chapter 29

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"Are you ready for tonight?" I ask Rami I see him shake his head through the computer screen, we are Facetiming "I can't believe I'm even nominated for an EMMY" He says "I can your amazing and the show is unbelievable" I give him my support. "I wish you were here," Rami tells me " me too but can't go against doctors orders," I say, the doctor say that I'm too far along in the pregnancy to go on an airplane, she said that going on a plane ride could put the babies in distress and cause an early birth and we don't want that I'm only seven months.

"I know, I know" he sighs "hey at least you get to spend some time with your cousin," I think out loud "that's true, she's really excited to go you should have seen her when they brought the dresses for her to pick, she was way worse than you " we both laughed "shit" I say as I watch my computer slide off my stomach "what was that are you okay?" Rami ask "yeah the babies were moving I guess they were under the laptop so it slid off" I explain and pick up the laptop from the ground. "These kids are driving me crazy, they just like to beat me up; from the inside, one of them has their foot in my ribs the other is sitting on my bladder" I complain.

"I know it sucks but only a few more weeks then there out" Rami tries to show me the bright side, "yeah I know, god I just want them out" I complain even more "soon baby soon" Rami smiles, I hear someone call Ram's name from the background "I gotta go babe, I'll talk to you if not tonight in the morning, love you" he says "love you too, see you later" I say and we both hang up.


"Congrats babe, I'm so proud of you" I smile at Ram through the computer screen "yeah this is crazy, I won and EMMY!" Ram exclaims and laughs "I can't believe it" "oh babe this is amazing" I smile. "How was the after party?" I ask "it was awesome, we both celebrated a little too hard but it was amazing" Rami laughs "I am just so proud of you babe this year has been amazing for you" I smile and he nods his head "with the show getting so big and continuing to grow, and you staring in the movie, us" I smile and rub the part of my stomach that isn't covered by my MacBook.

"Yeah, and it's only going to get better" I smile at what Ram says "so when are you coming home? I want to celebrate too" I joke with him "in a week I have like one day of press then mom wants to spend some time with me," Rami tells me his schedule. "That's good spend some time with her before the only time you see her is when she wants the kids" I joke Ram chuckles and shakes his head "how are those kids doing today?" Rami ask me "they are really annoying, Someone's foot in on my rib and someone is using my bladder as a trampoline and they just wouldn't let me sleep so I'm really tired. Oh I saw them roll over a little while ago, I saw the shoulder, arm, leg and foot all pressed up on my stomach and move around it was so weird. I took a video, I'll send it to you."

"Hey I was thinking, we never really talk about names," I mention "these babies are going to need names" "yeah I talked to my mom about that actually she was saying how she want at least one to have an Egyptian name" Rami says. "Okay well, I really don't know any" I tell him "I could talk to mom, she can give some suggestions" Ram offers "Rami," I tell him "what?" "no why don't we name him Rami, have a little Junior running around. And I know your mom would like the name because she's the one that picked it out" I explain "really?" Ram's face lights up with the thought of having a Rami junior, I shake my head I can see tears forming in his eyes.

"Yeah, we can call him Rami and find a nickname for you or we can call him RJ or just Junior, and you can choose his middle name," I say and Rami shakes his head with a big grin. "What about the girl's name?" Rami questions "well I've always liked this particular name since I was a little girl, it's very unique name and definitely not popular" I start to suggest the name that I always dreamed of my daughter having "what is it?" Rami consciously ask me. "Athena Gray. I know it's a little weird but her first name would just be Athena Gray as her middle" I try and persuade him. Rami is quiet, processing the name I can see him mouthing the word "I like it" he finally says "we can be a family of odd names, two Rami's, an Athena and a Clairissa" Rami smiles.

"There we have it we have the names of our kids. Our children have names." I smile at Rami through the computer screen.                                              

Baby Kiss Me (Rami Malek Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें