chapter 19

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   I get up to pee for the fifth time this morning, "so what are we going to do?" I ask as I sit on the toilet "you can't have a baby right now your career is just taking off could you imagine the set back a kid is going to give, and I don't know if I'm ready to a mother," I tell Rami "You are amazing with children Clair for fuck sakes you're a teacher. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father, I mean I don't care about it setting back my career, okay I do but the only experience with kids that I have is that party at you families house" I flush the toilet and wash my hands. "Well all were talking about right now is all the negatives, do you even want a baby? I mean we haven't even talked about that yet we didn't talk about our future goals or anything" I walk out of the bathroom "hell we've only been dating for six and a half months".

 "Yeah, of course, I want this baby I mean sure we've only been dating for a short time but I love you and you love me. Do you want the baby?" Rami questions me, I stand in front of him and say "of course I want this baby, why wouldn't I want it this baby is half you. I love you so much I want all of you" I say Rami pulls me closer and lifts up my shirt "does that mean we are having this baby?" he questions I nod my head yes and squeal he pulls me as close as I could get and kisses my stomach. He stands up and pulls me into a tight hug and spins me around "we are going to be parents, I'm going to be a father, you're going to be a mother, my baby is is your stomach, I did that to you" Rami smiles to himself, proud that he can get a girl pregnant. 

"what do we do now?" Rami ask "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" someone knocks on our door "come in" I yell at the door, in walks Carly Portia and Christian "hey guys," Rami says "hey" I chirp in Carly and Portia stand awkwardly in front of the bed while Christian sit comfortably, "Clair I haven't seen you in a while hows it been?" Christian say "it's good it's been good. lots of change" I say and the girls giggle "I heard you two are going public tomorrow at the premiere" "yep" Rami says. Carly and Portia whisper to each other in the back which makes us all look at them, I clean my throat "sorry we  were just talking about what's in the tabloids this morning." We all look at the girls waiting for them to tell us the news "Ummm just Rami coming out of Walgreens with a plastic bag. and when they zoomed  in on the bag we saw what was in the bags"Portia says.

 "So are you?" Carly questions "go look in the bathroom I say and the girls run to the bathroom and scream. "So what was in the bag?" Christian ask oblivious to the situation we're in ask Rami's eyes grew big and he started to pace "now everyone is going to think you're. Know you're. uugghh I didn't want people to know yet, I mean we're just going to come out tomorrow" Rami places his hands on his face and sighs. The girls come out holding a  few of the test and engulf Rami in a hug, "wait, Clair you're pregnant? oh my god congratulations" Christian says while looking at what's in the girl's hands and hugs me. 

  "RING RING RING" I answer my phone "Clairissa what aren't you telling me?" Cameron demands "what do you mean?" I play dumb "you know I have a notification for whenever Rami's in the news," Cameron tells me this new piece of information "oh I did not know that" I tell her. "So am I going to be an AUNTY OR NO!!!!!" she yells so loud that everyone looks at me "yeah," I say and she screams at the top of her lungs "David she's PREGNANT!!!  before us!!" I laugh and tell her that I have to go. "Rami we have interviews starting at 3 PM so be ready," Christian says as he walks out the door, I look at the clock and see that it's 11:30 AM "Ram go start getting ready, girls you go get ready too. You all have you makeup artist coming soon so get going" I tell them and escort them to the door. 

Rami gives me a kiss and cuddles with me on the bed "what are you guys going to do while I'm away?" Rami places his hand on my stomach "we are going to sleep and call set up an appointment with the doctor and do some research" I tell Rami. "Can you believe that you are growing a human. You have a baby right there" he points to my lower stomach. "Can you believe that we made this human, both of us together put him or her inside of me?" I tell him. "You wanna relive those moments before I go to work?" Rami jokes but with my hormones all out of wack you don't joke about sex with me.                                      

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