"You're all I need after a bad day, you know?"

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This imagine was requested by useyourHANNs


*Y/N's POV*

You woke up to the loud buzzing of your phone. It was your alarm.

'Good Morning, babe. Get your lazy ass to work and don't be late again. Love you.'

You read the text over and over as you smiled at the thought of hearing Adam's voice say it in person. You typed a quick reply and got up immediately.

It was a cliché day. You felt like singing in the shower and dancing in the kitchen while you made breakfast. And so you did.

You took a good thirty minutes on deciding what to wear. Finally, you got dressed in a black turtle neck shirt tucked in cropped jeans. You put on a blazer over your top and got in your white wedges. Then, of course, you did your make-up, nothing special, just day make-up.

You got your purse and keys and drove to work. While at a stop light, you decided to call up your boyfriend.

"Hey, babe!" you called as he picked up. "I'm in the car right now, on my way to work.."

"You are?" he answered, distracted but his accent was music to your ears.

"Yea- Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine.. It's just-" he sighed. "I'm getting a lot of calls right now and-"

"Oh, do you want me to hang up? I can-" your heart sank.

"No no no! It's fine. I actually need to hear your voice.." he said very quietly. You smiled at this. "I'm sorry. I'm just really tired and Matty called early to add to the stress for the new album and I'm just a little pissed off.."

"Well, is everything okay, Adam?" You asked, concern evident in your voice, while staying focused on the road at the same time. "What happened?"

He sighed again. "Yes, everything's fine, love.." he paused. "He says we need to change my riffs.. and he's been saying that for six songs on the track already. We're not getting any closer to finishing the production with him like this. I mean, it's not like I can do it all in one night, I deal with the keyboard too and.." he was beginning to babble and this made you smile. Something about him sharing his thoughts with you made you feel like you had a purpose.

"Babe.." you said but he kept talking fast and you couldn't understand anything anymore. "Babe!" he stopped. "It's fine! You'll be okay. Just breathe. He just probably wants the album to come out perfect just like you guys work so hard to." you smiled. "Just.. don't work yourself up too much, okay?"


"Okay?" you pushed.

"Yes! It's just hard not to. Matty's a dick sometimes, you know.." he gave in. "But I won't. Don't worry." he sounded like he was smiling into the phone.

You let out quite a loud laugh. "That, he is. Yeah." you nodded to yourself. "Good."

You said your goodbyes and hung up as you pulled up in the parking lot of the building. Then, you started a good day at work and everything seemed to go well. Meetings were less boring and workmates seemed cheerful than most days. The day was going good.

You had lunch with your friends in the city. You even texted Adam everything you did that day, even though it wasn't necessary to update him on everything you're doing. But he didn't return any of your messages, so you just retired with the thought of how busy he must be.

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