chapter 21

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    I walk into the classroom and see my student teacher Eric Hemm getting the room ready for the day,"wow are you okay" he says looking me up and down I'm wearing black leggings with one of Rami's baggy blue button-up shirts and sneakers. I have my hair in a messy bun  and no makeup which I never do I never dress this way, I always dress professional but today I just wasn't feeling it. I barely got any sleep and when I did fall asleep I only slept for like an hour and because I'm pregnant I can't have any coffee I can't have any caffeine. 

  "I really shouldn't tell you this cuz it's too early but I'm pregnant.. with twins," I tell Mr. Hemm "Oh my gosh congratulations!!" he squeals and pulls me into a hug "how far along are you" he ask as he stares at my still small stomach "I'm two months" I yawn "I thought you're not supposed to sleep cuz you are too uncomfortable later on in the pregnancy not now" I complain and rest my head on my desk, "how about I take today, I was supposed to start teaching tomorrow but I can start early" Eric offers "oh thank you your a doll, just send the ones that don't listen to me and when they start workingI'll take the students that need extra help" I agree with his offer but with my own conditions.  

"DING DING DONG" the bell goes off indicating the school day has started "I'll get them and do attendance and everything then after our good morning song you can start" I stand up and walk to the door. "Good Morning my lovelies" I put on my fake cheerful voice and welcome the class in "today is going to be very special" I continue, here we go.


    I stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom holding up my shirt staring at my stomach, am I really ready to become a parent? Am I really ready for twins? For birth? Am I going to do a good job?  I mean I don't want to fuck up my kids. I turn to the side and look at my stomach no bump yet, I'm going to get huge! "you, my love are so beautiful and so special" Rami breaks my train of thought he leans on the doorway and smiles at me "Rami I don't know how you're going to do it" "do what?" he pulls me into a hug "I don't know how you're going to handle me and all my craziness and then two babies" I tell him he laughs and says "I'm just going to take it day by day." Rami puts his forehead to mine "will you sing to me?" "only if you dance with me" I reply. 

     He  walks us to the living room and I turn on the stereo I put on fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra. I put my arms around Rami's neck and Rami puts his hands around my waist I sing along with Frank until the song is over, we dance to the other songs on the playlist in silence. "Clair, we should move in together" Rami suggest "yeah but not at your place you live with your brother," I tell him "okay well your place is too small for four people" that's true my one bedroom studio apartment barely has enough space for me nevermind Rami, the twins and me.    

  "Ram, we have to tell everyone"I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to sway, "before Cam tells them" I laugh "yeah does this mean that there is going to be another party?" Rami questions "god no, we'll just group chat them and tell them. Well, my family at least we can tell your brother later and tell your mom and sister however you want to." I tell him "she's old school, well send her an ultrasound picture in the mail with a little note on the back and wait for her to call" "Rami that's not special wy don't we make a video and send it to them" I look up to Rami.

   "Yeah, we can make a video. We zoom into the ultrasound picture then slowly zoom out and then there's a chalk board saying "Malek Twins due" whenever they're due. We should do it when I start to show oh Ram that's so cute" I smile proud of my idea. "well how long till you show?" Rami puts a hand on my stomach and smiles "I'm two months now so I should start to show maybe next month, you start showing sooner when you have twins" I say and sit down.        

"I gotta start working out again" I complain "no you don't your body is beautiful and you're not getting fat your just pregnant with twins. Plus is that even safe for you and the babies?" Rami is so cute, "babe I know and it's completely safe as long as I don't do hard core stuff. Working out while pregnant is supposed to help your body relax and sleep, it helps for when you're in labour dealing with contractions and pushing, also helps your body after birth" I tell him what I read earlier "oh my god you're going to give birth" it looks like realisation hit Rami in the face really hard, his eyes are wide and his mouth is open. "Don't remind me" I whine and hide my face in his shoulders "I watch a birth video during my break, you have to watch one" I jump up and get my laptop and sit back down "oh no it's okay I don't want to" Rami pleads, I ignore him and pull the videos up.     

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