the favor

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*Hannibal's POV*

He had walked the whole distance to Alana and Margot's home. He had called her. Again and again. She hadn't answered any of his calls. But he needed her right now. He needed someone to talk. Bedelia wasn't available and how hard it was to accept it but he had no one else.

He had rang the doorbell. Again and again, because at first neither Alana nor her wife were reacting to his visit. But he knew they were at home. At some point Alana had given in and opened the door, standing in the doorway, not letting him in.

Half drunk, he begged, "Alana, please... let me in." He stumbled forward to get inside.

"Go away, Hannibal. I don't want to see you or hear you or... after what you did to Will", she pushed him away and he fell on the ground. His head throbbed and he tried to stand up again but failed. Weakly he managed at least to get on his knees.

Crying, he pleaded to her, "Please, Alana. I don't have anyone to talk... please"

But she just closed the door, ignoring his pleas and cries.

"Alana, Alana!"


He didn't know how he managed to get back home. But somehow he must have done it because now he was lying on the couch and downing another bourbon.

It was the couch. He still felt Will's presence on it. Oh, how he missed him. He needed Will.

His drunken and numbed mind began to go to places he tried to avoid nowadays. In his memory palace he looked for Will, wondered what he was doing right now. How did he feel? Did he believe it? Now? Because Hannibal knew he hadn't, on the phone he hadn't. And Will had called afterwards. It had made everything about this so much worse to know that Will fought for them, wanted them to fight.
But Hannibal couldn't. He could not go back to a them. His career and reputation would be afflicted and. And what? Oh god, how petty.
Oh dear me. What did that even matter? Fuck, man. Let them all accuse him. It did not matter. Only Will.
Oh, Hannibal had made the worst possible decision.
He would make things right again. Somehow.
How. He'd call him and tell him. Tell him what? That his father threatened to indict him for rape and he himself was gutless, chickened out and did what Mr. Graham wanted. Hannibal groaned, he was ashamed of himself. Why would Will want him back?
Maybe Will was better off without him.

Perhaps. He shouldn't.

But he wasn't. He wasn't better off without Will.

The doorbell rang. Will? Could it be Will.

Hannibal rolled over and fell on the carpet. THE carpet. The carpet on which they had lain together, had sex and made love - only a few days ago. With some struggles he found his footing again and stumbled to the front door.

He opened it, heavily leaning against it, so to not fall on the floor, "Will?"

"Ehm, no. It's me.", dark eyes meet his. And with a smug look on his face, the visitor with those dark, amused eyes took in the terrible state Hannibal was in. Which turned his smirk into a huge smile.

This unexpected and indeed unwanted guest made him sober up, "Well, why don't you come inside, Frederick"


"You might not remember but you owe me something", again his little smirk. Oh, how Hannibal detested that.

Well, how could he have forgotten?

Chilton took a sip of the bourbon, "I just wondered whether Bedelia is single."

"Yes, she is. Was that your favor you wanted. A answer to that question? Fine, you can go now"

"No", Chilton chuckled, "you will go next Friday to the gala with her"

"What?", it might be the alcohol but Hannibal just couldn't see a connection between that request and Chilton's aim behind it.

"I'll be there and you will introduce us and it wouldn't hurt if you maybe tell her about me and mention what a charming guy I am. Maybe add that I'm attractive but don't be too obvious", Frederick rambled on and on. He really did like the sound of his own voice.

Hannibal groaned, "consider it done" At least it would keep him distracted from thinking about Will. And the decision he planned to do.

*Will's POV*

"I don't wanna go", Will whined. As a reaction to that he got a pillow thrown at him. "Come on, Will. It'll be fun." Bev jumped on the bed and tried to pull him out.

"Yes, you can't keep sulking forever", that clever remark came from no one else but Brian.

They were all at Jack's when Bev got the idea that they should go out.

"It's my house. My rules. You go with us" Jack tried to sound like an authority and it really did have a good effect.

"Fuck you, Jack! You sound like my mom!" With that Will tossed the pillow he had gotten in the face at Jack.

"Maybe you meet someone to hook up with" "Jimmy, seriously?" Why was it never a surprise that Jimmy would say stuff like that.

"Will, you'll go with us or or" Again Jack tried to be threatening.

"I'll call your parents" Bev finished for him. And that really cut deep, "NOOO, Bev no don't please. There is a reason I'm not home"

They all looked at Will, shocked. Surprised. Finally Brian managed to say what was on all of their minds, "and how would we know that then. Since you don't talk to us"

"I...", Will sighed, "I kinda ran away from home, because they made him...  I don't know... Hannibal broke up with me and they... they were terrible and I don't know.. Hannibal, I thought he lied but I dont know now. But my parents they... I just don't wanna go out... that would require me to be sociable and I"

Bev rubbed his shoulder compassionately. "I know it's hard for you but come on, Will, you can't stay inside for ever."
"Why not"


They made him go nonetheless.

"OMG, Hannibal is here. We go. We leave NOW", Will had spotted Hannibal standing at the bar.

"Who's that blonde hot chick, though", Bev nodded to the direction a classy but frosty lady stood. Of course they wouldn't react to Will's plea but to Bev.

Jack turned to Bev, "Since when is homosexuality infectious? First Jimmy and Brian, then Will and now you?... wow all my friends are gay" Jimmy laughed, "You know that sounds pretty homophobic asshole like. But we all know you're an ass"
Bev shrugged instead, "Just said she's hot... I would sleep with her though"

While they all checked Bedelia out, Will's eyes wandered back to Hannibal. He looked fine, wearing a nice new suit. He was at the bar, getting Champagner. Will debated whether he really wanted to leave. Maybe instead he should go over. Hannibal had blocked all his calls, that was extreme. Like he didn't trust himself to meet or hear from his young lover. The real betrayal behind the break up came from his own parents not Hannibal, Will was sure about that. Not enterily, but now that he saw him in person... Hannibal didn't want the break up that's why it came so sudden. Hannibal...

"no... fuck." All turned to Will simultaneously. Who stood like frozen, keeping his eyes on Hannibal and the blonde lady who were laughing and chatting together. He had just brought her a glass of champagner.

"I think we should leave" Jack whispered to Brian and Jimmy.

The same week of their break up and what was that? A date? A single tear run over Will's cheek, "I don't believe it"

*Hannibal's POV*

"So where is Frederick, you two got to meet", Hannibal began to search the faces for the annoyingly smug one of Chilton. "He is not that ugly and he can be... nice I bet"

"He must be he-", Hannibal suddenly stopped because he meet a pair of eyes. Blue eyes, like the ocean and just as wet and salty.

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