Chapter Forty-Two

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Sirius watched Remus all through dinner until Remus finally brought it up. "Is there a problem?" He asked.
"Nope." Sirius said casually.
"He's jealous." I explained.
"Of me?" Remus raised his eyebrows.
"No. I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous." Sirius said. Bull.
"Somebody didn't tell him we dated." I shot a look at Remus.
"How's that my fault?" He said.
"Because he's your best friend and it was your duty."
"You're his wife."
"I wasn't at the time."
"I dated Eliza in sixth year." Remus informed Sirius needlessly.
"Did you know she snogged James?" Sirius said.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Why am I the only one who doesn't know this stuff? Did James know about the two of you?"
"Yeah." He said.
"And why didn't I? Considering I was the only one who actually fancied her."
"I fancied her." Remus said defensively. "I'm not an arse. You were the one who dated girls for sex."
"I'll have you know that Eliza and I never had sex until we were married. What about you?"
"Did I have sex with Eliza?" Remus asked.
"Guys, I'm right here." I reminded them.
"Yes." Sirius said.
"I'm not a whore!" I said defensively. "I'll have you both now that you guys were the only people I ever kissed." I said.
"You kissed him?" Sirius demanded.
I half expected Remus to say something like "So have you, mate," but he didn't.
"Yes, I kissed him. He was my boyfriend." I said, like it was obvious (because it should have been).
"Why has nobody told me?" Sirius asked again.
"Because you wouldn't have been happy about it."
"And that didn't sway your opinion?"
"It did, or I would've asked her out earlier."
"You said yes?" Sirius asked me.
"Well, yeah. He helped me with my homework." I shot Remus a grin.
"Yep. Loads of homework." Remus said, catching on.
"Ew. Stop." Sirius wrinkled his nose.
"It isn't a big deal, Sirius." I said, shrugging.
"Thanks." Remus said sarcastically.
"That's not what I meant!" I sighed.
"Sure." They both said.
"I'm going to write to Severus." I stood up.
"You aren't making this situation better." Remus assured me.
"I don't care. He'll get over it. Won't you, love?" I ruffled Sirius' hair as I walked past.
"Not the hair!" Sirius said.
"Did you kiss Severus too?" Remus grinned as I was washing my plate.
"Well, of course. He was my fuckbuddy."
"What?" They both said.
"No, I'm kidding. I've never kissed Sev, or had any desire to." I assured them. "Sirius, you told me yourself that you wouldn't care if I kissed Remus." I reminded him.
Remus paused, giving us both weird looks.
"Yeah, because I'd prefer it be him over Snape." Sirius said.
"I'm gonna go." Remus stood from the table.
"No, no. This is the point where you two bond over how terrible it is to be stuck with me." I said.
"It isn't terrible." They said simultaneously. Sirius cast him a look.
"What? It isn't."
"Well, you boys have fun. I'm going to write my letter and then go stare at the stars." I said.
"Oh, hey! You got her flowers!" Remus told Sirius as I was walking out.
That wasn't exactly the day I had in mind. Sirius is going to have to calm down at some point.
Why would Remus have done that to us? Merlin.
Shortly after I'd gone out to look at the stars, Sirius and Remus emerged. "Well, I'll be going." Remus said. "Where's my hug?"
"Oh, no. You don't get a hug. You're grounded." I said, standing.
"Grounded? Why?"
"You didn't tell Sirius."
"Neither did you." He laughed.
"Too bad. You're grounded."
"You can't ground me. I'm a grown man."
"Grown, yes. Man, well..."
"You're mean. I don't want a hug anyway."
I hugged him. "Bye."
"Bye." He smiled.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you. I thought you knew." I told Sirius.
"I don't care." He shrugged. "So, how did you guys... Break up?"
"I don't know. It was a unanimous decision."
"You don't regret it?"
"Nope. Not at all."
"What'd you write to Snape about?"
"Asked if he knew anything about why Harry's scar would hurt. He's quite knowledgable."
"You trust him to give you a straight answer?"
"Of course." I said defensively. "Do you want to watch the stars with me?"
"There's nothing I'd rather do." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me to the grass. "Although, you're the brightest, most beautiful star."
"That wasn't even a good analogy."
"I tried." He laughed.
I guess I fell asleep, because I woke up to being jostled. I jumped, then realized that it was just Sirius picking me up, and calmed down. "Are you awake?" He whispered softly.
I said nothing. Why pass up a perfectly good opportunity?
As Sirius laid me on the bed, I spoke up. "Who says I was ready to come inside?"
"Are you bloody kidding me?" He said. "I carried you in here, and you were awake?"
"Yep." I sat up. "Come here."
"Can I pee first?"
"I suppose. If you must."
He returned after a moment and climbed into bed beside me. "What's up?"
"You don't think that Harry's scar hurting means that maybe Voldemort's... Back... Do you?" I asked quietly.
"I'm sure it's nothing." He kissed the top of my head.
"You're probably right." I agreed. "You aren't really upset about Remus and me, are you?" I asked.
"No, not at all." He said. "Is that why you always smelled like flowers in sixth year?" He said, like he was having some major epiphany.
I laughed. "Probably, yeah."
"Damn. That's a lot of flowers."
"It was a shit ton of flowers." I laughed.
"Wow. Our first night without a kid and we're going to bed at ten."
"Is it only ten?" I asked.
I laughed. "Wow."
"You wanna go out to dinner tomorrow night?" He asked.
We hadn't been out to a 'fancy' dinner since October 31, 1981. Of course we both knew the dinner had had nothing to do with any of the events, but I guess we were just traumatized.
"Sure." I said. "Is this one of those occasions where you're actually just wanting to see my clothes on the bedroom floor?" I grinned up at him.
"Well, if you insist."

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