Chapter 16: Red wakes up

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I woke up in a room. Where am I? Then I remembered everything. Snoutlout came to save me from the horrible Hunters. I looked around and there he was. He was asleep, next to me. I didn't know what to do. I really don't remember how I got into his hut. As I looked around, I noticed my bandages all over me. "Did he done this... for me?"  I thought. I pulled the covers and he woke up, startled. "Red, you're up!" He said, embarrassed. "Hey, Snoutlout." I said, stammering. We didn't say anything for a while.


I was woken by Red. She was awake and I was so relieved. "Red, you're up!" I was embarrassed. "Hey, Snoutlout." She said, stammering. She was looking at me and we didn't say anything for a while. I finally asked, "How you feeling?" She touches her bandages, "I'll be fine. Uh, you did this for me?" Suddenly, I blushed, "Yeah. I was so worried about you and I um decided to find you on my own, without Hiccup and the other Riders knowing." She looks at me with a smirk then punches me on the shoulder, reminding me that it was similar to what Astrid does with Hiccup whenever he made a mistake. "OW, what was that for?" I asked, rubbing my shoulder. "That was for being so stupid of going on your own." I looked at Beauty and Hookfang for backup. They smirked at me as if they were saying that " this is your problem, not ours."  Then she kisses me on the lips. "That's for saving me and everything else." I smiled at her,  touching her hand. "No problem." Then suddenly, Hiccup burst into the hut! "Red." He said.


I burst into Snoutlout's hut. Ever since he saved her, I begin to worry. I saw her and Snoutlout were talking and I think I interrupted their moment. "Red." I said. She and Snoutlout suddenly pulled away from one other. "Fishy!" She said. Snoutlout looks at me with confusion look on his face. "Fishy?" He repeats. I rolled my eyes at her. "You know I really hate it when you say that nickname, Red." I said. Red shrugs, "What can I say? I really have to embarrass you sometime." I groaned, "Some things never changed." Snoutlout asks, "What you mean you hate that nickname, Hic?" I sighed, "We were childhood best friends, Snoutlout. "Fishy" is the name that Red made for me." Snoutlout begins to laugh. "Hey! It's not that funny!" I said. He replies, "Sorry, but it is!" I said, changing the subject, "Well, what we do now?" There was silence in the room and Red said, "I think we need to see the others." Snoutlout said, "Great idea. I think they deserve to know you're awake. They were all worried about you, especially, Hiccup." She looks at me with a smirk, "Really?" I nodded, "Y-yeah." We went to the clubhouse and Heather spots us. "Red, you're up!" Astrid pats her on the back, "Don't ever scare me like that again, Red. You really scared me." She blushes, "I'm so sorry, guys. I didn't mean for you to worry like that." Astrid said, "Well, the important thing is you're safe. That is all that matters, right, Snoutlout?" He didn't reply.


I stared at the horizon, not paying attention to what Astrid was saying. Red came towards me and Heather instantly knew that we needed privacy. "Hic, let's go." He was confused of why. Hiccup asks, "Why?" Astrid groans as both girls pushed them out of the way. Red said, "Snoutlout, what's wrong?" I sighed, "You could've been killed. Red, I don't want to lose you ever." She touches my hand, "Snoutlout, what you trying to say?" I sighed, "There's something I want to say to you since you arrived here. Red, will you be my girlfriend?" It took her a long while to answer then she actually smiles at me and kissed me on the lips. We kissed as long we can, not thinking about the dangers or Hunters. It was love at first sight. We finally pulled apart and she said, "Well, that was worth the wait." I smiled again before I pulled her into another kiss, "Yeah, it sure was."

Author's note: Aww. This is cute and romantic. What you think will happen next? Find out soon! -Jan

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