Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Why are those girls staring at me?" Harry asked Sirius.
"Because they think you're cute." He said casually.
"Ew." He wrinkled his nose.
"He's just messing with you, Harry." I said. "They just know who you are."
"How do they know who I am?"
"You're the Boy Who Lived. Everybody knows who you are."
"Oh. Okay." He sounded relieved. "Can we go to Honeydukes?"
Sirius and I were going to wait outside, but Harry pulled Sirius in after him, so I waited outside by myself.
"Eliza!" I heard someone call. Just as I turned to see who it was, I was engulfed in a hug.
"Pandora." I smiled, only the slightest bit stressed now that I knew who it was. "It's so nice to see you. How are you?" I hugged her back.
"I'm good!" She let me go and called a little girl over. "Luna! Come here!"
The little blonde girl trotted over.
"So this is Luna." I smiled. "Hi, I'm Eliza." I told her.
She wrapped her arms around my torso. "Hi!"
Pandora handed her a few coins. "Why don't you run into Honeydukes and get us some candy?"
"How's Xenophilius?" I asked.
"Very well, thank you. Is Sirius all right?"
"Are you sure?" She looked in the store, watching Luna.
"Yeah. Why?" I asked.
"He seems unhappy."
"Well, yeah. But otherwise."
She nodded.
I sought for a subject change. "Harry's having his birthday party at Remus' tomorrow. No girls allowed." I laughed a little bit awkwardly.
"How cute!" She smiled. "If you haven't any plans and don't wish to be alone, you could always come visit. We'd love to have you."
"Thank you, but I do have plans. I appreciate it, though." I smiled.
Luna ran back out with a bag. "Look, Mum!" She held the back open.
"Oh, nice." She smiled. "Shall we go find Daddy?"
Luna nodded.
They said bye just as Harry and Sirius came back out.

"Bye, Mum." Harry hugged me as they were leaving for Remus'.
"Bye, love." I hugged him back, kissing his head. "Have fun."
"I will." He grinned.
"Bye, love." Sirius hugged me, kissing my cheek.
"Is Snape coming?"
"Yes. At nine."
He kissed me. "All right. Bye."
"Bye." I said.
He kissed me again. "I love you."
"Eww!" Harry said, covering his eyes.
"I love you too." I said. "Bye."
"Bye." He kissed me again.
"You're really pushing it, Black." I said sharply.
"Behave yourself, okay?"
"So tell me that but not the actual kid?" He gestured at Harry.
"I'm not a kid!" He said indignantly.
"Make sure Sirius behaves, okay?" I told Harry.
"I will."

"Eliza?" A voice said.
I jumped up off the couch. "Sev!" I threw my arms around his neck.
"Hello." He hugged me back awkwardly.
"I missed you." I said.
"Yeah, I missed you too."
"Do you want something to drink or anything?" I asked.
"No. Thank you."
"Come sit."
"So, how old did you say Harry was turning?" He asked as we sat.
"Eight." I said, even though I knew he knew.
"Growing up." He said quietly.
"Yeah. He is." I agreed. "He's got Lily's eyes."
"But he looks like Potter, yes?"
"A spitting image."
He nodded.
We sat in silence for a while, staring at the floor.
"Your husband isn't going to show up while I'm here and be angry, is he?"
"No. He knows you're here."
"Are you sure?"
"You know, I'm still surprised he hasn't--"
"He hasn't what, Severus?" I interrupted as a warning.
"Hurt you." He finished.
"He loves me more than anybody does." I assured him.
"Are you sure?"
"Good." A new voice said. Sirius.
We both turned to him. My cheeks turned red, but Severus obviously didn't care. "Sirius." I said. "Hey. What are you doing here?"
"Just checking in. I know you don't like to be alone."
Severus gave me a look.
"He knew, I swear." I sighed. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough." He said to me, his eyes still on Sev. "And tell me, please, just why I would hurt her."
"Sirius." I said, standing.
"No. Please tell, Severus." He put sarcastic emphasis on his name.
"Sirius." I said.
"Because that's what you did to all the other girls you dated, Sirius." Severus mocked his tone, standing up.
"Severus." I sighed.
"At least I wasn't a douchebag."
"Yes you were." He and I both said.
"Thanks." Sirius said sarcastically to me.
"Sorry." I shrugged. "You were a huge douche. Severus wasn't. I'm gonna stay out of this." I sat down quickly. Oops.
"Well, I may have been a douchebag, but at least I'm not a Death Eater."
"Sirius!" I said sharply, standing back up.
"I think I should go." Severus reverted his attention to me.
"No, Sev. You're fine. Sirius shouldn't even be here." I said quickly, not wanting him to leave.
"I live here." Sirius said.
"You're supposed to be at your child's birthday party! Did you seriously come here just to pick a fight?"
"No. I came to make sure you were all right."
"No. You came because you don't trust us." I crossed my arms.
"I'm going to go." Severus said.
I threw my arms around him, closing my eyes against the tears. I miss the days when Lily could have been here too. "I'm sorry, Sev."
"It's all right."
"I love you." I said, actually starting to cry. Lovely. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry about everything."
"Eliza--" Sirius began.
"Shut up, Black." I said, closing my eyes into Sev's robes. "I'm sorry you're unhappy. I'm sorry we never see each other. I'm sorry."
"None of that's your fault." Severus reminded me.
"I don't care. I'm sorry."
"It's all right. I'll see you around, okay?" Empty words.
"Yeah." I agreed, sniffling as I let him go. "Bye, Sev." My voice cracked with unshed tears.
"Bye, Liza." He said quietly, and disapparated.
"Was that necessary, Sirius?" I asked quietly, turning to him.
"I'm sorry." He said immediately.
"Is it really such a bad thing that I want to see my friend? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't care if I fucking snogged Remus. Why can't Severus and I just meet?"
"Snogging may be a bit over the top. A kiss may be fine."
"Go back to Remus.'" I said harshly, refusing to cry again right now.
"Leave, Sirius. I'll see you tomorrow."

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