Chapter 8: Hiccup wakes up and tell them what happen to him

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I groaned. Where am I? Suddenly, I remember what happened in the boat. "Toothless?" I asked. The Night Fury was in total happiness that I was wake. How long was I out for? As I look around in my surrounds, I realize quickly that I'm in Astrid's hut, in Dragon's Edge! But how this is possible that I'm in her hut? I saw Astrid, asleep near me. She looks cute when she was asleep, and I really don't want to disturb her. It looks like she got hurt as well, but not like I was. I got up and I thought about what she said while I was asleep. "Hiccup, hang in there. You need to stay with us. I couldn't imagine a world without you in it."  I was amazed that she said that. Did she went all that trouble for me? As I was about to leave, a door was opened, revealing a girl I never seen before. "Astrid, wake up!" She said, frantically. Astrid woke up immediately. "What's the matter, Red?" She asks. "It's Snoutlout and the twins again." She reply, "They're scaring Beauty and Stormfly." Astrid seems annoyed about their behavior. "Great. This time, I'll won't go easy on them." She walks past by me, "Hey, Hiccup." She stops and looks directly at me. "Uh, Hi?" I asked, casually.


Wow, Hic's up! That was a relief, I was worried about Astrid. She been taking care of him since we rescue him and she wouldn't let anyone go to her. Hiccup said, casually as possible, which I think he hasn't changed, "Hi?" As Astrid came towards him, he was nervous of what she'll do, but then she smiled and punches him on the shoulder. "Ow, Astrid!" He yells, rubbing his injured arm. I figured that is something they always do when I'm not around. "That still hurts, you know?" He said, sarcastically. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, you nearly scare me!" Astrid explodes. Hiccup rubs his head, nervously, "Sorry, Astrid, I didn't mean to scare you like that. Who's this, a new Rider?" I pouted, "Really, Fishy? Forgotten all about me all ready?" He really hates that nickname I made up when we were little. He said, irate, "Hey, what's with the nickname? No one calls me, "Fishy" unless..." He realizes who I really was, and then embraces me. "Red! I can't believe it, it's you, right?" I laughed, "One and only. Besides, only Astrid know you hated that Nickname.." He said, crossing his arms, "Still not funny after these years." I giggled, "I know." We head to the main clubhouse where Heather just settle the other Riders down. "What happened?" Astrid said, looking at Snoutlout seriously. "Uh, Barf and Belch set my hut on fire again, it's driving me insane." He explained the situation. "Again?!? That's the third time this week!" I point out. Hiccup looks at us, "You two look calmer." I sighed, "Ever since Astrid and I rescued you from the Dragon Hunters, things got out of hand." "Oh... that." He said, sad. "What they done to you?" Astrid asks him. He took a deep breath as he was about to explain what happened three nights ago.


I looked at the other Riders. They were worried and wonder what I've been though. "Well, after Toothless and Astrid escape from Hunters, I was held against my will and my hands and legs were chained up and I was gagged. Two hours later, I was faced to face with Viggo." The whole room was quiet and it did bring the atmosphere cold. "Viggo Grimborn wanted you. Why?" Red asks all of a sudden. I replied, remembering, "He wanted me to tell information I know about Toothless, of course I refused to, he did this to me." I removed the sleeve of my left arm to reveal the scar mark from Viggo's sword. Astrid looks at it and said, "He did that to you? Why you didn't say anything before?" "I'm sorry, Astrid. I've been held captive for three days now. It's hard to explain all at once." I explained. "Oh, sorry, continue." Astrid said, embarrassed of her question? Red and Heather smiles as if they knew the truth of why she asked. "After that, Viggo ordered Ryker to put me back into his ship. I tried to fight but it was no use. I was weak and couldn't move." Red touches my shoulder, "Hic, we're so sorry that you were treated like this. I didn't-" I said, "Red, you just became a Rider. I wouldn't be here if weren't for you. Thanks." She smiles, "You' re welcome." A Nadder came closer to her. "Wow, so that's Beauty, huh?" I asked the Trainer. "Yeah. Astrid taught me how to train her." I looked around and noticed Astrid was gone! I really want to talk her. Toothless sees my worried expression and we flew to find her.


I really want to think alone. I couldn't imagine the horrors that Hic went though and it makes me realize that I love him even more than a friend. "Stormfly, what I going to do now?" I asked my dragon. As she was about to reply,  I heard Hiccup calling me. "Astrid, there you are!" He was riding on Toothless and they flew besides us. "Hiccup, what you doing out here?" I asked, confused of his actions. "I was wondering where you were back on the Edge. I was being worried." I said, rubbing my hands together, "I'm sorry. I guess with everything has happen, I have to get something out of my mind." "I get it. Hey... I heard you, what you said before." I was shocked. I didn't realize how strong willed he was when listening to me. "Oh, that." I said, blushing. Wait, why I am blushing? This is Hiccup we're talking to here. He was silent for a moment and then said, "Astrid... I wanted to say Thank you." I was confused. "What you mean?" I asked the Rider. "For saving me back on the ship back there with Ryker. I really owe you one, Astrid." I shook my head, "It's no big deal. You would've done the same thing for me." He replies, "I couldn't imagine a world without you being in it, either." We flew back to Edge where Hiccup went to my hut to hang out. "Astrid, I was wondering about something." "What you thinking about?" "About how Toothless came to the rescue. None of the other Riders know how to fly him like I do. Who rode him?" I smiled at the Rider's question. "Easy, Fishbone. I rode him." He was in total amazement and awe. "Wait, YOU RODE HIM?"

Author's note: What you guys think of this reaction? Will Astrid confess her feelings soon? - Jan

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