Chapter 6

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(what Rami is wearing on date)

    "This place is beautiful," I tell Rami as were escorted to our table in the back of the exquisite restaurant to a private room "oh Rami this is amazing" I look around the room were scattered all over the walls are pictures of celebrities standing with the chef. I went to get a better look at a picture that caught me attention what  I saw was Rami and a chef standing beside each other with huge smiles on their faces. "You've been here" I point to the picture "yeah a couple of times, one of my co-star's friend works in the kitchen," he says as he pulls my chair out for me.

     "Thank you" I sit and tuck myself in, "good evening my name is Chantell I'll be your waiter tonight, can I start you off with anything to drink" and before I have a chance to answer Rami replies "your best red wine, is that good?" "yeah that sounds great" "awesome, I'll be back in just a bit" the waiter walks out and closes the door. It was silent for a solid two minutes, It wasn't awkward it was calm, you could feel the peace and comfort in the room. "you know we talked so much the last few days that we have no topics for small talk" I chuckle " I guess so but isn't that a good thing?" I jokingly question "yeah yeah I guess it is".

     "So Mr. Malek what is good here?" I question Rami since the whole menu is in french and I definitely can't read french  "well Miss. Walker, I have that taken care of our dinner the chief knows we are here and he is making  I made sure he knows about you sesame seed allergy" "aww you remembered, Rami you are the best anyone would have forgotten about that" I say surprised that he even remembered that from the first time we met at Starbucks, from one of the many rants we had between us. "Of course, I remembered, I wouldn't want someone as special as you getting hurt" Rami just called me special, I am special to Rami. It's good to know the feelings are mutual, I honestly think I am falling fast for this man. I mean we just met but when we talk or when I even think about him my mood brightens, when I get a text and is not Rami I immediately get into a bad mood.

      "You... you think I'm special?" I ask Rami "well... well, of course, I mean your funny and so caring and sweet. Your so damn beautiful you brighten up any room as soon as you walk in. How can you not be special." That is so... just amazing and sweet I can't even think of anything to say, "Rami you are amazing, I couldn't have asked for anyone better to spend this evening with" I say as I reach over the table and grab his hand.                             


"Rami dinner was amazing, I'm soo damn full," I say as I rub my belly with my left hand  Rami chuckles "I know I'm about burst, well were almost there so don't worry" "so where are we going exactly?" I question Rami because he has his smooth hands over my eyes keeping me from seeing where I'm going "I told you it's a surprise watch your step" were walking over a bridge I can feel the gravel turn to wood and I can hear the running water under us. All Rami told mt is that were in Central Park. "here, you ready?" Rami questions before taking his hands off my eyes.

      I sucked in a sharp breath "wow" was all I could mutter, we were standing in front of a beautiful tree that parts in the middle and creates a U shape but what makes this even more beautiful is that it surrounded by water it's like were on our own little island. I felt Rami come closer behind me and I leaned into him "it's beautiful isn't it" I shake my head yes, I'm lost for words from its beauty. "I found it one day while we were shooting. I was on break and started to walk around and ended up finding this place, I come here all the time you know I've never really shown anyone my spot before". I look up to the sky and watch the twinkling stars. 

    "Rami you amaze me" I looked back at him, he raised hi eyebrow and said "really how?" and started to sway "when we first met you did the kindest thing that no one else would have done for me, then when we sat down we had the best conversation I've had in years you were so kind and you listened and you didn't get mad when I didn't know who you were.  I thought you wouldn't even talk to me after our first meet cuz you're some big fancy famous person but you turned out to be the kindest person I've met. And now you take me to a spot that means so much to you. You're amazing" I finish and turn around in his arms so I'm facing him. "Well Clair it's like I said before you mean a lot to me and I care about you" he is the most romantic man I've met. Looking up into to his green eyes I smile when I see them dart from my lips back to my eyes. I can't take it anymore I stretch on my toes and connect our lips. 

Our kiss feels like it lasts a lifetime, it is amazing I've never been one to  believe in the "fireworks" in a first kiss and I still don't but I do have a strong feeling of emotions overwhelming me and a good gut feeling about the this. Rami breaks the kiss and rest his forehead on mine and grins the biggest smile I have ever seen. he pecks my lips one more time and guides me over to the edge of the little island "I would say dip your feet in but it's November and the water is probably freezing"  I chuckle and sit beside him and we stay like that for the rest of the night.          

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