"You can just smile" part three

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It seemed just last night, you were a normal version of yourself. You were the average girl with an average social life. It seemed just last night that things changed for you, but really, it's been four weeks..

Four weeks since Matty Healy kissed you.

And you were crazy.

Crazy about it.

You needed to know more. You felt like you needed an explanation, like you wanted him to come to you and spill everything he's clearly struggling not to say.

You see him everyday at school, pass him in the hallway, at the cafeteria, along with your brother and the boys. He always had a hint of longing in his eyes every time he looked at you and you catch him but quickly turns away when it happens. He was avoiding you, unlike his usual hobby of pretending to try to get under your skin with all the pick up lines that he throws your way or all the stares and winks he flashes at you every time he has a chance. No, all of that was gone. It was clear to you that something really was up. You wanted him to explain everything to you but he did his best to avoid to. And this pissed you off.

Fuck him and his childish way of thinking. He's an idiot who doesn't care about how anyone else might feel. But then again, what were you feeling? A question you had no answer to. This only made madder. And so you storm off at the thought and avoid Matty as well as he does you.

You tried not to think about him every moment of the day. But it became harder by the minute. It was impossible not to replay that kiss in your head over and over. And try not to think about how good it felt or the look on his face when he pulled away and walked away almost immediately as he ditched your brother's little sleep over that night.

It was his fault. All of this was his fault. He was supposed to be in George's room that night, sleeping.. Not in yours, kissing.

But why did this bother you so much? It wasn't like you were stressed whether Matty addresses that kiss or not, no. Or that you hated when he got up and left you alone, confused. It was almost as if you were like all the other girls.. The girls that go crazy for him and his appeal.

Then, a thought crossed your mind. Your eyes widen at the sudden realization. This seemed perfect for him, doesn't it? All this time, he was throwing dirty jokes and pretending to get you in bed with him seemed fitting. He had his fair share on amusing you with all those words even though they were clearly a reverse psychology method. And now, he kisses you like it'll end the game.

He kisses you and ignores you for as long as it takes you to come running to him, begging him for more. The idea seemed too familiar to you. Because you knew it like the back of your hand. George would tell you all that shit about how it's a closed deal when they do this and that to a girl to make them throw themselves at them.

And of course, you've seen this game plan on field many times after, at school. It was Matty's trademark, as George proved to you a long time ago, supporting the hate that you always had towards him. A million girls were head over heels for him and now you know why.

The realization of Matty making you into one of his prey girls angered you so much you stormed out of the crowd that spilled into the halls as the bell rung, signalling the end of the last class, -and into the familiar path down to your house.

You walked with a frown on your face until you reached home and found your mother cooking merrily in the kitchen. "Hey, hun!" she said and turned to you. "What's wrong?" she inquires just as you bury your face in her neck and wrap your arms around her. You let out a muffled cry just as she hugged you back.

The front door opened and a laugh echoed through the room, clearly from a previous conversation. It was George, "Hey, ma!" picking up sliced cheese from the counter before getting his hand slapped by your mother's. You compose yourself as you heard more familiar voices come through the door and into the house.

You take a good look at George who is accompanied by a certain curly haired boy behind him as Adam and Ross both sat down to watch the drama at the counter. "These idiots are what's wrong!" you stormed up the stairs, mumbling insults toward the boys.

Just as you saw your mom gesture 'It's okay' to the them, you caught a glimpse of Matty looking up at you, worried. Concern in his eyes.

You proceed to your room, slam the door shut and bury your face in the pillows and sheets. Tears started to spill out from your eyes and suddenly, you couldn't help but let it all out. You tried to muffle the sounds of your cries with a pillow to your face but you were hurting too much to care.

This got you thinking again. Why were you even hurting? Why did you even care? If Matty thinks he could play you, it's a proof he's an idiot. You wouldn't let him have it his way. It was time someone paid him back for all those times he played a girl.

You felt pain and more hatred towards him. You certainly didn't expect Matty to see you as one of his prey. All this time, you thought he respected you enough, being his best friend's sister. And now, he's after you. What a load of dung!

After a whole month, you now had an answer to all the questions you've been asking yourself. And it pissed you off even more. And to think you had fun having him around that night. You were now convinced of how much you really hated him.

Matty was ..


He was..

Fuck! He was amazing!

You like him!

Why the fuck do you like him?

Well, whatever that's about, you vowed to never admit it. You were angry, yes. But the way you felt toward him was insane. It had no explanations.

It makes no sense!

And just when you realized you were thinking out loud..

"What makes no sense?.."

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