Chapter Thirty-Two

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I stood outside the Dursley's house, staring at the door, Harry on my hip.
I finally brought my hand up to knock, but the door was opened just as I was going to. Petunia shrieked and jumped back, clutching a chubby baby.
"Natalie's sister." She looked at me with revulsion. "Why are you here?" She turned and put the child in another room, telling someone to hold him. She looked at Harry.
"This is your sister's child." I told her.
"And why are you here?" She turned up her nose. "You killed your sister."
I didn't have the mental ability to handle this shit right now. "Well, your sister's dead." I said bluntly. "Lily's dead."
"Lily's dead. James too. Only Harry survived."
"What are you wanting?"
"Would you like to raise Harry?"
"Must I?"
"No. Sirius and I would gladly do it. We were just instructed to ask you."
"I want nothing to do with him. Or you, so please leave. You killed my best friend."
"I didn't kill her. But my best friend's dead too. Don't be insensitive." My grip tightened on Harry, the only thing I had left of my best friend.
She just stared at me. "Please leave."
I turned to walk away. "Excuse me, Petunia." I said.
"What?" She spat.
"You hurt Lily, you know. You didn't tell her when you got married. Or that you had a child. It hurt her, Petunia. She didn't deserve that."
She just stared.
"You really missed out. She was wonderful." I said as I put Harry in the car seat.
"You know what, Harry?" I asked as we got home.
He stared up at me with innocent, beautiful bright green eyes.
"Why are they putting me in charge of a child? I can barely take care of myself. I guess we'll get through this somehow, huh?" I endeavored to smooth down his messy hair as I had with James' so many times.
I kissed his head and he giggled.
I miss them so much.
I didn't want to be home alone. I was shaking, but whether it was from fear or sadness, I wasn't sure.
"What wong?" Harry poked my arm.
"Nothing, baby." I smiled gently.

Sirius and Remus came back shortly but immediately fell asleep, Remus on the couch, Sirius on the bed.
I was playing with Harry on the back porch when Ms. Strout came walking around the house. "This is the little munchkin?" She smiled, sitting beside us.
Harry stared blankly at her, crawling into my lap.
"Yes." I smiled. "I'll be back to work soon. I've just wanted to give Harry time to adjust, and Sirius has been upset, and Remus hasn't been well and--"
"And you, Eliza?"
"Me? What about me?"
"How are you?"
"I'm okay." I nodded, lying.
"Sirius and Remus aren't your children. They can take care of themselves. You can tell them how you feel. You needn't stay home with them all the time."
"They basically are." I smiled.
"I'm afraid I have more bad news."
"Oh my. What is it?"
"Alice and Frank Longbottom were admitted into my ward."
"Oh God. What happened?" I felt my heart speed up.
"They were tortured. I just wanted you to be prepared for when you returned."
"Thank you." I said quietly. "What about their child? Neville, is it?"
"He's being raised by his grandmother."
"Augusta? Okay. But Alice... Is she....?"
"She's deemed insane."
"And Frank too?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
I smoothed back Harry's hair distractedly.
"You look exhausted, Eliza."
"I'm all right."
"Have you not been sleeping well?"
"I have been. I just want to be sure I'm awake if Harry starts crying, or if Remus shows, or--"
"Do you want me to watch Harry so you can get some rest?"
I shook my head, holding on tight.
She watched me clutching Harry. "I understand that he's all you have left of your friends, but you needn't keep such a tight leash on him." She said gently.
I started to cry. "It isn't fair, Ms. Strout. Alice and Frank... They would rather be dead. And James and Lily... They didn't deserve to die."
Ms. Strout put her arm around me as Harry started crying too.
"It's all right, Harry." I said, stroking his hair back, forcing myself to stop crying.
"You'll feel better if you get some rest." She advised me.
"Yes, I know. I just can't sleep. Do you mind watching Harry for just a moment while I go check on the boys?"
"Of course." She smiled.
I handed him over. He reached out for me as I walked away, but he was fine after a moment.
I checked Remus first. He had scratches all down his face, but it looked like he did that himself. I checked him over, and then went to Sirius. He looked okay.
I went back to Remus to clean him up. He didn't wake up when I did. I pushed his hair gently from his face, resting my hand there for a moment.
I went back out to Harry and Ms. Strout. "I should be back about next week." I told her.
"Take your time, dear." She smiled, standing and handing Harry over to me. "Don't rush."
"Thank you, Ms. Strout."
"I think it's time for your nap, huh, Harry?" I said as he yawned.
I carried him inside and put him in his crib. "Sleep tight." I smiled, kissing his head.
I left the room, leaning against the door once I shut it. "All right. You're doing good so far. Haven't forgotten to feed him yet. It's all good."
"Talking to yourself, are we?" Sirius asking in the bedroom doorway.
"As always." I smiled. "Sleep well?"
"Sure." He came up and wrapped his arms around me.
I put my head on his chest, sighing. My chest felt tight, like it had for days. "What happened last night?" I asked.
"He didn't even move. He just... Stayed in one room and clawed at himself."
"Poor thing..." I closed my eyes.
"Did you look at him?"
"Yeah. I cleaned him up a bit."
"I love you, Eliza." He said.
"I love you too." I whispered, clutching onto him.

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