"You can just smile" part two

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You seemed to have forgotten about everything else. Your mind was blurred. It was like everything that's supposed to in your brain was replaced with all the small details of this moment.

You thought of how this night took a big turn. You were just in your room, in silence, minding your own business, being bored. And all of a sudden, this stupid noodle haired boy comes in and excites you with a conversation, comfort and complements. Of course, you won't be thinking this much about it if this was normal. What bothered you the most was that it wasn't.

He wasn't like this. You wondered if the person in front of you right was even Matty. Matthew Timothy Healy, the one guy you've known to be the most arrogant, childish and cocky son of a bitch that ever lived. You always believed that he was the other half of your arrogant, childish and cocky brother, they go well together. They've been best friends since forever. The point is, Matty's the kind of guy that you would bury alive if he went so far as to talk to you. Pushing aside all the exaggeration, you tried and tried but you couldn't think of anything that could explain this moment.

As if this shocking moment wasn't enough for your brain to process, you had a weird feeling inside your chest that couldn't describe at all. What the fuck was this?! One moment, Matty was teaching you how to play guitar and the next...

He's kissing you.

This couldn't be happening. This is your brother's best friend. The one that you despised. He was the spawn of Satan. How could he be kissing you right now?

Your eyes flutter closed as you gave in to the emotions flaring inside you. You started kissing back, wanting more. You didn't why, but you did. And you didn't want it to stop.

Matty cups your cheek with his hand and comes even closer. He was leaning down, you thought about how he had to because he was so much more taller than you, even when you're both sitting down on your bed. You took in a quick breath as he deepened the kiss and you saw a slight frown on his face. His eyes were closed but he seemed to be fighting something.

What was it? You didn't know. Just like you didn't know why he was doing this.

He pulled away. And immediately, as you opened your eyes, you realized.. He was fighting the kiss itself. He looked like he achieved to pull up the strength to stop. There was no other explanation for the look on his face. You could tell he wanted more, but he seemed to think he had to stop.

With that frown still on his face, he looked down as he dropped his hand from where it rested on your face and shook his head. Instantly, your face mirrored his frown and your eyes fluttered again as if to acknowledge reality. He sat straight as he's been leaning forward to kiss you. He avoided your eyes for a moment. Before he spoke.

He turned sideways, facing the door, away from your gaze. "I'm sorry.. I" he licked his lips and sighed as if not knowing what to do. He still wasn't looking at you. He seemed shocked that he did what he did. Or maybe he was shocked because you kissed back. You definitely had no idea. So you stayed silent, not knowing what to do as well.

"I'm gonna go.." his accent as deep as that kiss. Confusion evident in his eyes as you caught a glimpse of them when he stood up.

You were staring straight into the foot of your bed as you listened to the footsteps that thundered down the stairs and ended with the sound of the door shut.

You shook your head and you didn't know why but you ran to your window and looked out the street. There, you saw Matty walking on a pace you can't quite understand with his hands in the pockets of the leather jacket he must've picked up on the way out.

You watched him walk down the street with his head down and just as he was about to disappear into the dark, you clearly saw him slap his palm onto his face in a what-the-fuck-where-you-thinking manner.

You blinked as replays of the moment that just happened flooded back into your thoughts. And you did nothing more but whisper to the space Matty disappeared into..

Matty kissed me, you thought over and over.

"Matthew Healy kissed me."

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