick to think about him and that day. Oh how I wished it was all a dream.

I returned to reality and stared at him. He looked so different. He had a beard and looked tired. Something about his eyes were different, they were wider but showed craziness.

"I'll get the rope" Jacob said pulling me out of my thoughts.

This could only mean something awful.

Jack and Jacob grabbed some rope and they started to tie me down to the bed. I struggled to get free but it was no use. It was too late.

"She's all yours" Jacob said when they had finished.

Jacob walked out of the room closing the door, Leaving me and Jack. Jack stared at me before moving closer.


*Ethan's POV*

I had been driving for hours now not knowing where to go. I was starting to believe what Jacob said. I turned around and drove back home. As soon as I parked the car in the garage I got a text from an unknown number.

I looked down to see what it was and it was a photo. A photo of a naked girl. I looked away in disgust. Probably some teens trying to prank me.

I went to delete the photo when I noticed something.

On her right hip was a birthmark. The same one as Emily. I looked closer and under her right boob was another one exactly the same as Emily. The photo had cut off her head so I didn't know for definite.

I knew it was her though. I got a feeling, a feeling I can't describe. It was like she was talking to me.

I suddenly had a thought. The photo.


Hey guys. I'm ill so it's a perfect time to write :)) I write these all in advance so I won't be ill when I upload this but still. Little cliffhanger again. I have so many good ideas for what I am going to do.

I know this chapter contained slightly sensitive content and I hope no one get offended by it

Thank you for reading as usual. ily guys sm xx

FUTURE JAYE SPEAKING- sorry I forgot about this book guys, i have no proof read recent chapters so if there is any mistakes I will go through them and check thanks for staying supportive! I'm going to upload all of my chapters I have ready because I have left you waiting for so long!

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