Chapter Fifty

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Harry Potter. I don't think you understand just how much trouble you're in right now. Just wait until you get home. Crashing the Weasley's car into the Whomping Willow?! You hurt the tree, then you lost the bloody car! Why didn't you just call me? I could have taken you both. I'm exceedingly disappointed. I can't believe you. You could have been killed! Or worse: expelled. Professor McGonagall, however, says you're staying, and she's not one to argue with. You had better be on your best behavior all year, or I'll bring you right home.

I'm sorry, Mum. The platform wouldn't allow us in. Dobby said I musn't go back to Hogwarts. Perhaps it's a sign. Not that I want to come home. I want to stay. But...

Perhaps you ought to come home. He's the Malfoy's house elf, and they have a lot of ties with Dark Magic, so he probably knows. (Not that that's a reason for you and Draco to keep going at it. I expect you to behave yourself on that matter as well). Nonetheless, Hogwarts is a safe place.
Perhaps you could talk to Ginny Weasley. I'm sure she'd enjoy that.
I love you, Harry. I want you to be extra safe, all right? Don't forget Hagrid's invited the three of you to tea Friday evening.

I'll behave, I promise. And I won't forget about tea. That's the best part of the week, honestly.
And I can't talk to Ginny. She avoids me.
I love you too, Mum. Have you heard from Dad, by any chance?
Love, Harry

No, I haven't heard from him. I doubt he has much time for letter writing. He's alive though, or we would know.

People are turning to stone, Mum. Draco Malfoy is trying to open the Chamber of Secrets.

The Chamber of Secrets is a myth, love. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. It is a magic school, after all. Don't automatically blame Draco, either.

Mum, I swear to God Malfoy is opening the Chamber. It isn't a myth. Hermione's been petrified too.

They'll find a way to fix it, Harry. I'm sure. I'm sorry. Are you all right?

I'm all right. This bloody professor's an idiot.

Lockheart? But he's such a good writer.

Maybe. But he's stupid and vain.

I'm sure he is. He looks the type.

It was Ginny who opened the Chamber. She didn't mean to. See, she found Tom Riddle's diary, and it talked to her and all. But apparently Tom Riddle is Voldemort.

Is she all right?

Yes, she's fine. They've cured all the petrified students too. I killed the basilisk. At least Professor Lockheart's gone insane and won't be teaching anymore.

You did what?!

Mrs. Black,
Please don't be angry with Harry. Honestly, the platform wouldn't let us through. He almost wrecked his broom the other day too.

That was very reckless of the two of you to take the car. I'm sure your mother gave you an earful about that, though. I'm glad you're safe. Be careful.

Mrs. Black,
Hi, this is Hermione Granger, Harry's friend. I'm quite worried about Harry. He says he hears voices in the walls saying that people are being killed, and then someone gets petrified. He's convinced Draco Malfoy is opening the Chamber of Secrets, but that's a myth, isn't it?
~Hermione Granger

Hello, Hermione. It's nice to talk to you. Honestly, from the things I've heard about you, you really are the brightest witch of your age.
As for Harry, he's always accusing Draco of things, so I wouldn't mind that too much. Do you have any thoughts on the matter?
The Chamber of Secrets is a myth. It's said that Salazar Slytherin made it for a place for him to teach things to his students that might not have been approved by the other founders. I'm sure you knew that, though. Honestly, I'm sure that Slytherin would have made it a bit harder to get into than Draco Malfoy could devise.
Does anybody else hear what Harry's claiming to hear?
~Eliza Black

Thank you, Mrs. Black. I appreciate that. It means a lot. I've heard a lot about you, Lily Potter and Remus Lupin from some of the professors here.
I highly doubt that Malfoy could get into the Chamber. Not that he's stupid, of course, but not the smartest. I've been researching, and do you think it's possible that you'd have to speak Parseltongue to enter the Chamber? I know Slytherin was renoun for that ability.
If it is Parseltongue, could that be what Harry's hearing? A snake in the walls? Basilisks petrify their victims, and that would fit with all of this.
Voldemort was Parseltongue too, right? Do you think that when he tried to kill Harry, part of that went into him? Or is that purely insane?

Thank you. Lily and Remus were the tops of their classes. I guess I wasn't too bad. The Potions professor when I was at Hogwarts was Professor Slughorn, and he had this 'club' of the students he considered promising called the Slug Club. It was absolutely unbearable, but I mean.
I think your Parseltongue theory is highly probable; not insane at all. I'll have to do some research on the theory about Harry (not that that'll be in too many textbooks, but it's worth a shot).
If it is a basilisk, you all need to be careful. Don't look into its eyes, whatever you do. Be careful. All of you. Especially you, though. Slytherin was a Purebloodist, and being a Muggleborn won't be good during this.

Severus, what's going on up there?

'The Chamber has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware.' Filch's cat was the first victim (not that that creature didn't deserve it, but). Mostly Muggleborns have been the victims. Hermione Granger was petrified this past week.

Surely somebody can stop it, though.

Somebody did. Your son, of course.

It's scary. Just how much like James he is, I mean.

Arrogant, attention-seeking and irritating? It is.

That's my son, Severus.

I'm sorry. I miss her.

So do I.

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