chapter 16

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  "So if you could just talk to Rami about this whole situation that would be great" Rami's publicist tells me "oh I will, well thank you for telling me by now," I say as I hang up the phone. So apparently Rami is going to a premiere for one of his friend's new movie next week and his team want us to go public for the first time there but Rami is refusing to agree. This wouldn't be a problem if Rami would have talked to me when this conversation started in the first place a month ago. But now it being a week away and the team and Rami still fighting the team had to resort to calling me. I don't know who or what I'm more pissed at like the fact that the team and Rami are fighting about something as stupid as me, Rami not telling me about the whole situation or me now having to take time out of my only break to deal with this foolishness. 

   I dial Rami's number and wait for him to answer "hey babe, how are you?" Rami answers "I'm fine Rami" I breathe out "hey what's wrong?" Rami hears the annoyance in my voice "well I just got off the phone with your publicist. first of all, where did he get my work number?  he called the school and I had to stop teaching to answer his stupid call" I say anger dripping from my voice "oh what did he say?" I shove a fork full of salad in my mouth while he speaks "well he told me that you don't want to go public with me even though we've been together close to six months now and that you have the whole team fighting and picking sides. and you know what even though it's stupid and childish I didn't but when I found out that this has been happening for over a month now I got pissed." I say as I get up to throw my trash away.

    "Now Rami I don't give a shit about this petty fight but the fact that you guys are taking it this far because of me is pissing me off. Rami all you had to do was talk to me when they brought it and we could have figured this out together we're in this relationship together we figure things out together" I tell him, there's no reason for him to think that he has to do this all by himself. "Clair you don't understand." Rami tries to tell me "your right Rami I don't understand so tell me, explain to me why you don't want us to go public. Maybe if you did this in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation" I try to explain this to Rami but I'm left with silence on the other end. "ClAIR!! you have never been in the media you won't understand dammit. Why can't you just leave it alone" Rami yells "you know what Rami I will leave it alone, I'll one up it  I'll  leave you alone to" I hang up the phone and walk into the chaos that is my class.           


I cuddle to my big sister's side and we share a tube of  vodka flavoured chocolate ice cream, "I don't know why he wouldn't just talk to me about it, I don't even care if we go public or not I just wanted him to know that he's not alone in the relationship and he can't just make all the decisions that we have to do it as a team" I tell Cam and blow my nose in a tissue "hello Mark it's Cam, Nah Clair's on the couch crying" I grab the phone from my sister to stop her from getting my whole family against Rami and having them do something to him "Uncle Mark hey how you doing" I say trying to sound cheery "what's wrong why you crying? Did that little bitch do something to you?" my Uncle freaks out  "NO no I'm fine I'm crying cuz I haven't been feeling good lately and today I fell and hurt my back" I tell him not lying but not telling the truth "oh ok well I hope you feel better. Make sure that string bean messages your back. when does he come back from that tour" "Oh I will, he comes home next Sunday," I tell my uncle.   

After I hang up the phone I put a movie on but fall asleep half way through the movie. "RING RING RING" my phone wakes me up, I answer it without checking the caller ID "hello" "Clair sorry to call so late but I just wanted to thank you for what you did" Rami's publicist is a little too cheery for 12:56 in the morning  "what did I do?" I ask "well I don't know what you said or did but Rami has agreed to go public with you" "he has?" I ask "Yes, so I'll email you all the information tomorrow. Good night". "This little shit," I say out loud waking my sister up by accident.

"What's wrong" Cameron groggily ask as she rubs her eyes "Rami's publicist just called me and told me that Rami's allowed us to go public" "God he's such an ass whole. Wait tell I call him tomorrow" I say "but now I just want to sleep" I cuddle back with my sister and fall asleep.        

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