chapter 9

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(what Clair wears on date)

     I put the pot of grilled salmon alfredo in the warm oven so it doesn't get cold while I get dressed and start the salad and salad dressing, while I'm doing that I play Frank Sinatra on my speaker. After I'm done I walk to my room to get ready, I already did my hair and makeup while the noodles and the sauce were cooking so all I have to do is put my dress and jewelry on. I step into my dress and shimmy and shake it over my curves and struggle to pull the zipper up all the way "here I got it" I jump and see Rami walking towards me with a grin on his face "thanks. How did you get in I didn't even here u knock or come in?" I question Rami as he zips up my dress "I knocked for like 5 minutes but you didn't answer and your door was unlocked" he tells me and gives me a long and romantic kiss.     

When we break the kiss for air I say "you look very handsome Mr. Malek" I look him up and down admiring his attire black skinny jeans with a white dress shirt with a navy blue bow tie with cute blue and gray striped socks "oh but I'm nothing compared to how you look Miss. Walker" he is quite a charmer I think as I put my gold belt on and walk up to him "thank you," I say and quickly kiss him. 

    I walk to the kitchen and pull the pot out of the oven making sure to not drop the lip 1. because it's glass and 2. because I don't want to ruin the surprise for Rami, as I close the door to the stove I feel hands snake around my waist and Rami's body colliding into my back "whats on the menu tonight?" he whispers as he nibbles on my ear, I turn in his arms and say "It's a surprise". I break free from his grip on my waist and bring him to the set table and pour him a glass of white wine "dinner will be served momentarily" I say in my most stuck up tone like I'm a waiter in a fancy restaurant.  

    I serve the salad first then when we are finished I serve the grilled salmon alfredo, my favorite dish in the whole world. Over dinner, we talked about work and Rami's upcoming trips for press for Mr. Robot, Rami leaves next month and says he'll be gone for a two months max "I'm going to miss you" I say he doesn't know how much I will miss him for a whole month now we haven't gone three days without meeting up and hugging and kissing god what am I going to do? "I know I'll miss you too, but we can skype and text and call every day" "I know but it's fine we finally get some time away from each other" I joke Rami chuckles at my attempt to lighten the mood "yeah we need that". 

     After dinner, we wash the dishes together and go to my living/book room and sit on the couch, "oh I almost forgot I say as I run to the fridge and get two beers" I walk back to the living room and sit beside Rami once again "I promised that we would drink tonight and I always keep my promises" I say as I hold up the beers "but we've already finished two bottles of whine" Rami states "well my friend you obviously haven't been around us Newfoundlanders before have you? When we say were going to drink tonight, we mean were going to drink" I inform Rami and laugh two bottles of wine humph you mean two bottles of water. 

    "Whatever you say babe what beer do you have?" Rami questions " I have Corona and Molson Canadian" I tell him "I'll have the Corona I don't like the other stuff" he tells me "ahh it's to strong for you is it?" I tease him "yeah it is actually is there a problem?" "no everything all good" I chuckle and give him his bottle "wheres the opener?" he ask me "ohhh babe you dont need one" I take the bottle from him and line the lid with the edge of the table, I hit the bottle from the top and the lip comes flying of and I do it again for my bottle. "How do you do that?" Rami asked amazed "Well Rami not only am I Newfie i'm also carribian, and when us West Indies don't have something they improvise" I tell him, gloating about  my herritage. 

     Rami chuckles and says "your special Clair", after a few more beers i'm finally getting a little tipsy and Rami he's doing pretty good definetly tipsy. "Hey clair" Rami stands up and turns off the music "yeah Ram" you call him a nickname your fuzzed mind came up with "I havent herd you sinig yet, come sing for me" he tells you "I will sing only if you dance with me, hold on im going to make myself something stronger, do you want one? yeah you do" I answer my own question "fine I'll dance with you but I don't need the drink I have to drive home" Rami tells me "Oh don't worry you can stay here " I tell him as I pull out the vodka orange juice and grenidiane. I pour the juice and achohol into two glasses then add the sweet red syrup, I add  straws to the glasses and walk back to Rami.

  "Here ya go" I sip on the drink then rest it on the table "I believe I am owed a dance" I hold out my hands and start singing Fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra, If you havent noticed he is my favourie artist.  Rami pulls me into him as we sway together to the romantic music I am singing, At the last chorius I hear Rami humming along and when I get to the line "baby kiss me" he lifts my chin from his shoulder with his index finger and brings our lips together.

    I think the kiss was supposed to be sweet and gentil but in our drunken state it is anything but that, as the kiss continues to get deeper and deeper I feel Rami push me to the couch and lay ontop of me. Rami runs his tounge over my lips demanding an entrance but I decline and sit up still connected to Rami, I flip us over so I'm straddling Rami instead, he lets out a low growl indecating he likes the moves I've played. I bit his lip as my way of demanding entrance and I'm granted right away I can feel him smile through the kiss, I play with his hair and pull it back so we both can get a breath of air before we attack each other again.  

    I undo Rami's bow tie and start to unbutton his shirt but he grabs my hands and breaks the kiss both ofnus panting because of the moment we just had "we're drunk we have to stop before we do something we regreat" he says inbetween breaths. "yeah yeah ok" I agree though I wish he didnt stop wondering what would happen if we didnt, I look over at the clock in the middle of a book shelf 1:36 AM I chug the rest of my drink. "Lets just go to bed" I say and Rami nodds still panting I hold his hand and walk to my room. 

    "I cant get the zipper" I slur and he comes and pulls it down I step out on my dress and walk to my bed and get under my covers. I normally just wear my panties to bed but since Rami is here I left my bra on. I feel Rami slip under the covers and I cuddle into him, using his head as a pillow and resting my leg on his. "Good night babe" I say "good night" I hear before I drift off.             

Hey thanks for reading please comment and tell me how you think im doing and what you would like to see happen in future chapters. And before you guys bash me for my comment about Newfies and West Indians, both Newfoundland and Greneda (an island in the carribian) are my background and I was justusing these stereotypes as a joke and I mean no harm from any of these commets. 

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