chapter 24

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"Clair I look stupid" Rami comes out of the bathroom looking down at his outfit for the gender reveal he's in all white, his button up shirt his pant and chucks even his belt.  "Rami you look fine," I say and button up his last button, I'm in all white too I'm wearing an all white half sleeve maxi dress and flats, the only color is my nails one hand is pink and the other is blue. In one hour we are going to find out the genders of our babies, I am so excited because once you know the gender you can start shopping! 

"Do we have any pickles left?" I shout as I walk towards the kitchen, I have this craving for a snack I use to eat when I was a kid, Pickles and peanut butter. "No, you ate them all last night" Rami shouts back "we have to buy some on our way home" I shout back "are you ready to go? If we don't leave soon we're going to be late" I say as I sit on the couch, I am so tired I barely get any sleep I can never get comfortable and I'm tossing and turning all night and if I do get any sleep it not long enough because I have to get up to pee or go to work.  "Okay, let's go" Rami walks into the living room and helps me off the couch. 

"So here are the balloons" Cam hand a giant black balloon to Rami then one to me "okay so when your ready pop your balloon at the same time and when it pop's pink or blue dust, I don't know what it's called, will come out and then you will know the sex of the baby" Cam explains "Cam I love you but I know what I'm doing. I'm the one that came up with the idea so I know what to do" I give her a hug  "well if you know what to do then go do it" she shoves us toward our tree and hold her phone up giving us a thumbs up. "One... two...three!!" I shout and Rami and I pop the balloons.

The dust tickles my nose as it falls on my clothes I look down, pink! I'm having a girl! I smile and look at Rami and he's covered in blue dust, "a boy" I whisper "a girl" Rami says and pulls me into a hug and gives me a kiss. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Cam yells and tackles us into a hug, "OH MY GOD!!! you guys you're having both!!!!" she exclaims she pulls me away from Rami and gets on her knees and rubs my belly "hey guys it's your aunty, Cam, oh I'm so excited to meet you. Oh, I'm going to spoil you two rotten. I will take you to however many games you want and I will be at every one of your recitals" she rubs it once more and stands up "well I have to go now David and I have an appointment with our wedding planner".


"Babe I just got off the phone with the team" Rami sits beside me and kisses my cheek, I put my book down and look at him "what do they want now?" Rami puts his hand on my stomach and moves it in a circle. "They want us to go to TIFF" Rami tells me I shift my body with difficulty, to look at him "so they want us to go public, I mean with the babies" I looked at him shocked "I guess, I mean we can't hide them forever" I smile at him "I don't know, you know how private I am, I really don't want everyone in our business," Rami says and leans his head on my shoulder. 

"Well, it's up to you. People are going to find out one way or another and if you would rather wait then, we can wait." I say, honestly, I've just been so stressed lately that I don't really care. I mean I love these kids and I Rami but there's so much other stuff that's on my mind this is the last thing I'm worrying about. "Okay, so were going to wait?" "yes were going to wait" I reply to Ram

Out of the blue, I get a thought "Hey, why don't you move in. You're here every day, most of your clothes are here, half of your stuff is here why don't you officially move in, instead of going to get more stuff once a week." I offer "yeah if you want, it makes sense especially with the babies coming soon and it's just intel we find a bigger place" Rami smiles at me "I'll get the rest of my stuff this week" I peck Rami on the lips "let's go to bed" I whisper and walk to my I mean our room.                              

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