"Olivia. Olivia Healy." // part three

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Two months after Adam's visit did you only really feel like your relationship has changed. You felt more comfortable now. Like you were brand new. Him coming to you in the middle of their world tour was unexpected but you thought it was spontaneous all the same.

You were excited. Excited about everything. About him. You were genuinely happy. He called you on the phone every time he could or on skype. He would tell you how his day went and what's happened with the people around him. He texted you about everything. How he misses you a lot and how he wishes you were with him the whole time. It was just like your previous relationship as best friends but this time, you knew he loved you romantically and it still surprises you even now.

Of course, none of it's official. You weren't together. You just simply carried on with how you treated each other like nothing's changed and you couldn't be happier about it. You liked it this way. No labels for a change, just doing what makes you happy. And Adam does that ninety percent of the time. You felt like your world suddenly revolved around him like he just recently stepped into the spotlight and you just noticed him when really, he was there all along, your attention was just with somebody else.

And that was his best friend, Matty. The one who you adored so much. The one who made you feel beautiful and confident. The one who made you feel like he's the one.

Until everything took a wild turn. And you had to leave everything behind to be able to heal the pain. At least, everything that had to do with him.

But it became harder as his band became more famous by the minute. You started hearing his name and his voice on TV and from people, even seeing his face pop up on almost all of your social media feeds. It was agony. You left London to try and forget about him but instead, the whole world reminds you of him every minute.

You endured the struggle. And slowly, you were healing. And everything was okay. You can stand seeing and hearing stuff about him now without hurting as much as you did that day you discovered him cheating.

You smirked at the thought. You remembered it like it was yesterday.

You stared at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "Matty, I didn't know you had company." you faked a British accent, trying to sound surprised for the other woman's sake. "I could've stopped by another time." you said looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. He just shook his head as he turned to his side and kept his silence..

"I'm sorry.." she walked closer to the two of you. "you are?" she inquired. The words pissed you off.

"Oh, my name's Olivia.." you faked a name. "Olivia Healy." you put out your hand and she shook it, reluctantly, at least.

You kept up your act, shook your head and said "I'm Matty's cousin."

It still hurt you thinking about it. The pain wouldn't just go away in a month's time. Especially now after almost a year, it still stung you whenever it crossed your mind.

But it was all getting better, you thought. You were getting better. Adam was here now to help you with that. He made you happy more than anything else in the world. Even though you worry about ending up like you did with Matty, you couldn't help wanting to be with Adam. Besides, you knew him. He showed that he cared about you every chance he could get.

Many months passed by and you grew happier in Adam's company. You saw each other whenever you both had time. He came to see you on your birthday, surprised you even. He also came to see you on his. You loved spending time with him and you thought of nothing better to do.

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