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A/N: I'm so so sorry that this update is coming so late. It's just it was all too much for me. I moved to a dorm and I had to prepare for college. Now that's school over for good I really have time but I need time to come to terms with myself  and idk... just wanted to say sorry to those of you who really read this and might even like it...  

*Will's POV*

Alana looked expectantly. "So, tell me, Will. What happened?"

Despite everything. Despite this black hole inside of him, that void reaching out to him to claim him and never let him out again. Despite that damn self-hatred he smiled. Will smiled because he was happy. And damn everything else, he fucking deserved it.

"A lot changed. Changes don't need time. They just happen and in my case he happened. I told my parents and I talked to friends about it." A laugh interrupting his speech. "Can you believe I just said that. Yes, they're my friends. They care about me and I noticed I do, too."

Dr. Bloom smiled at him. But he could see the frown in her eyes. Doubt. "Dr. Bloom, I know you think I'm unstable, so please don't lie. You doubt me, why?"

"I don't think he-"

"is good for me?", he finished for her.

"No, I meant: I don't think it's wise to base your happiness on someone who might-"

"only use me for sex?"

"Will, let me please finish before you criticize my advise. Thank you. I fear you base your temporary happiness on just one person and that's neither healthy nor helpful. What if-"

"he leaves me or hurts me?" Dr. Bloom rolled her eyes as if to say "didn't we just talk about interrupting someone?". But she nodded, nevertheless, and smiled sympathetically. She waited for Will to continue. "He can't hurt me... yes, he could but it won't destroy me. He is not my happiness, Dr. Bloom, but he helped me find it again. And I started talking to my mom and dad. I mean... yeah, maybe it was the wrong way to tell them about the sex but they care and I like them to care." He smiled absently. Thinking about how their talk kind of escalated. Why would he smile, though? His parents were so busy and everything was always fine and nice. He wasn't exactly sure they even listened to him the few times he actually talked to them.

Well, after their outburst he knew they did listen. Wanted to call the police. Go after Dr. Lecter. He had argued he was eighteen. "Still a child", his mother had said to that. "And how old is that perverted-"  "DAD" a deep breath. "How old is he?" Will had just shrugged. After a bit more screaming and shouting Will had left the house. Sitting outside at the nearest park, smoking, relaxing, thinking. They feared it was unconsenting. Worried he was hurt. Yes, they acted like dicks but they cared. He had smiled at that.

When his mother found him, her first reaction was, "Since when do you sMOKE???"

"There are worse things to do"

She snorted. "Like sleeping with a 31-years-old guy?" a pause "Your dad googled him.", she added as an explanation.

"Mom, what's exactly your problem? The fact that he's more than ten years older than me or that he is a he?", Will nearly shouted at her.

"Oh honey, I knew you're gay." Her tone became soft again. She smiled at his openly confused face, "a mother knows."

"mom", where did those tears come from?, "mom, I really like him. Please don't hate me for that."

In a swirl, she had rushed to his side and embraced him, "oh honey, I don't hate you, we don't hate you. Never. We love you, we're just worried..."

"Is Hannibal aware that you told your parents?", Dr. Bloom looked like she wanted to burst into laughter.

"No. I don't want to... shock him. I still don't know how to tell him that my parents want to meet him for dinner.", he looked up at Dr. Bloom, "Surprised? I am. But I guess they want to give him a chance and test him and...", he laughed, "it's going to be sooo awkward and uncomfortable."

Dr. Bloom chuckled, "I'm not laughing at you, Will. I'm just-" And then, she couldn't control herself anymore. It just burst out through her red lips. Giggle turned into fits of laughter and with tears in her eyes she tried and added in breaths, "trying. to. imagine. Hhhan. Hannibal. omygod I can't... I'm just trying. to imagine. Hannibal. at your parent's." She doubled over, tears streaming down her face. "at your parent's." her voice a shrill high note, "meeting the parents..." Swiftly, the laughing mess that once was the stern but friendly psychiatrist got up and vanished through the door. Will could hear a distant "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just need a moment."

With a smile Will leaned back into the chair. After the awkward talk with his parents he hadn't slept very well. Another reason might be that he certain guy texted him: 

- I already miss you. HL

- me too. I really enjoyed... breakfast ;)

- we should repeat that sometime

- yes 

Will had grinned, biting his own lip. He could still feel Hannibal.

Even now in Dr. Bloom's office he could feel Hannibal's lips and his voice stayed in his head. Life was finally getting better. He deserved it, yes, he deserved this feeling. deserved to be happy.


"Damn, you whore. Good for you", that was Brian.

"Woah, tell me every detail, how big-"

"Jimmy!", Beverly slapped the small nerd. 

"I get it, someone", Will looked at Bev over-dramatically, "couldn't keep a secret." Bev threw up her arms in defense. "Well, I didn't know it was a secret." Will grinned,"Yeah sure. never mind." "You got a picture of him?", Brian asked while Bev already took Will's phone and scrolled through his gallery. "Hey and no I don't!" "Yes, Will, I see. No pictures at all! I guess those just... don't know, must be a coincidence that there are-" "Yes, fine, it might be that I googled him and MAYBE - by accident- I downloaded the photos I found on his website."

Jimmy and Brian grouped around Bev and the smartphone. "He's hot. Sure that these aren't pics of some danish actor Will has a celeb crush on?" "No, I googled Will's lover, too. That's him. Really." "Crazy, I wonder how he's in bed" "Ask Will"

"You know I'm standing right beside you and can hear you?" Beverly turned to him and smiled at that, "yes and we don't care." Will fake-pouted. "Mmmh, what's to be done about that... mmmh maybe I would consider telling you something about how Dr. Lecter really likes me calling him Dr. Lecter  if", he paused dramatically, "I get my phone back." Immediately, he had his phone in his hand and noticed with great relief that they hadn't looked through his chat with Dr. Lecter. He looked at the clock and began to turn away, "Ok, bye, see you tomorrow"

"Hey, you promised to tell us how Dr. Lecter fucked you." "Jimmy", Bev shot him a deadly stare.

"Sorry, guys. I said I would consider it and right now I gotta go, have a date with Haaaannibal", Will winked grinning and again began turning to the street. Hannibal had texted him to wait there for him, but there was no need for waiting. Hannibal smiled at him smugly. Will froze. Great timing.

*Hannibal's POV*

Well then, let's give them a show...

In a swift, graceful movement, he grabbed Will's neck and drew his boy closer, kissing him full on the mouth. Oh, the sensation of his Will after the two horrible days of longing for him. And he could feel Will had ached for him just as well. For he heard a muffled moan, "Mmmhannibal" Oh how he loved that sound. Will was eager to open his mouth for him. And just as eager to close it again around his upper lip, biting and sucking. Feeling Will's soft lips around his own, Hannibal forgot time and place. Did that even matter? Nothing mattered but Will sliding his hands beneath his coat under his shirt and over his boiling hot skin. He tried to get Will closer, closer.

Suddenly, he lost the pressure at his lips, his source of heat and light. "Hannibal", Will whispered to him, "please remove your hand from my ass. My friends are standing right beside us."

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