Chapter Sixteen

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"So, you're hanging around Snape again?" James asked as we sat in the common room.
"Yes, and I expect you to be civil. That isn't a problem, is it? Both of you."
"Of course, love." James said.
"Yes, Mother." Sirius said.
"Shut up, Potter." She scowled.
"Leave her alone, James." I said.
Remus and I were practicing Occlumency and Legilimency for quite a while. They would tell us to stop each time. They told us we'd exhaust ourselves.
Eventually, we stressed Sirius out enough that he threatened to make us stop.
"We're fine." Remus said, shaking like a leaf.
"I don't care. Cut it out."
"Evans? Can I talk to you?" James asked.
"No." She didn't look up from her book.
"Go, Lily." I said.
She glared at me and looked at him. "Fine, Potter. Go."
"Uh, guys, we should go." I said, standing.
Lily pushed me back down. Oh God.
"I was just wanting to say that I honestly love you more than anything." He said, somewhat awkwardly. "And I just want a chance. Please?"
"I swear, Lily. Just give me a chance. I can make you happy. I--"
"I'm perfectly happy, Potter." Her voice was rising.
"Okay, yes." He agreed, trying to appease her. "But still. I'm not asking for much. I've been quiet for a year."
"Lily, just give him a shot." I said.
"You can leave now." She said.
I got up and left. Thank God.
The boys followed.
"Well, that was awkward." Sirius said.

On the bright side, Lily decided to give James a chance. By the time she did so, they were yelling and everyone was watching.
"Why will you give Snape all these chances but not me?" James demanded.
"Because you're not Snape!" She shouted.
"Then give me a bloody chance! Just one, Evans."
"Fine, Potter! One bloody chance!"
"Thank you." He said quietly.
Everybody burst into applause. Their OTP was happening right in front of their eyes.
"Oh, shut it." Lily said, her cheeks as red as her hair. Everybody stopped.
On the down side, she decided it had to be a double date, and Sirius and I were coming.
"Black and Eliza are coming." She crossed her arms.
"Good. They can witness the day you fall in love with me."
I wanted to scream that she was already in love with him. But I refrained myself.
"Padfoot!" James yelled, looking around.
"Oh, Prongsie!" Sirius yelled back.
"Come on, we have a date to plan."
"At your service." Sirius kissed my hand in a dramatic display before flitting off to Potter's aid.
Lily was pissed as hell and in an overall bad mood, which, of course, made everybody else miserable too. "Let's go to the library." She said cooly.
"Who?" I asked.
"You. Let's go."
We studied vigorously for about an hour before going back. She was far less angry after that. Still angry, though.
"Ladies!" Potter barged in through the portrait hole.
Every female in the room turned to look at him.
"Just those two." He pointed at Lily and me, and they all turned back to minding their own business. "We have a plan. Does Friday night work for you?"
"Fine." Lily said.
"Sounds good." I smiled. "The best of luck to you."
"Eliza!" Lily said. I was supposed to be on her side.
"Sorry." I shrugged.
Sirius came over and held his hand out to me. "I need to talk to you. Would you mind coming with me?"
I didn't want to move, but I took his hand, and he led me to an empty corner. "Are you okay with this date thing?" He asked.
"Sure. Sounds fun. Why?"
"Just checking."
"Is that all you needed?" He hadn't dropped my hand yet.
"No, not at all. I'm still procrastinating the actual thing."
"Go on and tell me."
"You'll be angry."
"I won't."
"Are you okay?"
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Because I think you're lying."
"Why would I lie?"
"Because you don't want me to know."
"I'm fine, love. Thank you." Did Remus tell on me?
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course."
"Then trust me with this."
"There's nothing to trust you with. I'm okay."
"Do you think I'm blind?"
"I see you wipe your tears behind your huge as books." He said. "I hear your voice change. I watch your smile leave when you think no one's looking. I'm not blind, Eliza."
"Not blind, no. You do have quite the imagination, though." I forced a smile. "Thanks, Sirius, but I'm okay." I kissed his cheek and pulled him back to everybody else.
He continued to watch me, but I ignored it.

We were in class the next day, with new parters. I wished I was still with Remus. I don't want anybody else poking around my brain. I was with Peter, though, so that was better than Sirus or James. Sirius was with Lily, though, and he looked stressed.
"I don't want in your mind. It sounds like a terrifying place." She told him.
"Oh, babe, it is." He grinned.
"Are you gonna show me porn?" She sounded genuinely worried.
"Only if you want me to, Evans." He winked.
"Please don't."
"No, I'm just kidding. I really don't want to show you anything, but it looks like we don't have a choice. All right. Let's get this over with."
"All right, Pete. Do you want to go first?" I asked. They had been right when they told us we'd tire ourselves out. I was exhausted.
"I couldn't do it yesterday." He said.
"Try." I smiled. "You have to mean it. Like crucio." Saying that word made me feel horrible. That was an Unforgivable Curse, after all.
His eyes widened at my analogy.
"Sorry." I said. "Just some advice."
He did do it, but it wasn't as powerful as it had been when Remus had.
"See, you did it!" I smiled. And he still didn't know my secret. Thank God.
He smiled.
As soon as I got in Peter's mind, I wanted out. I saw him talking to Voldemort, and I saw the Dark Mark on his arm. I ejected myself and stared at him in horror. I stared at him, backing up.
Now I was scared. Now I was disgusted.
"How could you?" I whispered.
"Eliza, I--"
"Excuse me?" A sharp voice rang throughout the classroom. "May I borrow Eliza for a moment?"
I looked to the doorway to see McGonagal. Everyone watched me walk to the door. Lily was crying. I'm sure I know why. I wanted to sob. How could sweet little Peter Pettigrew be a Death Eater? I didn't want to go with McGonagal. I wanted to sleep. "Is something wrong, Professor?" I asked.
She didn't say anything, just kept walking. My heart races anxiously.
"Is Mr. Black okay?" She asked.
"And are you?"
No. I am not okay. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. What was wrong? Should I tell her about Peter? There wasn't much she could do, though...
"Peter Pettigrew's a Death Eater." Tears sprang to my eyes.
"That's a very serious accusation."
"I know. We were practicing Occlumency and Legilimency and I saw it." I started to cry.
She put her arm around my shoulders and steered me into her office. "Have a seat, Miss Taylor." She said quietly. "There's nothing I can do about Mr. Pettigrew, unfortunately."
"Am I supposed to tell James and them?" I tried to suck it up.
"I suppose you probably should." She said softly.
"I suppose that's not why you brought me here." I took a shaking breath and looked at her, wiping my face. I felt my heart racing.
"No, I'm afraid not."
"What is it?" I wanted to throw up.
"It's your parents."
"Pardon?" My breathing was getting louder and faster.
"They were in an automobile accident on their way to pick up your sister from somewhere. I'm afraid neither of them made it."
"My parents.... Are dead?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so. I'm so sorry, Eliza."
I choked on a sob.
"Would you like me to get Mr. Black?"
"No. No, please don't." I started to cry.
She got up and sat beside me, putting her arm around me. This is something I never imagined would happen with Professor McGonagal, but it was. I turned my face into her shoulder and started crying harder. "I'm sorry, Eliza. It's okay." She stroked my hair. "I'm sorry."

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