"Okay, Don't get too crazy!"

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"You're such an idiot, Hann!" I yelled as I composed myself from nearly falling on my ass and put my hand on my heart. He laughed at my angered state and it only pissed me off more. I fought a smile from forming on my lips at the sight in front of me. He threw his head back laughing like a little kid with his hand in his pocket and the other holding his stomach. What a cutie in that black shirt under that denim jacket and those black ripped jeans he wore all week with his black vans. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he couldn't laugh hard enough. He's such a child. He laughs at childish things like, oh, say, startling me in the dark hallway, not announcing he'd already arrived from work just like he did not even a minute ago. I'd find it funny normally but right now, not so much.

I mumbled curses as I walked to the kitchen and turn the light switch on. His laughing fit had died down as he followed me. "What's wrong with you? Seem so grumpy today." He frowned a little as he jumped up to sit on the counter near the fridge where I stood. "Well, who wouldn't be after almost being given a heart attack?!" I hissed and opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of water as I looked for something to eat. I have been locking myself in the bedroom all day, eating loads of junk and watching TV, and you wouldn't believe it but I'm still hungry. Well, I knew this would happen eventually, but not this torturing. I had found out a couple days ago that I'm pregnant. It's still a lot to take in. That's why I haven't told Adam yet. I don't know how he'll react. He just got back from their European tour which lasted for about a month. To be honest, I still haven't thought about anything yet. I'm nervous that he wouldn't want this baby because well, he just had his career to bloom and we've only been dating for a year. I doubt any of us are ready for this. I just keep pushing away the thought of having to talk to him or how I'll even tell him. But he's bound to notice somehow right?

"It's not that. You seem so.. off, Babe." He said, putting his hands on the counter beside him and swinging his feet in the air, again, like a child. He jumps off and walks towards me. "Is something wrong?" he inquires, looking into my eyes as I try to avoid his. "Hmm? Nothing. I'm just tired." I gave a small smile but he only shook his head lightly and grinned. "You can't lie to me." Oh God, bless that accent. I thought as I stared at that small smile on his lips. I wonder if he'll smile when he finds out about the pregnancy. I'm expecting the worst, really. I have no confidence whatsoever.

He pulls me closer to him by the waist. "Tell me." he presses his lips to my jaw slowly in a comforting manner. Oh, he knows me too well even at times like these. I'm actually amazed at how he notices these little things about me. I sigh, about to give in but thinking of the words, I become frustrated and pull away from his hold. "It's nothing, Adam. Really! Let it go." I tried to keep my voice steady as I stormed out of the room and back into the bedroom. I played the movie that I paused earlier to investigate on the noise in the living room that turned out to be my boyfriend, Thank God, and buried myself under the pillows and sheets to prevent myself from crying. I refused to let these tears fall from my eyes.

Just as I predicted, Adam follows me and sits down on the bed next to me. Of course, that's one of the things I love about him, he doesn't let me walk away when he knows something's wrong or when we haven't spoken about it. I felt the part of the mattress sink next to me as he scooted closer but I didn't look at him. I just stared at my movie as he looked at me, long enough to make me dread the tension. In the words of Taylor Swift; "I've never heard silence quite this loud."

He soon grabs the remote and turns the TV off, I sigh again and face him. He just raised an eyebrow at me, a worried look in his eyes, gesturing for me to start talking. When I couldn't find the words, he pulled me closer as if to comfort me and tell me that whatever it is, it'll be okay. "I-I don't know how to.." I trailed off, very nervous. I look up to see him staring at my lips. And it wasn't long before he was pulling my lips to his. I ended up straddling him while he had his back against the headboard, my hands snaking up to the back of his neck. Somehow, I knew he kissed me to make me less nervous. But even though, he didn't know why I was in the first place, that didn't stop him from doing so. We spent a little over a minute with that before I broke the kiss and tried to catch my breath. He had his hand rested on my waist and the other on the back of my neck as it held me from pulling away earlier.

He started rubbing my thighs soothingly as my pajama shorts allowed our skins to touch. It was very comforting. "What is it babe?" he said, almost a whisper, our faces being close to each other. He licked his lips out of habit. And I involuntarily gasped. He wasn't helping, being horny most of the time was something most pregnant women have to go through. And right now, he's looking sexy as fuck. "Okay. Don't freak out." I started. "I only found out two days ago." I took a deep breath as he was becoming impatient, I could tell by his small frown.

"So, when you were on tour, I was supposed to have my period." His eyebrow shot up, curiosity showing on the look on his face, still not quite getting the hint. "A-and I took a test." I continued and cleared my throat.

Pausing, I looked up to study his reaction. His expression softened as though he just realized what I was trying to say. Then finally, I blurted out. "I'm pregnant." I looked down and waited for him to speak but he didn't. It seemed like forever, when really, it was just a few minutes of him probably trying to put the puzzle together in his head. Right away, I thought he wouldn't want this but he didn't prove that right. Instead, he lifted my chin with two fingers to face him and looked into my eyes with adoration. I could tell he was emotional, and immediately I knew he was happy about the news. He didn't say a word, only kissed me hungrily, making me fall back onto the mattress with him hovering over me.

It was a long passionate kiss. It made me feel better. All the stress and paranoia I have had the past couple of days have been lifted. He wasn't disappointed or annoyed. He was happy. And I'm relieved. Eventually, the kiss had to end. He rested his forehead against mine as he smiled that very contagious smile of his and sighed. "I love you." this made my jaw drop slightly. One of his hands rested on my waist and the other was supporting him above me. Sure, he's said it countless times to me already for the past year but never have I heard it like this. It sounded so passionate. It sounded so determined and true. Truer than it ever was. "I can't believe this." he chuckled as he slammed his body against the mattress beside me. "I'm going to be a father!"

Watching his face glow at the news, I only managed a "You are.." and smiled. It was almost inaudible but that wasn't my focus right now. I stared at him in silence as he stared into space, clearly thinking of all the things that could possibly change his life from now on. He smiled at that. He seemed so excited. Well, he is excited. And that was enough proof that I shouldn't be the least bit worried about him accepting this pregnancy. I loved him and he loved me back and I couldn't be thankful enough. I knew right then how lucky I was to have a man like him.

We spent the rest of the night lying in bed together, talking about little things that needed deciding for the baby and the rest of our pregnancy, his plans of laying off work as much as possible or bringing me with him to be able to take care of me and my refusal. I only smiled and laughed while he rambled on and on about birthdays and school activities, family outings and godparents..

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Okay, Don't get too crazy!" I said as I held his face close to mine to stop him from talking so fast and smirked.

"Oh, just wait til the lads hear about this!" he grinned before he pecked me on the lips again.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now