"How hard could it be, mate?" 7

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"Goodnight, beautiful." He winked.

I felt my heart explode. Or was it my stomach? Probably from all those butterflies I've been feeling all night.

Matty climbed out of my window as I let my lips curve into a smile, still in shock from what he had just called me. "Goodnight." It sounded more like a whisper. He smirked, finding my dazed state amusing. I felt warmth creep up my cheeks.

I cleared my throat and shifted my weight. "I'll see you at school." I spoke, much more clearer than before, trying to hide the fact that he just made me blush.

He shook his head slightly, that smirk never leaving his face. He looked so smug right there. "Can't wait." He winked and hauled himself down from holding on to the window frame. I watched as his hair bounced just above his eyes and covered his face a little.

He carefully walked on the roof of the porch -which extended around the house, and jumped onto the yard with a low grunt.

I bit my lip unconsciously as I tried to hide another smile. He waved, trudging on the grass to the street before shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and walked away from me.

After I watched him disappear into the corner, I closed my window and threw myself on the bed, squealing into the pillow as I replayed the events of tonight in my head.

I heard my phone buzz and went to read a text from him.

"Sweet dreams, princess."

He sent another smile to my lips again.

"Thanks for the ice cream. Xx"

Matty surprised me. He had made me feel all sorts of emotions in one night. I got to know a little bit about him as we talked the night away. He told me stories about his friend George and asked me about myself, we basically talked about small things. He made me laugh and feel giddy. It was half past three am when he left and said 'I'll let you sleep.' but I hadn't slept until five.

He was the last thing I thought about until I dozed off that night. Or morning. Luckily, it was the weekend so I didn't have to wake up at six.


"Oh my god!" Kaia gasped dramatically, pushing herself from the metal door of a locker. "Did he really?"

I nodded as I looked up at her with the biggest smile. She screamed like a fangirl. I was telling my best friend about what happened last weekend as we stood in front of my locker. She put her weight on the ones next to mine again, facing me.

"Damn! If my mom ever caught me with a guy in my room, I would die!" She ranted as I shut my locker and started walked with her towards hers.

I laughed as a response. "I know. It felt amazing doing something like that."

"Did something happen?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What? No!" I spat as we reached her locker. I leaned on the ones beside it, hugging my book and notes to my chest. "We just talked and ate ice cream." I continued as I watched her relax her shoulders.

"Yeah, right." She tried to joke.

"Shut up!" I fought before we both laughed.

"I'd say the same thing. She talks too much, doesn't she?" George spoke from behind me, teasing Kaia. I laughed. He had his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket as he tried annoy her more.

Kaia rolled her eyes and turned to him. "Stay away from me, Daniel or I swear, I'll fucking cut your b-" that was all I could hear, after I realized George had someone with him.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now