"And I know you still do!"

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"I don't know how to fix this, Y/n."

"I'm sorry." Perrie said, giving her an apologetic stare.

Y/n flashed her a smile. "P, it's fine!" She put both her hands on her shoulders and shook her a bit. "We've been booked for half a year now. And this is work." She raised her brows at Perrie to make sure she understood. "My personal life shouldn't even be a factor here."

Y/n hated that the girls were even considering alterations about the matter for her but it warmed her heart all the same. It showed they cared. With the amount of time she'd spent with the girls of Little Mix, they've built blooming relationships with each other.

Six months ago, she was introduced to them and they had hired her as their head choreographer and stage director for the entire tour -all because of her reputation and exposure in her line of work. And being a big fan of the group, It was a no brainer that Y/n accepted the job right away. And she's been brainstorming for production ideas ever since.

Now, as they live through their first few days starting work, preparing for tour, they come across a dilemma.

The 1975.

The artist booked as the opening act for the tour's European leg was The 1975. Immediately, after the girls were reminded at a run through of show details, they went to tell Y/n. Knowing, of course, that the frontman of the band was her ex. They had broken up recently and so it brought them to consult with her the situation.

"But, it must be hard to be working with him when the time comes!" Jade exclaimed.

Y/n sighed. "Really, it's fine. You guys don't have to worry about me." She beamed at them. "It's not like I'll be unprofessional about it."

The girls gave her a sad smile as they simultaneously started walking and talking. "Do you want to take the stage on 'Shout Out'?" Jesy said, referring to their hit track. This sent all five of them laughing.

Her thoughts brought her back to the root of their conversation. Matty Healy, her previous boyfriend, had cheated on her. She was at home and he was in London, supposedly doing work and not another woman.

She had found out when she flew in that weekend and Adam told her about it bothering Matty ever since, not knowing what to do. He tried to keep it from Y/n, even told Adam and the lads to, but Adam just couldn't do that. He thought she deserved the truth. It broke her heart to know that Matty was in another city, without her, getting hot and heavy with another woman.

The pain was beyond endurable. Y/n had to go through a phase where she thought she was crazy. She was in love with him and he had told her the same thing. But it all turned out to be a lie. She remembered how he looked that last time she saw him, crying, begging for her not to leave and to let him explain. She heard him say 'I love you' so many times she wanted to hit him so hard for lying to her each time he said it. Because she didn't believe a single word. Not anymore.

It all happened two months ago and she's been trying to move on ever since. She never saw him or any of the boys. She made sure, he wouldn't come to see her and told the boys to prevent that from happening. They were on her side, 'What Matty did was stupid.', something they all agreed on.

She began to think about her progress on getting over Matty so far. None. And with her luck, she found herself this problem, the girls have presented her. How was she ever going to get through an entire leg, working with her ex everyday? She wished she could continue not hearing about him. But then again, she was curious of what ever happened to him after she'd broken up with him. Was he hurt? Was he regretful? Or was he relieved? Was he even bothered at all? She had no idea. Despite having Matty beg her to stay that last moment, she still couldn't help but to think everything's a lie with him. Even though a part of her wished he chased her and fixed what he broke, she didn't trust him anymore. And it brought her more pain thinking about it.

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