chapter 30

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"Hey I think I want to spend a couple extra more days with mom, I haven't seen her in awhile and.." Rami tells me over the phone "awwww does mommas boy miss his mommy?" I coo making fun "shut up" he whines, I laugh at his baby voice "that's cool stay as long as you need," I say even though I'm a little disappointed I really was looking forward to seeing him tomorrow and celebrate his EMMY. "Yeah maybe two or three more days," he says I nod even though he can't see it, I take a sharp breath as I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. "Babe you okay?" Rami asks with concern "yeah I've been getting those Braxton hicks again, it started yesterday" I say as the "contraction" finishes "aww I'm sorry babe I thought you were finished with those" Rami says.

"Yeah me too but I guess not. Hey,I was reading an article yesterday and it was saying how you should wait up to ten minutes to cut the umbilical cord. It said how when the baby is born the placenta is still giving nutrients to the baby and when you immediately cut the cord it stops the process, so you should wait ten minutes or until the placenta stops pumping or throbbing to cut the cord" I tell Rami for two reasons, one to distract him so he doesn't try and convince to take a day off work and two because I actually want to do this,

"Oh that's cool," Rami says I can tell by his voice that he's uncomfortable, "yeah so do you want to do that?" I question him "I do, I mean why should we not provide our children with nutrients they need?" I add "yeah sure let's do it if you really want to," Rami says probably just so we can end this conversation. "But babe seriously stay home from work tomorrow, It's the first time you've gotten those things in weeks so give your body a little time to rest and handle it without being stressed about the students" Rami actually convinces me to stay home "I guess, I'll go tell the secretary's now. I'll call you later tonight" I say and hang up I get up from my desk and waddle to the office down the hallway from my class room, all the kids are gone and the secretary should be leaving any minute now so I speed waddle. I have to stop half way there because I feel another hick also because that's the fastest I've moved in months and I need to catch my breath.

Leaning against the wall holding my huge stomach in pain I must look like a mess, "Oh Clair are you okay?" I feel someone grab my waist and help me stand straight "yeah I'm fine just one of those Braxton Hicks" I play the pain off and look up "Oh Mary just who I was looking for" I smile as I realise the one who came to my rescue is the one I needed to see the most. "I was just coming to tell you that I can't make it tomorrow as you can see these hicks are killing me and I just need a day to rest" I smile at the kind old lady "yeah sure but, are you sure these aren't the real ones?" she questions me, I never thought of it but no that can't be it I'm only seven months normally twin are born at eight months the earliest. "Oh no don't be silly I'm only seven months, I still have a couple more months of freedom plus your supposed to have hicks a couple weeks before you give birth." I reason with the woman, I am not ready to have these babies.

"Hey Cam, can you stay with me tonight?" I ask my sister as I open the door to my baby crazy apartment, "yeah why?" she asks back "I don't know, one of my coworkers freaked me out today so I just want someone to be with me" I admit as I run to the bathroom to pee for like the fifth time this hour "okay I'll be there after work, see you later" Cam tells me and hangs up the phone. Okay so Mary got me a little freaked out saying that these might be real contractions but they can't be, just in case I'm going to have Cam stay with me till Ram comes home.


"Why don't you try to sleep that will help" Cam helps me to my bed and tucks me in "Clair are you sure we shouldn't go to the hospital?" she ask "cuz those seem really bad" "I already told you no. they aren't real, the only thing the doctor will do is tell me to go home and rest so there's no point." I say and cuddle into my body pillow "what time is it?" I ask "it's ten forty-five, good night, I'll be in the living room if you need me," Cam says as she walks out of the room. "Siri what's the number for the nur...."I don't here the rest of her question before I'm asleep.

"What the hell?" I say as I wake up I feel a really weird pressure "I think I have to poop" I say out loud I waddle to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. After a minute of sitting, I realise that this is not normal I don't know what possesses me but I bring my hand in between my legs and feel. "HOLY SHIT!!!! CAAAMMM!!!!" I yell as I feel a contraction, a real contraction "what, what what's wrong!?!?" Cam comes rushing in "help me to the bedroom" I hold out my hands she helps me up then to the room, I pull down my pants and squat holding onto the bed. "Cam I felt the head I have to push" I try and calmly say but you can hear the terror in my voice.

"Oh my god oh my god, oh my god, I have to call Rami," Cam says and pulls out my computer "don't do anything Rami has to see this" after the third time trying to call Rami answers the facetime call "hey... OH MY GOD WHATS GOING ON!?!?!" Rami yells as he sees what I am doing. "Cam call Marissa, I'll call an ambulance" Rami say after he snaps out of shock, "I called the nurses hotline earlier they told me what to do and what I need. I already have them here, Clair push with every contraction" Cam says.

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