"How hard could it be, mate?" 4

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This is not y/n's pov.


"Twins!" said Josh, who can't seem to stop laughing, imitating the punchline from the clip.

He was clutching my phone, watching a video of George and the trash bin labeled 'Garbage', with the camera panning back and forth.

"Fuck off, Dun!" replied George as he pulled Josh by his feet, causing him to fall from the couch and on his ass. This filled the room with more laughter from everyone. "I bet you'd be the subject of Matty's next prank video."

"Shut it, Daniel! They're not supposed to know, Idiot." I exclaimed sarcastically, with a chuckle.

Josh groaned. "I'd love to be the subject of Matty's next prank video!" He stated as we grinned at each other. He sat back in his previous position. "In fact, Tyler and I already are."

"Wouldn't call it a prank though." He took his phone from the coffee table and scrolled through to view a clip. Automatically, this took all of our attention and made the boys hover around him as they watched it.

I listened to the sound as I replayed the moment in my head. In the video, I opened the door a crack to reveal Josh and Tyler facing each other, holding hands while jumping very energetically. It's weird to say but it's hilarious to watch.

And just as I broke out laughing, so did the lads. "What a bunch of kids!" said Adam bringing a box of chicken and a six-pack into the basement that we hang out at almost every day.

"You've gotta see this, Hann!" Exclaimed Ross, letting his laughter die down.

Adam shot a grin at Josh and Tyler. "I have." He mused as he put the food and drinks down on the table in front of us. "It's already up on snapchat."

"Posted right after George's." He added before all of us broke out in laughter again. All of us except for George, Josh and Tyler. Their worlds seemed to have crumbled at the same time.

A few minutes after the noise of what seemed like retarded seals squealing and hammers banging on wood had simmered down, Tyler gave me a serious gaze. "Take that down, Matt." He ordered in a polite tone. "I'd normally be a sport and all but right now's not really a good time for this, you know that. Right, mate?"

My eyebrows furrowed as I swallowed the food I was chewing and remembered. "Oh, right." I sat up straight. "Now would be good?" I shuffled through my phone to delete the said video.

"Boo! You're no fun!" Teased George again as he took a seat in one of the two crowded sofas. "Just get a job at Mcdonald's and call it a life!" He added and let out a genuine laugh.

Tyler's been anticipating an acceptance letter for him from Oxford. Out of all of us, he's the one too serious about his future plans, so that's why he wanted me to take down the post. It was no problem at all though. I actually admired that about him. He's changing hisself for the better, moving on from the troubles of his teenage past. I smiled at the thought.

"Hell, no!" Tyler's voice boomed as he propped his feet up on the table. "I'd never want to be seen working for Ross, mate!" And with this, he sent the room roaring with laughter again, earning an empty can thrown at his head by Ross himself.

The night went by fast. Three movies played and slept through, thirty beer cans emptied, four lads pranked and two chess games lost. Now, we were outside of Adam's house, ready to walk home.

But as the fearless jackasses we all are known to be, we decided to test each others idiocy by agreeing to Josh's little game before heading home. He'd suggested that each of us should walk on the small brick wall that sat in front of the house and whoever lost their balance due to the alcohol would face a consequence. It was a bet in nature.

All five lads have tried and succeeded on the challenge. I was the only one left. Confident and perky, I climbed up on the left end of the wall. No big deal, getting on it, it was only about as high as my knee from the ground.

I took the first six steps slowly, to mess with their heads but eventually started to walk at a normal pace. Then suddenly, my confidence faded immediately. I missed a step and fell on my back. My right heel going over my left toe caused my fall. And even though it was on the greenest grass in the neighborhood, it still hurt my pride.

How could I have made that mistake? It wasn't the alcohol at all but none of the lads took that excuse. Instead, as they tried to control their laughters, they shot me a bunch of consequences that came to their minds at that moment. Ashamed of my performance, I shrugged it off and joined the fun. "Alright, alright!"

"You're such a loser, Healy!" Tyler and George laughed at my face, jumping around, going wild.

"Honest mistake." I grinned and put my hands up in surrender mode. "Now, what's the catch?"

"You have to take my ass out on a date and kiss it!" Josh was running out of breath, kicking as he lied down on the grass.

It was ten in the evening and Adam had all these rowdy teenagers scrambling around on his lawn. I felt bad thinking of his neighbors being woken up. "Mate, seriously! I've got to get home."

It took about just a few minutes for us all to settle down and them to think of the perfect consequence for me. "Why don't we change it up a bit?" Adam's voice challenging me.

"Since you're on the longest strike, why don't you ask a girl out?" Adam gave a cheeky grin, knowing how I felt at the moment. He knows well enough, I don't date anymore. I have no interest in it whatsoever. Ever since the biggest realization of my teenage life, I've never been enthused by girls anymore. He knows that.

"A girl of our choice!" added George.

They all know that. Ugh.

"I'm loving this!" Josh smirks at me as he rubbed his hands together.

"I feel the same way, mate." Ross was chuckling. "I told you your weakness'd be used against you." He said after he turned to me, making everyone laugh again.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, looking away as I tried to think of a way to get out of this. "Wait! So, who is he taking out?" Tyler took everyone back to the main topic. "Every girl we know at school probably would throw themselves at him."

"If not, George's bed. As one's always found asleep there." Josh snickered.

George acknowledged this joke with a smirk and a nod but went back to topic immediately. "I think I know the perfect choice for him."

"Oh, c'mon!" I rolled my eyes for the second time. I just wish they'd chosen a much easier task.

This bet'll be the death of me.

Matty Healy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now