Chapter Sixty-Three

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Sirius and I sat down with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't.
"I've already Obliviated my parents." Hermione said. "They're on their way to Australia as we speak."
"Mum's not going to let us go. Dad's helping, though. After Bill and Fleur's wedding, the ghoul in the attic will be in my room with Slattergroit." Ron said.
"Who's RAB?" Harry asked, holding a locket in his hands.
"What?" Sirius asked.
"RAB. Who is that? Do you guys know?"
I looked at Sirius to see if I was right. I knew Regulus' middle name started with an A, and that he had died turning against Voldemort.
"Regulus Arcturus Black." Sirius confirmed my suspicion.
"Who's that?" Harry asked.
"My brother. May I see that?"
Harry handed the locket over, and Sirius opened it.
"I thought your family was mixed up in Dark Magic." Hermione said.
"They were. Regulus was too. I guess he... Changed, I guess. The real locket must be at Grimmauld Place, if you guys want to go there. Fair warning, Hermione, the house elf is an--"
"She feels strongly about house elves." Ron warned.
"He's an arse." Sirius finished nonetheless, handing the locket back to Harry.
"Sirius." Hermione sighed.
"He's just upset that Kreacher kept calling me a mudblood." I explained. "I didn't have a problem with him. He was a bit grouchy, but otherwise--"
"My parents cared for the bloody house elf more than they cared for me." Sirius said. "They had him 'punishing' me for them half the time."
"That's not his fault." Hermione and I said.
"What's your plan?" I asked.
"Well. About that." Harry cleared his throat.
"Good plan, Harry." Sirius smiled.
"You've got to stay for the wedding. Molly'll kill you if you don't." I said.
"Yeah." Ron nodded vehemently.
"I'm afraid getting to the Weasley's may be difficult." Sirius said.
"So, what's the plan?" Harry asked.
"They know we're moving you, so they'll be watching. We'll move you on a different date." Sirius didn't tell him the rest of the plan, knowing he wouldn't like it.
"Do you know what you're looking for? For Horcruxes?" I asked to change the subject before he could ask further details.
"The diary that was destroyed in second year was one. That's one down, six to go." Harry said.
"That ring Dumbledore had, could it be one?"
He nodded.
"This isn't going to be easy." Sirius said.
"I know. Tell Ron and Hermione that it's too dangerous--"
"We're going with you." Hermione interrupted.
I looked at the ground. Harry was going to kill Voldemort. My son was going to kill somebody.
If Voldemort even counts as human, considering he split his soul into seven. But still.
"We won't be able to write you." Harry said quietly.
"We know." Sirius said, reaching over and taking one of my hands as I rung them nervously.
"I'm sorry, Mum." Harry said.
I reached out and took his hand with a little smile.
These poor kids.

Getting Harry to the Weasley's proved to be quite a feat. Mundungus Fletcher, the asshole, disapparated in the middle and got Mad Eye killed. George got his ear sliced off, and I saw it to be the handiwork of none other than Severus Snape, but said nothing, knowing it must have been an accident. Fred had taken to calling George "Your Holiness." Otherwise, all went as planned. More or less.

We had helped Mrs. Weasley prepare for the wedding all week. She was trying to keep Harry, Ron and Hermione apart so they couldn't plan their escape, but we all knew it was futile.
The morning of the wedding, Ginny asked Harry to zip up her dress in the kitchen. George had rushed in with a cup of tea, shoved a fork in the bandage around his head and said "Morning." very casually, and they had cut off their kiss. Sirius had lacked the tact to not laugh, so as we walked through the kitchen, he was laughing as I elbowed him and hissed for him to shut up.
Harry had Ginny had broken up, because Harry deemed it too dangerous for her. They probably shouldn't be kissing, but who was I to stand in the way of young love?
It was finally the night of the wedding. We had Transfigured Harry and were going to tell everybody he was a cousin of the Weasley's.
Nobody questioned it, even others in the Weasley's family. Luna Lovegood, though, saw through it right away.
"Hello, Harry." She'd said immediately.
I was immediately on alert, but Harry handled it smoothly, and we all continued on with our lives.
It was a beautiful wedding. Fleur looked absolutely beautiful. I mean, she was always stunning, but just especially so tonight.
Everything went well until the reception.
I had been sipping my champagne, watching people dance and laugh and talk. My main focus was on Harry across the room, though.
Sirius came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and my eyes left Harry. "You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.
"Thanks, love. You clean up nice too." I smiled. He was in a suit, and he looked very, very nice.
Remus and Tonks came over. It still made me happy to see him now, being so happy. She was pregnant, and starting to show.
Since we got the news, Remus hadn't seemed too happy. You'd think he would be, having another baby to dote on.
"Remus, love, can I talk to you?" I asked, breaking away from Sirius.
Remus followed me a little ways away. "You look beautiful." He told me.
"Thanks." I smiled, straightening his tie. "You don't look too bad yourself."
He smiled a bit.
"So, when are you gonna spill your guts?"
"What's bothering you, Remus?" I sighed.
Tonks watched us worriedly, just as concerned as I was. Sirius hadn't noticed, I didn't think. He was prattling on about God knows what.
"What if the baby's a werewolf too?" He finally asked quietly.
And then things went wrong.
A Patronus burst into the tent. "Scrimgeour is dead. The Ministry has fallen." It said in Kingsley Shacklebolt's booming voice, and faded away.
People started panicking. Remus grabbed me and pulled me back to Sirius and Tonks.
"Get out of here, Remus." Sirius said. "Go. Now."
Remus grabbed Tonks' hand and ran through the crowd.
I couldn't for the life of me remember what we were supposed to be calling Harry, and I couldn't yell his real name.
"Hermione! Ron!" I yelled, running through the crowd as Death Eaters came through the broken protections.
Needless to say, we didn't get to tell them goodbye before they left. I hoped they were prepared. Knowing Hermione, though, they were.
I knew that when Harry turned seventeen, what Lily had done, the power it gave him, would fall apart. I also knew that when Harry turned seventeen, his magic couldn't be tracked. The latter was good, the former, though...
We managed to get home, but we were being watched.
"I hate Peter." Sirius snapped when we got home. He slammed his palm against the wall, and little cracks spread from the spot.
I jumped away a little, not meaning to. "Peter hasn't done anything." I said quietly.
"Besides kill James and Lily? Try to kill Harry? Be a Death Eater? The fucking traitor!" His voice rose and he punched the wall, putting a hole in it. "Fucking hell." He said quietly.
"I know you're angry, Sirius, but don't take it out on the wall."
"It helps if I imagine punching Peter."
And I promptly burst into tears.
Arthur Weasley later found time to assure the kids that everyone was all right, but that we were all being watched.

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