"How hard could it be, mate?"

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Deep breath. And another one. You got this, Y/n! I told myself.

I took my time to keep myself from freaking out over this test paper sitting in front of me as I stare it down. It's the middle of the semester and here I am nervous about the exam that matters the most.

"What the fuck are you nervous about?" A certain voice spoke. As always, the guy sitting next to me, had to comment. "You always pass your classes."

I roll my eyes playfully and turn to him, slightly at least. "As a matter of fact, I do. I always get a passing grade. But Just a passing grade." I said as I gave him a winning look. "But that's none of your business, Daniel." Then I turned back to my exam and focused.

"At least you get passing grades." He scoffs as he widens his eyes at his paper as if it was something terrifying. I feel him. So, I couldn't help but chuckle at this.


"I don't know, Kai." I said as I picked on my fries. My best friend, was inviting me to a party. And I was determined to turn it down. "Josh and Tyler are both gonna be there."

"Oh, c'mon! They're called EXES. As in you're done with them." She complained.

"Remember that fight?" I gave her a questioning look. And that immediately made us both nod. "Yeah, I'm not trying to relive that." I smirked.

"Ugh!" She rolled her eyes. "I understand. It's still too fresh."

"Thanks, babe!" I told her. "But hey, check out your six o'clock." I added discreetly.

Kaia turned around then back and faced me with a made-up disturbed look.

"Hottie's checking you out." I said as I took a bite from my burger. "Has been for the past half hour." I smiled.

She scoffed. "Uhh, He's not checking me out." She gave a light laugh as I took a peek at the well-reputed guy.

"He's checking you out." And we found ourselves looking his way at the same time as she said this.

We broke out laughing. "What?!" I said to Kaia as I kept looking back at him. He was in conversation with what seemed to be his best friend as well as I was. "That's like the shittiest thing you've said to me today, Kai!" And we kept laughing.

"But seriously, bitch. He is." She said as she calmed down. I frowned at her as we ate.

"He's also coming this way. Push up your boobs." And with that, she swallowed her food, picked up her tray and left me staring forward at the subject.


She fucking left me for dead. I had no idea what to do or how to act.

He wore a grey shirt that exposed the tattoos on his arms and jeans that ended with black sneaks. He raked his fingers through his hair as he walked towards me.

I waited for him to walk past me, but he stopped and sat at the table across from me instead. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared. Deep into my soul, he stared. And I was about to melt right there.

"So, what are we going to do 'bout this?" He said as he sat, relaxed. His accent ringing in my ears.

"What-?" I breathed, confused.

He sighed and his eyes sparkled. It's as if he was trying to hold back a smile. "You keep looking at me, love."

My heart melted and I lost the fight to hold back a grin. "Really?" I mused. "I could say the same thing." I said as I cleaned up my space to make my hands busy.

He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "So that brings us back to my question." He was staring again.

I blinked. Unable to think or speak.

He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "What are we going to do about this?" He had his hands on the table, giving me an inquiring look as if it was a business deal waiting to be agreed on.

I was silent. Silent as fuck! This guy has caught me off guard. The sass I normally posess left my body as soon as he sat in front of me. All I could do was let out a smirk.

He did too.

And that was the end of my heart as I knew it.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now