Chapter Seventy

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Hermione had made Ron and Harry go back to finish their seventh year. Ron and Harry weren't too happy about it, but she insisted, so they went.
Harry hadn't wanted to go back, but Ginny Weasley worked her magic, and he was all right.
Harry was home for Christmas, and I'd had frequent updates from Hermione on how he was, so I was comfortable leaving him home alone, so Remus, Sirius and I went to pick up dinner while he stayed home to watch Teddy.
"It's bloody cold." I said.
"Yeah." Sirius agreed.
Remus stared at him.
"What?" Sirius asked.
"Why'd you marry him again?" Remus asked me, shrugging off his jacket.
"I ask myself that sometimes too. What are you doing?" I answered.
"Because I'm perfect, obviously." Sirius said. "Why are you taking off your jacket?"
"To be the gentleman, since her husband won't be." Remus draped his jacket over my shoulders.
"I have a jacket, I'm all right." I put his jacket back on him.
"No, I'm all right. You wear it." Remus took it off and put it on me.
"No, Remus. You'll freeze." I put it back on him.
"I'll wear it if no one else will." Sirius said.
"I wasn't offering it to you, you selfish bastard." Remus grinned, but put it back on me.
"I'm not wearing it." I put it back on him, and shrugged away when he tried to put it back on me. "I'm fine. I was just saying it was cold. Thank you, though. And they say chivalry's dead."
"It is with Sirius." Remus grinned and put it back on.
"I'm feeling very attacked right now." Sirius said.
"You are, love." I patted his arm.
"Uncle Remus?" Harry said when we came home, holding Teddy.
"Yeah?" Remus said, putting the bag he was holding on the table.
"I'm sorry." Harry said.
Remus scanned the room. "You're sorry? For what?"
"For Tonks. I'm sorry."
Sirius and I exchanged looks.
"Don't be sorry, Harry. It wasn't your fault."
"It was, Uncle Remus. I'm sorry."
"Dora chose to join the battle, despite everyone's instructions. It isn't your fault, Harry."
"It is. I'm so sorry."
"It's all right, Harry." He finally said.
Harry nodded and put Teddy in his playpen. "What'd you get?" He asked.
Ginny came over for dinner the next night. I absolutely loved seeing her and Harry together. Harry looked happy, like he hadn't been forced into a life of pain, despite our best efforts.
"Dad?" Harry asked when she'd left.
"Yeah, kid?" Sirius asked as he was dealing out Solitaire cards.
"I want to marry her."
I shot a grin at Remus.
"Well, then ask her." Sirius said casually, flipping the cards.

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