"Party at Matty's, luv. " // Thornton High Series // part two

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A week has passed since my not so decent encounter with Matthew Healy and his friends and I don't know why I can't get it out of my head. Was he always so cocky like that? How did he even get girls to like him? Anyway, ever since that stupid interaction, Matty's noticed me every time he passed or our eyes met. He would nod or wink playfully. Sometimes he'd even shoot another pick-up line or dirty comment like he always does with girls. In class, he would just stare. Just stare. How weird. I, however, am disgusted, embarrassed even. I don't wanna be one of his bimbos. I could be anything but that. Oh, the many things I could be.

Gabby and I were sitting in the cafeteria, more like sulking, because of our not so friendly moods today. It all started with that one quiz this morning that we both failed because it was a surprise quiz and we became grumpier than normal.

"Trouble alert." she mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I followed her gaze, but before I could even look, an arm was around my shoulders and a certain curly haired boy was sitting so close next to me. Then, followed by three more lads. Adam sat next to Gabriela and gave a wide smile before picking on her fries. Ross sat on her right and George leaned on the edge of the table.

"Hello, luv!" Matty greeted cheerfully, his arm still rested around my shoulders. He was smiling like an idiot. "Uhh, Hi." I removed his arm around me. "My name's not love." I corrected and gave him a smile before returning to my food. George snickered as did Ross and Adam. Something told me Matty getting rejected isn't a normal sight for these boys.

"What're you doing here?" Gabby said as she glared at Adam and at her missing French fries. George was staring at her with his eyebrows furrowed as he wore a small smile. "We wanted to know if we'll see you Saturday." his accent so deep, it sent chills to my spine. Okay, maybe I'm over reacting a little bit.

"Why would you be seeing us Saturday? " Gabby frowned, clearly bothered by George's stare. "Party at Matty's, luv. " Adam said. "You comin'? " Ross looked between the two of us.

"O'course they're coming. " George frowned at Ross playfully. "We don't take no for an answer." This sudden flood of British accents in my ears is making my head hurt. Hold on, they're inviting us to a party of theirs? For the first time ever? Wow. How did that happen? I smirked at Gabriela who turned to me at the same time with a look that said Well, Would you look at that?

I chuckled before I turned down the invitation. "I don't think we'll be around this Saturday." Matty frowned suspiciously. "Huh! How come? " I acted as if I tried to remember something. "We have to go back to Hogwarts and destroy the Sorcerer's stone before Lord Voldemort steals it." The boys looked away and couldn't help but let smiles form on their faces. Gabby slammed her hands on the table "Oh My God, Y/N!" she whispered as she leaned a little closer to me and very dramatically, she said "Don't say the name! The Dark Lord's gonna come for these muggles."

We stared at each other for a split second and let out a laugh as the boys groaned. "I don't believe that one bit. The stone's hidden safely deep under the castle." Matty caught my Harry Potter reference and the boys tried to get back on the topic. "Seriously though, girls." Adam stepped in the conversation. "Come. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, lots of people are gonna be there." Matty's accent was a lot deeper than the other boys. Why was I thinking about his accent. God! Stop it Y/N! You need to say no. These boys are trouble and you know it. No need to go making friends with the wrong sort as Draco Malfoy would say.

"Yeah. Okay." Wait, what? Gabriela had said yes. "Great. What about you?" Adam nodded to me. It took me a minute before I started to speak.

"I don't know where you live." The boys cheered and smiled at us. They chatted for a bit more before the bell rang, signalling us to go to class. George had taken Gabby's number and said they'd be texting us the address.

I have a good and a bad feeling about this. These boys were trouble. But how come I feel so comfortable in their company? We all seem to be alike. If there's one thing I always need, it's a good laugh. And they seem the kind that always gives it. We'll see how this goes.

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