Chapter Forty

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Three Years Later

"What if I'm in Slytherin?" Harry asked us as we drove to King's Cross.
"You won't be in Slytherin." Sirius told him. "You're too good."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You won't be in Slytherin. Slytherin's where--"
"If you're in Slytherin, so be it." I said, casting Sirius a glance. "Sirius holds a grudge against the whole house, but not all those in it are bad."
Sirius said nothing. His grudge was understandable, of course, but still.
"Relax, kid." Sirius said. "It doesn't matter what house you're in."
"What do I do?" Harry asked as we got to the platform.
"Just run through the barrier. Come on, take my hand." I held my hand out to him.
"Just... Run?" He took my hand.
We ran at the barrier, Harry cringing as we did. "Oh." He said when we got through. "That wasn't too bad."
Sirius followed with Harry's cart.
"I'm scared." Harry said.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine." I smiled. "I was terrified my first day."
"Was it as scary as you thought?"
"Even more." Sirius said dramatically. "She--"
"Shut up, Sirius." I interrupted.
"Thanks, Dad." Harry said sarcastically.
"Sure." Sirius clapped his shoulder.
"You'll write me, right?" Harry asked.
"Of course. Don't forget Hagrid's invited you to tea Friday." I said.
He nodded and hugged me. "Bye, Mum."
"Bye, love." I kissed the top of his head. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Harry hugged Sirius. "Bye, Dad. Love you."
"Bye, kiddo. Love you too."
"Have fun." I called as he walked away, sparing us a backwards glance.
Harry waved at us as the train started moving. We waved back. "Think he'll be okay?" I asked through a big fake smile.
"Yeah. I'm sure." Sirius said.
"All right, Sirius." I said when Harry was out of sight. "We've got to go."
"I don't want to." He said.
"You need to." I said gently.
"I don't want to."
"You've got to."
"You didn't."
"Because Natalie wouldn't let me near her. Come on, Sirius. It'll be okay."
"Fine." He said grumpily.
"I can't go in there." Sirius said as we pulled up outside number 12 Grimmauld Place. "I can't."
I turned in the seat to look at him. He was shaking, staring at the building. "It's gonna be okay." I said. "You've done it before. You can do it again. You've procrastinated for six years already. There's nothing in there that can hurt you."
"I don't care." He closed his eyes.
"I won't let anything hurt you." I smiled.
He laughed shakily and turned to me, kissing me. "I love you."
"I love you too."
We got out of the car and stood looking at the house for a moment. "That portrait's going to start screeching." He said.
"It'll be fine." I slid my hand into his, and his hand tightened around mine.
As soon as we walked through the door, he was perfectly composed.
The portrait started screeching and he kissed me as he pointed his wand at it, causing a curtain to fall over it.
He did as he did the other time I'd been in here: peeking through the doorways before we walked past and pulling me through.
"Master Sirius." A voice said.
Sirius jumped about three feet and pushed me behind him. "Kreacher. Oh. I'm sorry. Hello." He allowed me to come out from behind him.
In front of us was an old house elf. "Mudblood." He spat at me.
"Watch it." Sirius said sharply, his arm still in front of me.
"It's all right, Sirius." I said gently, my hand on his back.
"You disgrace my Mistress's home." Kreacher continued, angry. "You disgrace Master Regulus' home with your filthy mudblood--"
"Shut up." Sirius said loudly. "They're all dead now, whether you like it or not. I'm your master now."
Kreacher looked disgusted. "You've tarnished my mistress's home--"
"I said shut up." Sirius' voice shook. "Just shut up."
"Sirius, why don't we go look through your room?" I suggested gently.
"--With this mudblood. You bring the mudblood into my mistresses home, then you marry the mudblood, then you bring the mudblood--" Kreacher continued, as if we hadn't spoken.
"Shut up!" Sirius half screamed. "I'm your master now, and you will obey me!" He said sternly.
"Sirius, be kind." I pleaded. "It's okay. All right? Calm down."
Kreacher stopped talking, glaring at Sirius.
"You won't speak of her like that. She's your mistress."
"Serve a mudblood?" Kreacher looked appalled. "My mistress would never--"
"Shut up." Sirius said sharply.
"Sirius! Be kind!" I said.
"This place is filthy. Clean it." Sirius continued to Kreacher, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the room, up to his. He slammed the door like a moody teenager.
I watched him, waiting for a reaction, but he just kept staring at the floor, hands shoved deep into his pockets. I could hear him breathing. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. "Sirius..." I finally began timidly.
He shut his eyes, pulling his hands from his pockets and crossing his arms, thumbs out. Defensive body language; proceed with caution.
"Are you all right, Sirius?" I said gently, taking a step towards him. I didn't want to touch him, afraid it would make him freak out.
He exhaled, a noise coming from his throat as he stepped backwards, sitting on the bed. He'll freak out either way.
"Sirius, love..." I followed and touched his arm.
He made a scared noise, cringing away, and my heart broke for the little boy who'd been stuck in this Hell for so long.
"Come on, come here." I said, reaching for him.
He came willingly, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my chest, breathing hard.
I didn't want to cry too, but I couldn't help it. He kept his tears silent, as if his parents could still have heard.
"It's all right, Sirius." I whispered. "There's nothing in here that can hurt you." I pulled his chin up for him to look at me. "
"I used to go to James' when shit happened." He said, gasping between words.
I sat down beside him and wrapped my arm around him. "I'm sorry." I whispered.
"Why are you crying?" He choked out. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." I kissed his temple. "It's okay, Sirius. Let's go home." I stood up and held out my hand to him.
He stood and took my hand. "I love you." He stammered.
"I love you too."
I led him out of his room. He was perfectly composed the second we stepped out the door. It shattered my heart.
"We're leaving, Kreacher." Sirius called.
"Do you not want to bring him?" I asked.
"No, not at all." He said, his hand in mine.
Kreacher stepped into the doorway by where we were standing. He took a step back, probably away from me. "Goodbye, Master Sirius."
"You're forgetting somebody, Kreacher." He said impatiently.
"Sirius, it's fine." I said.
"Kreacher cannot call a mudblood his mistress." Kreacher said.
"Kreacher can and will call the mudblood his mistress." Sirius said, his hand tightening around mine.
"Must you be so ornery, Sirius?" I demanded. "It's fine."
"Kreacher." Sirius said sharply.
"Goodbye, Mistress Eliza." Kreacher said, looking like it pained him.
We left to the sound of him banging his head against the wall.
"Sirius, really." I sighed.
"I don't mind being called a mudblood, Sirius. I don't fucking care. I don't care if Kreacher calls me Mistress or not. I honestly don't."
"I know, but I'm his master, and my first task is going to be to endeavor to force him into manners."
I laughed a little as we got in the car.
"Oh, Merlin." Sirius sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.
"I'm sorry, Sirius." I said. "I didn't know you'd react this way."
"Me either." He cracked a smile in my direction then turned and stared out the window. "I'm sorry I called you a mudblood. I didn't mean--"
"I don't care, Sirius. I'm a mudblood."
"Were you wanting to go to the Potter's?" I asked after a moment.
"Can we?" He said quietly.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"No. But I want to go."

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