"I told you not to fall in love with me.."

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"Stop it, you swine!" She pushed him as hard as she could.

Y/n's mood was good today. In fact it always was, but it seemed to change whenever she had an encounter with Matty, one of her best mates, at least lately. She fixed her hair and took the ice cream cone from him, not bothering to let him finish the bite he took from it. "You're so annoying, I swear." She gave him a hearty laugh, not wanting to possibly hurt his feelings.

But she thought too soon, that was impossible with Matty. "Thank you, very rewarding coming from you.." He stated with a proud tone. He smirked, looking sideways at her as she rolled her eyes. "That's the fourth one this morning, in fact." He spoke as he beamed at her, knowingly.

"What?" Y/n asked, mouth full, as she walked through the door Matty was holding for her.

"You rolling your eyes."

She averted her stare towards him as he walked ahead of her. "You were counting my eyerolll?" He just shoved his hands in his pockets, walking away the ice cream store.

"That's proper weird, mate!" Adam chimed in, nonchalantly.

"I agree." said Y/n.

Matty scoffed and furrowed his eyebrows dramatically. "Your face is weird!" he said, leaning towards her.

"Ugh! I don't even know how Lav puts up with you." Y/n stated, trying to annoy him as she heard Adam chuckle beside her, also balancing his attention on both the conversation and the ice cream they had just bought.

It was Matty's turn to roll his eyes. He acted offended but they all knew he was playing. "Uhmm.. She happens to be in love with me, thank you very much."

"Oh, she's got to be." Adam nodded as he bit on his cone. "Otherwise, your relationship has long been ended." And with that, Y/n broke out laughing, unable to stop the ice cream dripping on her fingers now.

"Oh, that's really funny, Hann!" Matthew managed, very sarcastically at that.


"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Y/n shouted over the music playing loudly throughout the house as she stood up, trying not to fall on the floor with the pain on her temples. The going away party that the lads were having was still pretty much alive.

Lavender, who was very much enjoying Y/n's company for the past three hours and ever since they met, didn't want to end their conversation. "Oh, I have to go too." she said as she stood up from the couch, removing Matty's hand on her thigh in the process.

The two women have been chatting the night away, bored as hell of the party. They came for the boys, as usual. Y/n liked hanging out at parties with them and their friends, in fact it should be Lavender who would want to be done with it because of the crowd being their mutual friends and that she was the odd one out all the time even though the girl seemed fine as long as she had her to chat with, but she somehow got bored when her best friends entertained other guests. Despite them being their mutual friends, she didn't converse with them much.

"So, have you finished packing yet?" Lavender's voice shot through the muffled sound of the bass as they entered the hall on the second floor of Matty's house.

Y/n frowned, trying to process her friends question and not let all the alcohol stop her from walking straight. Her mind drifted back to the world tour the boys have yet to start, which she and Lavender would be coming along on. "Mmm.. No, I still have stuff to look for. You know, inside the jungle that is my closet." Lavender laughed, which was no surprise to Y/n, because she had already told her multiple times how much she loved the sense of humor that Y/n and the boys possessed. And Y/n couldn't help but think that it was probably one of the reasons why she and Matty have been together for a long time now.

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