Chapter 20: Reaction of First Flight

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I didn't want to join in the Homecoming party for my sister. I just don't feel it. I walked towards my house, I heard a voice calling me. "Hiccup, wait up!" I turned to see Astrid flying towards me and landed with Stormfly. "You are not going to the party?" She asks me. I shrugged, "It's not really my specialty, Astrid. I'm not that interested, besides this is supposed to be Red's party and I really don't want to ruin it." Astrid looks at me with a grin. "That's the Hiccup I know. Always thinking about others." I smiled at her and then I got an idea! "Hey, Astrid, since we are both out here, how about we go on a date?" She was surprised of my idea. "Are you sure? What will your Dad and Red say about it if we left and didn't notice us?" She asks. I laughed, "It will be fine, Astrid. It would bring back memories of our first flight together. What ya say?" She was silent for a while.


I thought about what Hic was offering. A date with him? I know that he was desperate to go out of the homecoming, but I didn't expect that he would asked me out on a date! "Astrid?" He asks, curiously. I suddenly smiled at him and said, "So, what we standing out here for? How about we react how it all started?" I run to the Cove as fast I possibly can and waited for him and Toothless. Hiccup was there and was smiling. I giggled as I run towards the forest. It did brought back memories of when I encounter Toothless and learning about his friendship with Hiccup. I was happy as I touched the clouds and leaned into his shoulder. Hiccup and I enjoyed our flight together. Hiccup didn't say anything, and I think I know why. "Hiccup, what is it?" "It's just... all this happening, I just can't believe it." I touched him, "Hey, it's all right." Toothless was feeling weird all of a sudden. "Toothless?" I asked the Night Fury, "What's wrong?" The Night Fury went out of control and we crash-landed in an isle. I coughed and looked for Hiccup. "Hiccup?" I called. Hiccup was knocked out and as well as Toothless! "Great, how are things are getting worse than this?" I muttered. Suddenly I heard someone coming and I gasped of who I saw. "Hello, Astrid." "Dagur?!?" I said in shock.


I was in total shock of my little brother and his girlfriend in this isle. I lived in this isle for months and it wasn't easy. "Dagur?!?" Astrid yelled in shock. She picks up a rock and aims at me. I said, dodging her aim, "Astrid, I'm not here to harm you or Hiccup. I'm here to help!" She looked at me with confusion. "Are you not going to turn us in to Ryker and the other Hunters?" She asks. "No! I'm done following his orders. Ever since I found out how dangerous he was, I escaped and left shipwrecked on this isle. It became my home. It's not much but it gave me a lot of time to think about." "Oh? About Heather?" She asks. "Heather and I are blood, Astrid. It brought us closer to Hiccup and me." I winked. Then I noticed them unconious. "So, mind telling me why you three are here in the first place?" I asked. Astrid sighs, "Honestly, I really don't know. We were flying and then Toothless acted so weird." I sighed, "Maybe it was a work of a dragon. I've been trying to answer that question of what type of dragon for months, but I'm not Fishlegs. We should get you three to my place. My treat." I offered her a cloth to clean herself. I started a fire and took care of Toothless. "I know, it's seem weird to you, but I'm trying to change." As Astrid sits down, she was thinking about something. I sighed, "What is it, Astrid?" "Oh, you would be shocked if I told you, Dagur." "I spend most of my time here, let me take a shot of it." She sighs, "I was thinking about Red and the other Riders are doing back home." "Red? Who is she?" I asked, confused of the name. "Oh, she's um, Hiccup's sister." "Hiccup has a sister too? How come I never meet her?" I asked in shock. "It's a long story." Astrid replies. "We have plenty of time. Tell me everything." I said. She smiles at me as she begins to tell me the tale of Red.

Author's note: Dagur is here! What you guys think of this plot twist? What will Hiccup react? Find out soon! - Jan

I'm getting you back, I swear .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें