Chapter 22

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  "Yeah everything is all good with the babies, it's like you said you are two months along, close to finishing your first trimester," the middle-aged woman says as she wipes the jelly off my stomach, I sit up and pull my shirt down "thank you so much" I shake her hand "no we're not done yet" the doctor stops me "we still have to do an internal test" she informs me. "What is that?" I question, "well during this test I stick the wand inside you, to check for any problems with your cervix and also to check if anything that shouldn't be there is there".

   I nod my head and unbutton my jeans, I hand them to Rami and look at him with pure horror. "Would you like him to stay or wait in the lobby?" the dark haired woman asked as she puts a condom on the wand, a very long wand "no he can stay" I grab my boyfriend's hand and squeeze it when she inserts the wand. I look at him with eyes wide in pure discomfort, and he looks at me with pure shock. "Everything seems to be good," Dr. Willis says as she comes out from between my legs. "Okay, so your due date is around September fourth. You can pick up your pictures at the front from Martha, and schedule your next appointment for around month five. Well, it was nice meeting you" the doctor shakes both mine and Rami's hand and walks out the room closing door.             

 "That we got to see our children for the first time," Rami says as I button up my pants "yeah it was wasn't it?" I wrap my arms around Rami's neck "my favourite part was when she shoved a magic stick up my vagina" I joke and peck him on the mouth "yeah, I didn't enjoy watching that" Rami pulls me into a passionate kiss "let's get home, we have to tell Sam and Cam about their godchildren" I peck Ram one more time and walk out of the room.        


"Rami I didn't know you could cook," my sister says rubbing her stomach we all laughed as we sat in the book room after dinner  "yeah I like cooking during my free time" he answers "Rami so what was this big announcement you call us over for?"Sami ask, Sami doesn't even know that I'm pregnant. "Well Sam we asked you over here to discuss some serious, life changing events that are going to be coming up very soon" Rami answers being very vague "okay so what is?" Cameron asks "well I'm... pregnant," I say watching Sami's reaction, he goes from normal to confuse, to surprised to happy and excited in 3 seconds "OH MY GOD!!! Guys that amazing! congratulations!" he jumps up and pulls me into a hug then let's go and gives Rami one.

    "I already knew that" Cameron says in her dohh voice, "that's not all" I say Sami and Cam look at us confused "it's twins" Rami shares the news Cam jumps up and screams "OH MY GOD TWO OF THEM!!! oh my god two of them" Cam gets hit with realisation and it looks like the hit was hard "two babies" Cam pulls me in a hug and when she pulls away she whispers "good luck".  I laugh and "we had an ultrasound today let me get your pictures" I walk into my room and get grab the envelope with the first pictures of my children. As I walk down the hall I hear Sam and Ram's conversation "we were so bad, do you remember?" Sami laughs "I know what about that time when we would sneak out and one would stay behind" Rami laughs "yeah and we would pretend to be both of us. I'd come out of the room dressed how I would dress talking how I would talk, then go to my room change dressed as you and trick mom" Sami says and all three of them start to laugh. 

Is that what I have to look forward to, being tricked and teased by my own children. Am I going to be a good mom? or am I just going to screw them up? Probably oh god, I think I'm going to be sick, I dash to the bathroom and empty my stomach into the toilet. I sit bak and lean my head against the wall, I don't think I'm ready to be a mom what if I hurt them, or if I fuck them up? What would happen if my children become murderers? Oh, what will I do? 

"Clair you okay?" I look up and see Cam with a sad look on her face "you don't look so good", I shake my head no and hold out my arms for a hug. Cam walks toward me and slides down the wall "what's up little sister?" she asks as she pulls me into a hug "I'm scared" I whisper and hide my face in her shoulder "that's okay, babe you're supposed to be scared" she kisses my head "I wanted to go home, when I first met Rami I was looking for a place in Ontario, I wanted to go home. Now I can't, I can't do that to Rami"  I spill my secret to my sister "well you still can go home, just talk to Ram about it. I know he wants you to be happy and I know he loves you and these babies" she put a hand on my stomach and rubs it.

"I don't know if I'm prepared to be a mom" I look up and feel a tear run down my face Cam wipes it with her thumb and gives me a kiss on my cheek, "that's the thing bub, no one is prepared to be a parent. No matter how many parenting books you read and classes you take, no matter how much you safety proof your house and all the toys you buy you will never be prepared. Every child is different and no matter how much you try you can't change them. And I know that's scary and I'm scared for you but you take it day by day and take all the help you get and make the best out of every situation" Cameron look me right in the eyes as she says this and makes me smile.

"I love you. I don't know what I would do without you" I pull my sister into a tight hug and sigh "I guess we have to go back out there don't we?" I question my sister she nods her head "but first, you have to brush your teeth you got serious breath" she helps me up and waits for me. We walk into the room to see Rami and Sami laughing "sorry I took so long I wasn't feeling too well" I say and sit beside Rami "you okay?" Ram looks at me with a worried look I shake my head yes "Sam Cam I got you pictures" I hold up the envelope "YAY!! I bet there so cute" I laugh and "of course they are there my kids" I laugh and hand my children's Aunt and Uncle the ultrasound pictures.

"They are beautiful little aliens, Clair" Sami smiles "well they are your beautiful little god-aliens," I say and Sami jumps up "really?? Oh my god that's amazing" he jumps up and pulls Rami and I into a group hug. I see Cam standing in the corner and I say "bring it in godmamma" she screams and attacks us almost making us fall.                     

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