"Olivia. Olivia Healy."

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It was a cold, rainy day. The clouds brought the dark to it. It matched the way you felt.

You just arrived in London, in Matty's flat specifically. You froze at the bedroom door as your hand fell from the knob and clutched your keys in the other. You had no words to describe how you were feeling about the sight in front of you. You were angry, hurt, and confused all at the same time. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you put your chin up to prevent them from escaping. In front of you, in Matty's bed, was a naked woman under the sheets. You felt your insides fall as you saw the room a mess. You could just imagine the events that happened the night before. Having enough of the view, you closed the door and walked back into the living room.

It wasn't long before the door opened and Matty came into the room with two coffees in hand and a surprised look on his face as he saw you standing there. His eyes scanned the room and spotted your suitcase beside him. Well, at least you succeeded on surprising him, you thought. It was the reason you flew here, in the first place. You came to see him and you didn't tell him about it despite how excited you felt about the two of you reuniting after almost a month of not seeing each other because you were both busy. Him, being on their European tour and you, finishing off lots of work to be able to take time off.

You couldn't speak. But he did. "Y/N," he closed the door and put the coffee down on the counter as he walked towards you. "Baby, what are you doing here?" his voice suddenly annoying to you. You ignored him and nodded at the coffee he clearly got for his unknown guest. "That coffee for me?" you crossed your arms and shifted on the other foot. He looked down, not knowing how to respond.

You caught him. You caught your boyfriend of one whole year, cheating on you. And you couldn't believe it. You wanted to hit him, slap him, throw furniture at him. Anything to give him the pain he was causing you now. You shook your head, about to say something but the bedroom door swung open, revealing a model in a cocktail dress, almost as tall as Matty. Her clothes were obviously from last night. You stared at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "Matty, I didn't know you had company." you faked a British accent, trying to sound surprised for the other woman's sake. "I could've stopped by another time." you said looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. He just shook his head as he turned to his side and kept his silence. You could tell he didn't know what to do, hoping this girl would just get the hint already.

"I'm sorry.." she walked closer to the two of you. "you are?" she inquired. The words pissed you off. You wanted nothing but to pull her hair out and let her know exactly who you were. But you weren't like that. "Oh, my name's Olivia.." you faked a name. "Olivia Healy." you put out your hand and she shook it, reluctantly, at least. You couldn't help but study her outfit from head to toe before looking back up at her. You kept up your act, shook your head and said "I'm Matty's cousin."

Matty, nervous behind you now. Clearly, aware of the false name, he frowned as he tried to figure out what scheme you were pulling. You turned to him then back at her. "You must be Matty's girlfriend!" you smiled as you successfully tried to sound excited. The oblivious girl, who seemed to be relieved now, let out a breath as if she was holding it the whole time. "Oh, no." she gave a small smile. "I.. " shifting her eyes to a silent Matty and realizing the elephant in the room, she continued "was just about to head out." She said, earning an awkward look from Matty. "Mind seeing me out, Matt?"

You walked to the kitchen and left them, hoping for the bitch to get it already. You were beyond pissed. You wanted to kill Matty. You wanted to get out of this place. You wanted to leave him. You were too hurt. You took your phone out and sent out a text to your best friend. 'He has a bitch. Pick me up at Matty's, please! ASAP!'. You groaned as you shoved your phone in the pocket of your skinny jeans in frustration.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now