Chapter Three

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"Let's go get your stuff." I said.
"What stuff?"
"From your house."
"No. I don't want to go."
"You need to get your stuff. You aren't going back there after this."
"And where do you think I'll go, then? I know James says I can stay with him, but I'm already there all the time, and--"
"You'll stay with here until we go back to school. Then we'll go from there. Come on, let's go." I took his hand and waited for him to apparate us there.
"You can't go." He said. "They could kill you."
"I can defend myself, Sirius."
"You don't understand." He sighed, getting exasperated. "You're muggleborn, Liza. They'll hate you."
"Again, I can defend myself. Let's go, Sirius." I said impatiently.
"I'll go by myself. You can't go."
"You can't go by yourself."
"I can defend myself, Eliza." He mocked.
"Obviously you aren't prepared to go back. Let me come with you, Sirius."
"No. It's too dangerous for you."
"You too, Sirius. Let's go."
"I'm not taking you." He pulled his hand away and apparated.
I grabbed on quickly, hoping it would work.
Thankfully, it did.
We apparated outside a house. It just looked dark and foreboding. Knowing the things that had happened in there made it worse.
"Stay out here." He said gruffly, walking in and shutting the door behind him.
I followed.
A portrait of a woman started screeching about a mudblood in her house. Sirius pointed his wand at it, and it shut up. The woman might have been pretty had she not looked so stern and evil, and had I not had suspicions of how she treated Sirius.
Sirius shoved his hand into mine and pulled me along, peeking in doorways before we walked past them. He pulled me into a bedroom and shut the door. "Not as clean as yours, but..." He smiled, looking quite distressed.
"Sirius, why is there blood on your sheets?" I asked, my heart racing.
He pulled the blankets up to cover up the stain. "Nothing." He mumbled.
As he packed, I looked around his room. There were pictures of the Marauders and Lily and me, Gryffindor posters, and some scantily clad muggle girls. He wasn't in any of the pictures of us besides a few. "Well." I said, eyebrows raised.
"Pardon the decor. It was kind of a last-ditch effort to show my abhorrence of my family. I can't get them off the walls now."
I laughed a little bit. "Did you use magic to get them up?"
"Yeah. So my parents couldn't get them down."
"You rebel."
He turned around and winked before continuing to pack.
After a minute, he came over and pushed me against the wall, kissing me.
Well, okay. Not complaining. A little awkward, though, since we were leaning against a half naked girl on a motorbike.
After a moment, he started to pull my shirt off.
"Sirius, wait." I said quietly, putting my hand on his chest and pushing him away.
"Sorry." He said, and let me go. He continued packing.
"Are you a virgin, Sirius?" I asked, leaning against the wall, cheeks flushed.
He looked up at me strangely. "Don't you know?"
"Well, I thought I did. But then you wouldn't let me take off your shirt last night."
"You tried to take off my shirt?"
"Yeah." I smiled a little bit, shaking my head.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." He's never tried to have sex with me before, but I always just thought he was respecting my wishes.
"Yes, I'm a virgin. Don't tell James."
I laughed. "All right."
"I'm ready." He said after a while.
One hand dragging his trunk, one hand in mine, he pulled me from the room. As we walked down the stairs, a boy was walking up. He looked just like Sirius, only younger. He must be Regulus.
"Regulus." Sirius said, halting and putting his arm in front of me, like that would protect me.
Regulus looked from him to me. He looked exhausted. He kept walking, and went straight past us without a word.
Sirius kept walking.
I apparated us back to my house. Judging by the look on Sirius' face, I wasn't sure if he would have been capable of getting us back in one piece. I took him to the guest bedroom.
When we went back downstairs, Natalie was in the kitchen with a blonde girl with a really freaking long neck. She had the same haughty, I'm-better-than-all-you-bitches look Natalie had. She was Natalie's best friend, and I didn't even know her name. "Get out of here, freak." Natalie spat.
I turned around and walked back out, pulling Sirius with me. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked, trying not to cry.
"A what?" He asked.
"A movie. It's like a book, but you watch it on the telly." I explained. "Or have you not read one of those?" I smiled, but it probably looked forced.
"Nope. I haven't. But sure." He didn't comment on my slipping composure.
"Take your pick." I pointed to a shelf of films.
"You pick." He said, watching me carefully. "I don't know what I'm doing."
"That's a first." I tried for a smile, but started to cry.
I don't think a second passed before he'd swept me into his arms and was holding me. "It's okay, love. What's wrong?"
I had no right to cry about Natalie when Sirius obviously had it much worse. I shook my head, trying to suck it up.
"No, tell me." He pulled back a little bit, brushing my hair from my eyes. "Tell me what's wrong." He said gently.
"Am I a freak?" I asked finally.
"No." He said. "You aren't."
"But I am!" I cried. "Natalie--"
"It doesn't matter what Natalie says. You aren't." He kissed me gently.
I had almost forgotten why I was upset when an owl tapped on the window. "Damn owls." Sirius muttered, and went to open it. He handed me the letter.
I opened it.
Look, I'm really sorry about what I said to Lily. You of all people should know that I love her. Please, just ask her to talk to me. I'm so, so sorry. You know I didn't mean it. Happy Christmas.
- Sev
I rolled my eyes, irritated. I threw it in the trash.
"What?" Sirius asked.
"Why's he writing you?" He demanded, instinctively reaching for his wand.
"Apologizing again and asking me to talk to Lily."
Lily and I had immediately become friends our first day of our first year. Consequently, I was friends with Severus the first few years too. Then he called Lily a mudblood when the boys were picking on him. She was done with him; I was done with him. Now he's probably a Death Eater.
"I could always turn his hair pink." He suggested.
"No, Sirius." I sighed.
I should've probably written him back. I felt rude.
But I couldn't stand him.
I was just going to tell him no, anyways. I might as well just not.
"Come on, Black. We're watching a movie." I went over to the shelf. "Do you want to watch The Breakfast Club?"
"Sure." He shrugged, not having a clue what I was talking about.
My dad only walked in the room four times while we watched the movie, so he did pretty well.

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