Chapter 7: Hiccup's realization

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"Oh, Gods. Hiccup!" I couldn't believe it. I know that voice. No, it couldn't be. I slowly move my head to look up. The one who call my name is no other than Astrid! I muffled, "A-Astrid?" She was horrified but knew that seeing what they done to me is something to discuss later. She looked at Toothless and used the signal of Plasma blast to knock the door down. When the dust clears, she ran towards me. "Hiccup, it's all right. I'm here." She unlocks my chains and took off my blind fold and gag. I whispered, "A-Astrid. You c-came." "Sh. Don't speak. Just rest. We're getting you out of here." She told me. Without hesitation, I fell asleep, mostly because of I lost most of my energy to move.


I was relieved that Hic listened to me. I knew that he lost a lot of energy to move, and he's no condition to fight against the Hunters right now. As Toothless and I try to escape the below deck, there were Hunters blocking the way! "Oh, C'mon! Is there any chance I might of getting out of here, alive and in ONE PIECE?" I muttered. The Hunters came at us, one at a time, and I yelled, "Toothless, get us out of here!" The Night Fury scoops me and the lifeless Hiccup into his saddle and we flew out to see Beauty and Red waiting for us. "Oh, my Thor. Hiccup. He's-" She asks, horror of what could've happened. "He's fine, just out of strength right now. Let's get out of-" As I was about to finish my sentence, an arrow was placed between my leg! I groaned in pain as Beauty defends me. "Astrid, we need to leave, like right now." Red said. I nodded and she follows me to the Edge. "Whoa." She says as we arrived. "Astrid!" A familiar voice said, running towards us. "Heather!" I exclaimed happily. She looks at my leg and Hiccup. "We better send a letter to Berk to get Gothi. She'll know what to-" I shook my head, "No, I will take care of Hiccup myself." "But-" Red began to protest, I cut her off. "Red, we both know I have to be the one of caring him. I'll be fine." Red sighs, "There's no telling you no, isn't there?" I smiled at my childhood friend. "Thanks for understanding. Heather, why you show Red around, give her a tour of the Edge." She said, "Sure! C'mon, Red, you'll love it here." They left and I placed Hiccup in my bed. I felt his forehead and he seems to be having a fever. Toothless hands me a cloth and I wet it. "Thanks, bud. I couldn't done it without you." Hiccup moans and I said, "Please Hiccup. You need to hang it in there. I couldn't imagine a world without you in it."


I show Red around and I ask, "So, Red, you know Dragons, huh?" "Actually I do. Since one of the Gronkles left me on a abandoned isle for three years." I said, "Wow, that's harsh. So, you knew Hic and Astrid, huh?" "We were childhood friends growing up, until that Gronkle grabbed me. I don't know what to do so, I've been stranded on that isle for three years. Then I reunited with Astrid one night later and taught me to how to train Beauty." The Nadder was smiling. "Stormfly is Astrid's Nadder." Fishlegs explains, "And Astrid was the very first one to know Toothless better than the rest of us." Red said, "Really? I never knew that! Will Hic be ok?" I said, grinning, "Hiccup is tough, I know he can beat this." Red sighs, "I hope so, I'm starting to worry."

Author's note: What you guys think of this chapter? Find out soon! - Jan

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