chapter 13

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   "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" my alarm goes off waking me from My sleep, I turn it off and pull my phone off the charger 6:00 AM I read from the screen time to get up, as I get up quietly trying not to wake Rami I trip over my purse and land with a loud thud. I see Rami jump from his sleep and look around "Ow" I say Rami looks down and sees me holding my head "are you okay babe?" Rami ask me "I," I say as I pull my hand away from my head and see blood, I turn around and see that I landed on my stilettos . "Oh my god" Rami yells as he runs to my side "here let me help you up" he tries to help me stand but I get dizzy and fall into his arms "get me a shirt, I gotta go to the hospital," I say  Rami help me put on an old stretched out t-shirt and runs to get himself dressed then helps me to the door, he sits me on the white bench beside the door and slips my feet into my Nike black slippers.     

     Rami holds me up as we walk to the elevator "did you get my phone I have to call work. Oh shit today is my first choir practice" Rami turns both of us toward my door and starts walking. When we have everything from the apartment we get on the elevator and press the main floor button. Rami leans me against the wall to call someone from his phone but I fall when the elevator starts moving and bang my head hard against the wall"Yeah I can't come in today I'm taking my girlfriend to the emergency room Oh shit Clair!!! I heard but everything turned black. 


    "Rami she's going to be fine the doctor said it's nothing serious" I heard an unfamiliar voice say "yeah but he cant be sure for until she wakes up" I know who that is that's my boyfriend, I try to open my eyes but it's to bright so i close them again "uuuuggggggghhhhh" I moan "turn the lights off" I rest my arm over my eyes "Oh good babe your up" Rami says and takes my hand "how long have I been out?" I question "Just a few hours. Sam go get the doctor" I here him say "who's here?" I question Rami as I sit up and slowly open my eyes "Cameron, David and my brother Sami, Cameron just went to get some food" Rami tells me, oh god I'm meeting him for the first time and I'm in the hospital and I havent even brushed my teeth I probably look terrible.

   "Clairissa good afternoon I'm Doctor. Miller"the Doctor shakes my hand "well it looks like you took quite a spill this morning, you had to have seven stiches at the back of you head but from the test we were able to take you seem fine. We have to take a couple more just to make sure there is no brain damage but from what I can tell you are fine." The doctor informs me on my condition as he checks my vitals, just as he finished my sister walks in "OH Clair!! good your awake! you had us all freaked out" my sister hugs me "okay well I have to take Clairissa for some test but she'll be back in about an hour" Dr. Miller says as he calls a nurse to help me walk, I'm still a bit dizzy. 

  "Well Miss. Walker everything seems fine but you do have to stay over night, It's just a protocall with all head injuries. You'll probably be released around 11 AM tomorrow morning" the doctor tells me "visiting hours are untill ten thirty and start at nine AM and only one person can stay the night since it's ten now I'll give you guys till elevan but don't tell anyone" Dr. Miller walks out of my room closing the door as he goes. "Cam can you go and get me some clothes to sleep in and some for me to go home in?" I ask my sister "yeah, love you" she says as she hugs me and leaves with david, "Me too Sam?" Rami ask his brother "what Rami it's okay you dont have to stay with me" I grab his hand "yes I do, I'm your boyfriend and I love you" Rami looks me straight in the eyes as he says that "I love you too" I whisper and I kiss him "Aaaawwww" I here both Sami and my roommat say.

    We all laugh "I'll be back" Sami says as he walks out the door. "You too are so cute" the middle aged women say, I have no clue what she's in here for but I think she had surgery earlier today. "Thank you" Rami and I say at the same time.

     Later that night while my room mate Carla snoors away and Rami's curled up in the chair beside me I think back on whats happened in the past few month, I've met the man I loved and I couldn't be happier. "Pssst, Pssst Rami" I kick my boyfriend in the leg so he wakes up "what, whats wrong" I put my finger to my lips and tiptoe to the curtian that seperates Carla and I. I place my heart monoter on Carlas hand and walk back to Rami who looks very confused. "What are you doing?" Rami ask but I kiss him to shut him up "you know we didn't get to finish what we started last night" I kiss him again and bring him to to the bed "Clair we can't not here. In the hospital, with someone right beside us and your head" I kiss him again and pull him so he's ontop of me "baby kiss me" I whisper.                 

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